r/SneerClub archives
How dare poor people want more money than necessary for literal survival (https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1284576755345354753?s=19)

what if we carved all emotions and empathy out from our brains and called them cognitive biases? we can call it rationalism. no shut up it’s not sociopathy that’s different

I call it Ineffective Egoism
I've always felt like emotions of some form or another are vital enough to thinking that trying to cut them out as an offence to rationality just ends up with irrational results as you just ignore good ideas as being too emotional.

“I always viewed minimum wage as [something that has no relationship to the minimum wage whatsoever]”

What the heck is up with this one?

Remember her tweet where the confessed to finally - in 2020! - realized trump was bad? Her excuse: my friends were too deranged for me to take seriously.

[She's actually against the minimum wage altogether](https://twitter.com/Aella_Girl/status/1284579284539981824)
Yes. Of course.
Damn how could the rationalist community permit for such low decoupling smh.

Yeah, stop buying avocado toast and coffee if you wanna be rich.

pUlL yOuR sElF uP bY yOuR bOoTsTrApS

You could create a bot that posts every Ⓐⓔⓛⓛⓐ tweet here and eventually everyone here would end up permanently looking like the subreddit icon.

An aside- Ⓨⓤⓓ shared an Ⓐⓔⓛⓛⓐ post on FB (I won’t share it because it has her real name) whining about how her favorite subreddits were deleted and how she felt like her “home was gone” and “fuck BLM, fuck SJWs, and fuck trans activists” (seriously)… and when someone called her out on it, she went full mask off, and started going off about how “black people commit more crime, so if you really care about black lives why don’t you stop black crime” and “the world would be better off without them” (idk if that referred to BLM or black people), and also that she’d sacrifice some 20 000 black people to bring back her favorite subs. Oh, and someone complained that the guy who said “maybe people’s lives are more important than a forum on an entertainment website” was being UNCHARITABLE.

So yeah, she’s not just into “asking uncomfortable questions”, she’s a racist POS.

Um why is she a member of /r/teenagers? Lady you have no business being there, you're in your mid-30s.
Probably trying to peddle her wares to an audience that's horny, male, and receptive. ...is that child grooming? /s, from the screenshots she's a racist, but she's *probably* not a pedophile.
you _could_ share a screenshot with names blurred
Screenshots [here](https://imgur.com/a/wVTRMhU)
If you want you can look at Big Yud's very public FB profile. It's one of his most recent posts.
It's not the one Yud quoted, click through to her profile and check the post right before
Direct quotes: "Fuck social justice warriors, fuck the mentality behind black lives matter, they're actively making the world a much worse place and I want to fight this and I don't know what to do." "I also don't even think there *is* significant racism in the justice system, at least not to the extent people are claiming." "black people commit more crime. presumably if they committed less crime they would be murdered by police at lower rates. If you really cared about black lives then where's your campaigning to reduce black crime?" [continuing with her comparison to hypothetical sweeping bans like banning boating to prevent drowning accidents] "how many people would you kill to let people enjoy rides on boats? if you frame it like that it seems unreasonable." "but generally at a *very* rough glance i think the change in culture that led to these subreddit bans is worth an increase of maybe ~10k US deaths a year" (a later comment mentions having edited the number down) [in response to a comment saying JK Rowling isn't oppressed] "that's such a reframe. Oppression only counts as oppression if you're in the correct class of identity, otherwise it's just 'loss of privilege'." Also one from Yud's quoted thread that left me in awe: "These people I'm seeing online aren't significantly political, but they're still contributing to the really bad stuff, they're still choosing to not buy the palettes of the beauty guru who made the last faux paus."
I'm not seeing that post on her page. What date was it posted? EDIT - Okay, I did actually see these quotes after checking from my computer rather than on mobile
Such an entitled toxic racist white trash lady.
~~Not seeing 90% of what youre describing~~ Never fucking mind, didnt realize it was a different post. Jesus christ
fair enough, I was afraid I might have to scroll through a lot of his wall
Except any responses like that seem to have been deleted?
Yeah these are pretty big accusations to throw around without some proof.
Screenshots [here](https://imgur.com/a/wVTRMhU)
Jesus, she's worse than I realized.
make a separate post of this
Her startup is [Cards Against Humanity, Extra Sociopathic Edition](https://www.askhole.io/). That's not so interesting. What's interesting to me is this tagline: >Because questions are not answers, and by themselves have no agenda. How can anyone say this with a straight face? That's some /r/nottheonion shit.
"Do your parents know you're gay?"
This isn't her real name by the way, it's the name of the protagonist from the novel "The Metamorphosis of Prime Intellect".
Well then... that's odd. Props to her for keeping her privacy though.

What a deeply strange thing to say. As if the wage is adjusted by our wise politicians to precisely what is ‘needed to survive’? When they raise it, people suddenly need more? As the real value decreases relative to inflation, people need less and less? Or does setting the minimum wage CREATE the condition of this sum being what is needed to survive?? What the fuck????

don’t overthink it she just doesn’t like poor people

“You can live for very little if you’re careful. Of course, if you add on additional costs, the wage you need to survive increases.”

The intense naiveté of this sentiment is striking. I definitely do get the sense that a lot of rationalists are primarily the way they are because they come from some degree of money and were prevented or protected from learning about poverty as a kid.

Money will be eliminated in a fully communist society. Time to start thinking outside the box about this whole “wage” stuff.

Broke: Raising the minimum wage Woke: Ending the system of wage labor
When I read your post I immediately thought of this and how upsetting it must be to those people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQQYbKT_rMg (From Start Trek TNG - *The Neutral Zone*)
Thought leader, thought leader, I’ve found someone to ban!

Ugh. Their growing sense of entitlement is quite utterly offensive to all five human senses. This is nonsense! Pure nonsense, I say.

Yes, you can live subsistence farming on a tenth of an acre, making zero income. Is it a good life?

You don’t need any money for literal survival if do a good job begging for food and water while sleeping under a bridge. If this is too much effort for you, commit a nonviolent crime so that the justice system takes over your survival for you. Most homeless people keep their bodies alive just fine on no wage at all. Of course that’s not gonna be enough if you have more costs!