r/SneerClub archives
Strong evidence that we are currently being tortured within a basilisk: (https://i.redd.it/qu3ovq4bcxc51.png)

I wrote it; I’m a lefty progressive and I was more or less directly told by Scott in a thread on /r/ssc last year to stop whinging about how I don’t feel welcome in the community as a woman (which was in a thread with a man telling me I’m “not like other girls” and then going “oh wait you are like other girls because you have emotions”).

Part of my goal in writing it, and a rational vampire yaoi novel, is because I feel like the rational fiction community is very focused on male hobbies and people kind of turned their nose up at the idea of romance being written “rationally”, so damnit I wanted to change something. I’m probably not doing great, but I’m trying something.

I am happy to write more chapters and would love anything you guys want to put into it. It’s meant to be a love letter / jab at rationalist stereotypes.

I had:

Kristy = EA/startup culture

Stacy = biohacker

Mary Anne = unfriendly AI (the biggest stretch)

Claudia = bonobo rationalist

Dawn = clean meat

Jessie = IDK but it would probably be scicomm? I remember her personality in the books was “does ballet”, “signs”, and “people are racist sometimes”

/u/ProfColdheart , what do you mean about Mallory being a persecuted engineer? I’m intrigued. She was my least favourite character so I don’t really remember much about her.

I was being glib, so I can't defend this assessment too vigorously. But Mallory gets described as being level-headed and utilitarian, and often retreats to fiction when stressed. That tracks very strongly to the stereotypical (cis male) SSC commenter in my experience.
Oh right! She was totally obssessed with writing and books. Thanks.
We're in sneerclub so I'm exaggerating maybe a bit; but here's where it was: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/afrbuc/ssc_survey_results_2019/ee11eo6/ There was a sneerclub thread but I can't seem to find it. Ctrl+F scottalexander, or here's the part: https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/afrbuc/ssc_survey_results_2019/ee1axti/ I can't find the receipt for when he told me to knock it off, but he definitely replied to one of my comments at one point (i remember because you know, senpai noticed me). But anyway, if you have that date, you can do the legwork and find the sneerclub post on that date, and then link it to me, because I know it had some great commentary.

Well hey they read another book

Never fear - It’s a tv show now. (The show is quite good & sweet!)
as the author, I wrote it before the show came out, I was a fan as a kid in the 90s.

Apologies to the author. This is meant as a joke.

However, on further reflection, I must add that this futurefic won’t be believable if one of the girls isn’t estranged from all the others, stemming from a traumatic math-based encounter with a certain technomessiah.

Good because I'm the author and I love you guys!
Hey sorry for my sneer btw, I read what was actually posted in what I was making stupid remarks about and it actually seemed good stuff, and I missed the mark.
Were you the one who joked about the OP's worldbuilding things that has now been deleted? If so, thanks. I consider him a great friend and I was hurt on his behalf by that now-deleted post, but didn't want to whine about it because as much as I am a reader of this sub I didn't want to interfere with the sneer.
Yep I looked at the various worldbuilding stuff and I was wrong about what I thought it was. So i fucked up. Mistake all mine, I should have known better and actually read. Sorry.

Mallory has strong “persecuted engineer” energy; this tracks.

“various worldbuilding books”

It takes a lot of tries to build a world where someone will actually love them