r/SneerClub archives
The sneer ethos in tweet form (https://i.redd.it/jhd3602yhoc51.jpg)

I am a nerd and I support this message

Lyta Gold is an excellent sneerer.

I hate the existential sadness the header image of that article gives me. It’s a really good read, though.

The majority of Rationalists are not ‘nerds’ - if they were nerds they would be able to read properly. The large majority are jocks.

By the time I was in high school, the nerd v. jock stereotype was a relic of coming-of-age films from a decade and a half before.
Yeah like. When I was a Freshman, the anime club were exclusionary dicks. I had more conflict with them then anybody who played sports. Hell I probably couldn't name anyone who played sports except a couple people in Track and Field.
Yeah, the locker-shovees are you lot. So the point stands
This is why Scott Alexander banned me from his website simply for doing the nerdy work of reading carefully and exposing one of his jock buddies for deliberately misquoting. He's a jock who can't handle any sort of free-thought or dissent. Regardless, nerdy Marxists such as myself are currently making good headway in the free marketplace of ideas. If Scott Alexander thinks he can simply 'cancel' Marxism he is sorely mistaken.

This really doesn’t come off well at all.

She wrote an article which dunked on musk et all. Her notifications are prob filled with weird nerds attacking her for that. She is also clearly a nerd herself. Amd she has been getting a lot of hate from very annoying people from a while now. Stupidpol hates her for example.
I don't really see how that's an excuse. It just comes off as hateful and needlessly antagonistic.
It is a form of self deprecation. Anyway, you do know sneerclub stance on nerds right? *I say from inside my locker* E: thinking about it a bit more, yeah it is indeed a bit harsh. (Ha, edited this after already getting 13+ upvotes, making it look like people also agree with this edit).
into the locker with you
I guess it beats the gulag.
It’s fucking nerds vs jocks not Jim Crow, lighten the fuck up and calm down
Agree; if anything I'd say mobbing can damage your social skills which surely isn't helping
Shut up, nerd
it's nerd-on-nerd metaphorical violence, how can we face the non-nerds if we can't police our own

This but unironically