r/SneerClub archives


Yeah this is underwhelming
Indeed! And I am quite relieved actually! It seems that at least from some of the most vile far-right places they don't link much to SSC, some of them are just vaguely aware of its existence. I'm pretty glad to see this!
You gotta click through to see the discussions. This is just a keyword search

Your link 504s on me - care to describe the content, or is it my connection?

Unicorn Riot obtained the leaked transcripts of several discord servers used by the most violent American white supremacist groups - the ones that planned the Charlottesville rally, the ones that planned various shootings/bombings/etc. Good old Scoots Alexander and slatestarcodex is referenced - in detail - in the leaks. Including his book reviews, the red tribe/blue tribe stuff. Discussions of his thinking, etc. (Unicorn Riot is always under attack from these sorts of G A M E R S so just give it a few and try again.)
~~Good~~ no not good it sucks, to see (Well, not literally yet, getting a 522 error) confirmed what I always noticed the shadows on the wall off. I'm sure Scott will do things with this /s. (Same for Jorp of course). E: removed remark which showed im an idiot. E2: well, sever is back up that was underwhelming, it doesn't go past people just dropping the link. So, yes this means my initial idea was wrong.

Jordan Peterson gets a lot of love, overcomingbias only gets 2 links, the other Scott gets nothing…

This link died.

Can we rehost it somewhere where a wider audience can see it?

its back


All housing is movable in a strong enough tornado.