r/SneerClub archives
The “Disagreeable contrarian“ hath logged in (https://i.redd.it/5lfm3mcte9b51.jpg)

do you think he knows disagreeable isn’t a synonym for contrarian

i thought he actually did mean that he’s low in the big five trait of agreeableness, i.e. is an insufferable asshole

Is that wig infecting his brain?

I’m just like black people. I’m a jerk to everyone and so they treat me poorly.

well hes right - he does get up until he goes to sleep.

disagreeing with me is ableism.

Disagreeing with me is [disagreeing with my black friends](https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1283843942346141697) by proxy.
ahahahahahahaha that fucks so hard.

you, an SJW, surrounded by a platoon of the same, pounding on the door of my house at 6 am: Hey, privileged contrarian! We’re gonna say you are things that you are absolutely not!

me, waking up in bed, to myself: If only there were a way to correct this, for it is in fact they who oppress me with their orthodox privilege

This, and every instance of “cancel culture” hand wringing, is what jocks call “working the refs”. I think the best tactic is to plow right through them while talking about Marx as much as possible.

Literally: >There’s some strategy to it. I’m the coach of a kids’ basketball team and Little League Teams. If you watch any great coach, what they try to do is “work the refs.” Maybe the ref will cut you a little slack next time. https://fair.org/uncategorized/conservatives-work-the-refs-chapter-eleventy-billion/

My favorite tweet in this thread:

And I just want to say thank you to the professional commentariat, the experts, the journalists, the economists, the professors, the politicians & SJWs who make a point of getting almost everything wrong every-single-day. You created the opportunity of a lifetime. I thank you 🙏

It feels so weird to be praising Yudkowsky for something, but he wrote an entire book arguing that even though the academic and professional consensus is generally correct, there are areas where it might be systematically wrong, and that this is a surprising claim that requires serious justification. One Twitter beef deep and Weinstein has turned this into “getting almost everything wrong every-single-day”.

The rationalist movement is truly ill-founded, in the sense of being an infinitely descending chain of wrongness.

i mean, so is reality

I don’t know this guy but this has to be a weird joke…right?

Nope! Believe it or not, he's sincere. This was part of a thread about how much he appreciates black genius, and how IQ tests are bullshit, using himself as an example. https://twitter.com/EricRWeinstein/status/1283483796822581249
hey, at least he recognizes the obvious facts that racism exist and that black ppl are not dum dums bcos iq says so
At least [Wintgenstein](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EdE9sHvXkAc5EGJ?format=jpg&name=900x900) has a joke for you.

So I’m neurodivergent as well, and while it is true that broader society rarely rewards the neurodiverse, and there is a lot of negative feedback from people… I still am not pulled over for the color of my skin!

It isn’t always great, but it could be SO MUCH WORSE. The stories from black autistics are heart breaking.

Exactly! Speaking of actual violence against neurodivergent people, where was this guy when Kamala Harris prosecuted a schizophrenic woman shot by SF police? Given how prevalent schizophrenia is in the homeless population, these self-styled thought crime martyrs are very much in line with the social Darwinist consequences of decisions made by establishment powers. If we're being honest, the Venn Diagram of tech workers who feel persecuted about their neurodivergence when showing pride in ignoring context, and the tech workers advocating eugenics, is a fucking circle.
Those positions are fully consistent, though? The time of the autist has been coming for generations, eugenics would just hasten things along by letting us designate neurotypicals for abortion.

This guy gets it /s.

E: him agreeing that black people suffer oppression is good however, just weird he has to make it about himself.

I wish people would see me as I pretend to be, but they keep seeing me as I am. Unfair!

I have met refugees whose families have been murdered by the government, and this guy has a bigger victim complex than those people.

Not SneerClub material

Leaving it up because people are already chatting in the comments

I’m curious to know why?
Yeah, this seems like prime sneer material to me. And it's the 11th highest scoring post of the past year, so the community clearly agrees.
The community can go fuck themselves for all I care
Hear hear!
Yeah maybe they don’t know Weinstein is big on rationalism twitter?
I don’t care if he’s big on there, he isn’t a card-carrier More of an IDW guy
He’s one of the most popular accounts that tweets out rationalism stuff and there is a ton of overlap between rationalism and idw. If he’s irrelevant than why is Pinker stuff on here all the time?
Pinker is a legacy on here, who cares about specific rules btw
All part of the extended rat universe
Good point less pinker stuff please.
IDW aren't sneer targets?
Not unless they’re associated with stuff like “rationalism”
That's fair. IMO basically everyone in the [Thiel orbit](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2011/11/28/no-death-no-taxes) is sufficiently adjacent. There's definitely worldview bleed. But it's not up to me, it's up to you.
It’s a case by case thing, I only fulminate about it when I’m in a bad mood or somebody’s obviously pushing it
Because it has nothing to do with the rationalism movement
> rationalism movement I think you need to expand the ambit of the sub then, the “rationalism movement” as it were has sublimated/splintered into different other factions like the IDW, the whiny “exiled” academics and the anti-“cancel culture warriors. idk your sub though
None of the headline IDW people were ever card-carrying “rationalists”, which movement originated in the OvercomingBias and LessWrong blogs/sites (and before that the separate but related Extropian movement)
Then expand your sub’s reach or create another sub to dunk on those clowns I guess
Why would I create another sub to handle an issue I don’t want to moderate a subreddit over What is the reasoning here

What is the obsession with comparing every divergent experience to the Black Experience (TM)? Why is it the gold standard for trying to garner sympathy points? Certain identifiers can make life difficult in very tangible ways that do not need to be compared to being black, and doing so is a quick way to lose any sort of credibility.

This has been the main problem of some of the IDW’s figureheads - they tend to play this on the Left’s terms; many ideas they introduce are simply a counter to whatever the Progressive/Woke Left believes as opposed to standing on their own footing. You then get instances such as these, wherein a talking head from a group that lambasts Oppression Olympics will say something like this.