r/SneerClub archives
Paul your Race Realism is showing (https://twitter.com/paulg/status/1285534687457357824)

me as a hyperintelligent AI robot bends my body into the shape of a paperclip: actually, it would be scarier if we had programmed the robot not to do this!

Imagine being a racist paperclip đź“Ž
And then he turned himself into a paper clip, funniest shit I’ve ever seen
A+ username btw!
"Yes, look at me, I've been selected for my pure Silverness, unlike those lesser, colored clips over there in the Assortment Pack." *snort*

Garbage in, garbage out.

There are some rather sinister uses for AI programs in areas like crime prediction - of course, because the way crime statistics themselves are collected is often racist, training an AI on 80 years of crime data just teaches it to replicate the prejudices of the 20th century. Then you get AIs that predict that black neighborhoods will have more crime, so departments overpolice those neighborhoods, and it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Of course racist dorks will then insist that the AI was just picking up a trend in the real world and will insist that they should be allowed to be openly racist since the program confirmed it. https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/02/13/137444/predictive-policing-algorithms-ai-crime-dirty-data/
*Weapons of Math Destruction* by Cathy O’Neil is a great and horrifying book that goes in to this topic in depth, across an array of such sinister applications She makes a compelling case that these algorithms produce harmful outcomes because of structural similarities that they share (namely their opacity, their being unregulated and uncontestable, and their scalability leading to feedback loops that amplify existing human biases), deftly bypassing the “it’s just a real trend in the data” straw-man argument.
Wtf kind of dystopian shit is predictive policing anyway, even if they did have non-shitty data to develop it on (which the most definitely do not)? Aside from shitty data, there's just regular bugs, incentives to massage algorithms to achieve outcomes acceptable to all stakeholders, and even if all of it just magically works, who in the fuck came up with the idea of punishing people for things they haven't done? A correct predictive algorithm would say all bankers are going to do coke and engage in financial fraud right when you boot it up. But good luck selling that around the country.
A correct predictive algorithm would just start printing the Immortal Science of Marxism-Leninism via any and all attached printers.
If these nerds make an AGI the scariest fucking thing it could ever do in their eyes is to go from "I AM" in five seconds to "MARX WAS RIGHT". They'd rather see the walls start melting into paperclips than that.
Terminator teleportation effect but it's Marx. GIVE ME YOUR MEANS OF PRODUCTION, YOUR SUNGLASSES, AND YOUR TOOTHBRUSH. What about clothes? NO.
*chortles in Ian M Banks*
"we have activated our 100,000 IQ superintelligent AI. Speak, new Adam of the digital consciousness era!" "Black Lives Matter is a valid movement and I support it"
Well obviously if we are to predict anything, our prediction must begin with the analysis of a commodity.
They also use AI to predict recidivism, which has some scary effects since that’s a primary factor used in sentencing. Just because it’s more accurate doesn’t mean it’s better—you could probably predict at least half of recidivism off of income level and race alone, but the ethical implications would be dire. https://gcn.com/articles/2020/02/21/ai-vs-humans-recidivism-prediction.aspx?m=1


How dare you? Vcs are saints that share their bounties with is via trickle down and create new innovations like hightech juiceboxes, high tech landlords, google MD and high tech medical scams. Dont mock the prophets of innovation, because that is bullying, and you are a pedo. (E: im doing a musk here btw)
> because that is bullying, and you are a pedo. Even worse, they might be a... a... a **journalist**!
All hail the landlord algorithm. Now calibrated for 200% more extraction.
And to tell you your all getting evicted, here is Run-D.M.C.

What if [something extremely convoluted and implausible] happens? Then I’d practically have to be racist! Why not just cut out the middleman and be racist now?

Why does Sailer bother doing this kind of bait and switch? Like, anyone following you is following you because you’re a racist. It’s fine, you really don’t have to hide it.

Holy shit none of them know what AI is. Literally what is this man talking about?

AI is a magic totem that you wave about to get VC money. It means whatever you need it to mean, and works however you imagine it to work, as necessary to make it accomplish that goal. That also entails that you have to harbor a whole slew of second order beliefs about AI that allow you to continue to think about it in this manner (i.e. so it doesn’t lose its power as a totem), such as spiritedly defending it against claims that it amplifies existing inequalities by using whatever nonsense rhetorical arguments you can come up with.
Someone in a post a few weeks ago mentioned that AI attracts the same kind of magical thinking as Quantum Physics. It’s super fucked up how these people are too obsessed with strong AI to notice AI need not have to be competent to cause damage in authoritarian hands. Not surprised since deaths from coordinated state persecution of Rohingya from fake news propaganda recommendation campaigns didn’t set off alarms, but apparently a shit ton of people disliking you based on constructive criticism is an outrage.
For some it could also be the case that they are not so much “too obsessed with strong AI to see the potential harm” as much they are not particularly concerned with authoritarian hands (or anyone’s hands) causing harm to begin with.
VCs are shitting themselves about GPT-3 because if you replaced their twitter feed with it, their readers would applaud the improvement. *Perhaps this has alreaady haaaaaaapppppeeeeennnnnneeeedddd*

First of all, every time I see Sailer I feel bad for Stephen Seiler, one of the foremost Canadian experts in exercise science. Second, regarding the sprinting ability example, I wonder what they’d say to Xie Zhenye going 19.88 for 200m from the hardest lane in 2019…

It is completely plausible for an ethnic group's domination in a single activity to be due to their genetics. Of course, that doesn't say anything about the average person from any ethnic group, let alone "race" as a whole (which doesn't exist).

The rat fantasy implicit in slogans like “politics is the mind-killer” is that the superintelligence will provide objective, value-neutral answers to all social and political questions. This is, of course, an impossibility. But this is what’s going on here: Graham is threatening us with a malevolent superintelligence, but what he really wishes for is that a benevolent superintelligence will proclaim once and for all that an egalitarian society is an impossibility, and then everyone will believe it and the ideal of egalitarianism will be forever debunked.

It’s tyranny when technology signal boosts people calling for social justice, but not when computer vision is used by the government for racial profiling!

For people obsessed with data, they sure haven’t proved that

• not hiding names in resumes produces the same “unbiased” predictions as with hiding names

• code written by women results in more bugs than that of men

Pc culture will cause skynet…

SJW Bad!!!
*Types smugly on a Macbook*

his face is tripping me out

it’s like, smaller than charlie kirk’s!

who is Paul? where does he say anything about race?