r/SneerClub archives
Aella goes mask-off on facebook (https://imgur.com/a/wVTRMhU)

fringe and unpopular opinion subreddits

they’re limiting the range of acceptable opinions

they’re changing culture

Or, you know, the opposite.

Alternatively: > I really hate this fringe and hateful belief demanding to exclude fringe, hateful beliefs! It needs to be excluded!
Yeah the culture which upholds muh white supremacy.

I wonder how she feels about diversity of thought when it comes to authoritarians who would like to criminalize sex work

She has the privilege of not caring since there’s a lot of people more precarious than her who would be hit first. (Sex workers who get clients on the street for example)
Hypothetically though, if they did ever decide to outlaw camming sexwork, it'd be extremely easy to track down. Even VPNs have been shown to be flimsy protection against law enforcement.
They’d probably hit the sites hosting it first. Unless people move to sites hosted overseas
Good point. Unless they wanted to make an example.

I hate that the range of acceptable opinions is narrowing.

Accordingly, I know of at least one left wing sub that was caught in the ban. Intersting that there’s no wailing or gnashing of teeth about that. Nope, just the transphobic subs. 🤔

I was going to make a joke about Aella being secretly a fan of MoreTankieChapo but then reread the first page and yeeeah pretty much just the transphobia stuff the whole page. Fucking hell.
> MoreTankieChapo RIP :(
Damn, that was the only Chapo subreddit that I thought survived
Transphobia? Nooo she cares about completely non-transphobic subs that don't support hateful rhetoric at all like r/GCdebatesQT too. /s
Yea ChapoTrapHouse was banned.

Right this second, the federal government is sending paramilitaries in unmarked vehicles to blackbag American citizens for protesting police violence.

I’m angry and scared that liberals are stealing my freedoms to be a fascist on the reddits.

–This person, probably

People who whine about Cancel Culture have no sense of proportionality, which she revealed by saying: > Oppression only counts as oppression if you’re in the correct class of identity, otherwise it’s a loss of privilege. She had to phrase it that way because she’d sound out of touch compared to a large proportion of the world’s population. People who’ve pissed off a sizable chunk of the population by invalidating their experiences are not experiencing anything close to what any of my family did while living under a dictator.
Remember that time they canceled George Floyd? *These people,* ugh. The eyerolling can give ya a migraine all on it's own.
According to her comments it’s likely she believes George Floyd deserved to die because of that (unbeknownst to him) counterfeit $20, but it’s okay for her to break the law with sex work.
That does seem to be the sort of a thing a Very Smart Person would think.

Don’t mind me, just creating an approximate conversion factor between banned subreddits and human lives to prove how rational I am.

rationalists: blah blah blah private businesses should be allowed to kick people out if they don’t like their skin color

also rationalists: waaaah a private business deleted my favorite terfspaces from their privately owned servers

How does that have anything to do with being a rationalist?

I blame the Social Justice Warriors, I blame trans activist, I blame the mindless crazy religious protests on the street that are motivated by the bland sense of righteousness that I KNOW because I grew up with that shit.

I wonder why Reddit’s business model is rarely brought up among people who become anti-SJWs. Or they also have no scope or historical context for “cancel culture” having been with us since people/animals started living in groups. Is American individualism that hell of a drug?

Also, she seems to be a perfect example of “zeal of the convert” given her upbringing.

> she seems to be a perfect example of "zeal of the convert" given her upbringing As someone who also had a strict religious upbringing, her reflexive contrarianism is a pseudo intellectual flavor alternative to those types turning into hard partiers verging on addiction upon leaving home.
I don't know much about her upbringing besides maybe something about "flyover country"... but it seems quite possible that she's ended up believing the same things as her parents and grandparents but with more statistical rationalizations.
Dude she was raised by insane Christian fundamentalists she broke free from, that borders on offensive
Alright. Fine. She probably doesn't hate women or LGB people as much as her parents or grandparents do.
Not quite as much and in not quite the same ways, but a lot of the themes are still there. Just rationalized now.
Reddit also explicitly said that the recent bans were to stop groups that frequently had members who advocated for violence. Nothing says "cancelled" quite like murdering people.

For those of you wondering why she’s relevant to rationalism-mocking: apparently, according to this post, Yud himself reshared her posts: https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/htu319/how_dare_poor_people_want_more_money_than/fyjfzw5/

It was another post of hers from the same day which Yud shared, which wasn't quite as spicy, but the point stands that she's connected with the big bois even if her own contribution doesn't go much beyond Just Asking Questions on Twitter.

This person seems to think that “discourse” and “real life” are completely orthogonal, as if those communities did not actively harass people and just did Socratic debates on the plenum that is their subreddit.

Truly, what oppression. Why don’t these rationalist Silicon Valley types just make their own website, they are all on the #disrupt train, disrupt Reddit then.

(Apart from the utterly appalling racism and wanting to commit yearly genocide to unban their favorite subreddits, that is.)

It seems to be a common refuge for rationalists, apparently pretending ideas and communities have no historical, social, or political context is the sign of a galaxy brain and the rest of us dullards are misled for thinking ideas don't exist in isolation.
Reddit explicitly said their latest bans were for advocating violence.

Oh no. Reddit is run by Bad People. Whatever shall I do.

Is "Bad People" code for anything? Why does she capitalize it?
It’s a way of doing Emphasis often used by rationalists, you also see it on Tumblr a lot
Well, it definitely comes off as cool and rational, for sure. Not awkward at all.

Reddit felt like my home and now it’s gone.

I’d be more depressed about the first part than the second. Also, pretty sure she can still find the racism and transphobia she’s looking for on reddit no matter how many subs they ban.

And there's always Gab, Voat, Steemit, 4chan, and hundreds of other outlets for reactionary garbage.

“oh no, reddit, while not banning a single trans-hating or racist video gamer, made it so they have only 29,000 subreddits to hang out in sending death threats to people; truly these are frightening times”

Who is Aella and how is she relevant to sneerclub?

She's the rationalist Twitter poll girl. Get with the times CI. You're too old for this line of work
[This](https://twitter.com/aella_girl) rationalist Twitter poll girl, to be specific. She gets posted here all the time
I thought there was a message from on high to stop posting about her recently. But yeah she's a rationalist HBD person who posts nudes sometimes, so she's got a bit of an audience.
I think the nudes aren't on her twitter.
Come on now... He can like a bit of titties here and there.
Yeah that was from me but I forgot I did it because I’m an idiot and now it seems unfair to take it down

Amazing that she just went off utterly on a tangent from her own post.

Tbf I, too, would gladly trade the safety and well-being of black Americans for the restoration of some of the subs Reddit recently banned…

This is the second major post from this person that essentially says “I disagree with bad thing X, but I disagree more with the tactics of people who oppose bad thing X, and in many ways this makes me unable to think rationally about bad thing X. In fact I think maybe bad thing X is actually good.”

The previous episode was when she said it took her three years to see that Trump was problematic, and that this miscalculation of hers (she admitted to it being a miscalculation) was completely understandable, since it was entirely the fault of Trump’s opponents.

The white moderate of MLK.


That’s weird, I thought she said she disagreed with “both sides” but at the end of her post only disagreed with the left for censoring hate speech? These subs were banned for advocating for violence against marginalized groups.

Lol she’s totally right and you middle school authoritarian wannabes can eat poop.

/u/noactuallyitspoptart i googled this person and now im just wondering why this sub makes such a big deal out of the opinions of some internet hoe

Word. Cam girl fan service + “nOt LiKe OtHeR gIrLs”-contrarianism is the whole cool girl package that should guarantee her backup income in case her employment with some blockchain dating startup ends. Makes sense when you think about how some cryptography experts have said that bitcoin cannot handle a year’s worth of one transaction per PayPal customer.
Just gonna make the point that SneerClub supports sex workers on the principle that sex work is work, and everybody has to make a living
Yeah that’s totally understandable. My point was that she sees following the letter of the law doesn’t apply to her, but her reflexive rehashing of black crime statistics not even questioning the methodology of how they were collected while being a sex worker shows a “Rules for thee, not for me”-attitude
Oh yeah this was just a public notice
Thanks for clarifying. Doesn’t seem like she’s aware that pseudo intellectual pandering to a group sympathetic to self-identifying incels is makes it worse for those who perform services in person. Unless she has some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, no way in hell would she endorse such entitled views that research has shown to be predictors of violence. While I do not wish her harm that others have experienced at the hands of slighted narcissists, those screenshots show a person clearly stricken with the belief “if I don’t see it, it doesn’t exist” toward the plight of ethnic and sexual minorities.
She herself does in person escorting, or did before the lockdowns. She has a website. High end, certainly nothing like the people actually on the streets, but still fucking people for money. She also has her fair share of crazy stalker types, which makes it even harder to understand why she's so anti-feminist. Same with how the abuse she went through somehow failed to make her empathetic toward abuse victims.
> High end, certainly nothing like the people actually on the streets, but still fucking people for money. She’s gonna regret her “no minimum wage”-stance when aging takes a toll on her looks. Or is early access to transhumanist anti-aging technology a driver for her continued interaction with these personalities? She will never acknowledge that a strong component of her being able to market herself as high end has to do with fulfilling the white beauty standard, as evidenced by how fucking cheap and dehumanizing sex tourists toward her POC counterparts. If she’s so fond of falsely dichotomizing twitter polls and thought experiments, why can’t she come up with hard data that her POC counterparts are doing equal or better than her in terms of earnings and treatment by customers? If POC are exaggerating their suffering to the extent that she claims, why has she not undergone cosmetic procedures to present as a POC to increase her earnings? People who have nothing to lose when seriously propositioning ideas for social engineering are not entitled to an audience, especially an audience of people whose lived experiences are being crowded out by thought experiments.
I believe her aim is to make a bunch and live off of it when her looks fade. She did undergo a nose job recently, she posted about it. But it definitely didn't make her look more POC.
I know a lot of people that have spent excessive amounts of time on acid, which - given what she says about her acid intake - is all the explanation I need for how she conducts herself on social media
Care to elaborate? I’ve only ever trip sat people on DMT & shrooms, and the egos here in Silicon Valley suggest doses weren’t high enough to shatter said egos.
NB: this isn’t some intense sociological insight I’m trying to give here Less about shattered egos and more about the social and psychological space doing significant amounts of acid (or indeed other psychedelics) over long periods of time puts you Putting it glibly: people who do lots of acid over long periods of time reliably become assholes Obviously that isn’t true of everyone, and I’m deliberately not going to posit the drug itself as a single causal factor, but there’s definitely a sense in which doing lots of acid over a long period of time - far from shattering somebody’s ego - tends to reinforce a person’s sense of their and their circle of friend’s sense of the importance of their half-thought ideas I mean the same process goes on with a lot of drugs, right down to alcohol, but for me acid has always been the most notable one
It's funny that people think of hallucinogens as a kind of magic bullet for broadening or shattering someone's ego. I'm inclined to think that infrequent use by someone with a full life might be helpful in broadening their horizons, but people who do them all the time, or who think of them as the secret thing they're doing to broaden their mind or whatever, tend to get increasingly flakey and self-obssessed.
Exactly, nail on the head
Introspection and behavioral changes suddenly aren’t cool when they’re sober because that shit takes work
That's called integration. Another reason why colonialists who appropriate things without bothering to respect any of the context behind traditional use fall into traps.
My take is she's just notable enough to qualify for posting, and consistently produces very clickbaity output so a disproportionate amount of it gets picked up. If the trend keeps up I'd consider a similar notice like we had some time ago about the constant firehose of racist themotte posts, but I don't think it's got that bad yet and might just naturally fade out.
I would also like to know this