r/SneerClub archives
when big Pink goes too big in the Stink (https://youtu.be/qUMVXLkygtE?t=840)

Oof. This aged like milk. Very brave of Dershowitz to confront these, uh, taboos.

The brave defender of freedom of thought did call for disbarment of lawyers representing Giuffre (ironically, in return he got sued for defamation and had to settle). Sounds like he was a shitty lawyer, too.

I cannot get over how ridiculous of a frame it is to say that thinking women are worse at STEM is “taboo”. No you dipshit ppl shouldn’t get fired because the belief is somehow immoral, they should be fired because the belief makes them unfit to lead an institute of research and education.

Fun fact: The real reason Summers resigned was over him using [Harvard money to cover the ass of one of its economists after he committed financial fraud](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Summers#Support_of_economist_Andrei_Shleifer).

“Why should there be thoughts that are immoral to speak about”

Simply put: I don’t understand what’s in another’s brain. Are your musings about how some people shouldn’t even have human rights an abstract “thought experiment”, or is it a revelation of how you think and believe?

And this is before we load up the power angle: words spoken by people with power create actions in others. Just look at trump and face coverings: he has literally killed people via the inactions his followers do because of what he said.

So when the head of one of the most prestigious collages in America if not the world, speaks, well it does not go unnoticed.

When Dr Pangloss has his thumb over the Holocaust to prove his thesis that this is the best of all possible worlds, it may prove hard for him to think of examples.

I’m OOT on this one, why are people talking about Alan Dershowitz atm?

He was mentioned 86 times in the just-unsealed Ghislane Maxwell documents. Also, he used Pinker's expert opinion in [defending Epstein.](https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2019/07/17/steven-pinkers-aid-jeffrey-epsteins-legal-defense-renews-criticism-increasingly) Dersh and Pinker are good friends, but Pinker distanced himself from Epstein.
> just-unsealed FYI that particular document was [already public in 2014](https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2014/12/woman-who-sued-convicted-billionaire-over-sex-abuse-levels-claims-at-his-friends-200495), but that was before anyone cared about a secret pedophile ring involving many of the world's top leaders and intellectuals.
Just-unsealed and [accidentally unredacted](https://twitter.com/trappedpatriot/status/1289005741135847424).
Ahh thanks I had totally missed the documents release.
The Virginia Guiffre affidavit was unlocked today