r/SneerClub archives
Moldbug, 2012: cancer research fails because they don't work like *software engineers*. "You might or might not be familiar with the term 'OODA loop,' originally developed by fighter pilots ..." (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=3819346)

This is exactly the problem: statistics. In a problem where every case is unique, any use of statistics is an abuse of statistics.

Pure, rhetorical garbage. Every person is unique; therefore every statistical analysis of people is an abuse of statistics.

this is Moldbug's Austrian economics showing through. [A bit of the old Ludwig Von:](https://mises.org/library/human-action-0/html/pp/638) > The subject matter of all historical sciences is the past. They cannot teach us anything which would be valid for all human actions, that is, for the future too … > No laboratory experiments can be performed with regard to human action. We are never in a position to observe the change in one element only, all other conditions of the event remaining unchanged. Historical experience as an experience of complex phenomena does not provide us with facts in the sense in which the natural sciences employ this term to signify isolated events tested in experiments. The information conveyed by historical experience cannot be used as building material for the construction of theories and the prediction of future events … > [Praxeology’s] statements and propositions are not derived from experience. They are, like those of logic and mathematics, a priori. They are not subject to verification or falsification on the ground of experience and facts. You can't predict future behaviour from past behaviour even in principle, so testing your claims is meaningless. This doesn't stop its proponents from *making* predictions and claims, and insisting they are, somehow, still worth listening to and applying to the world.
That's just the basic problem of induction though.

God I wish I was able to talk out of my ass that confidently.

Well, reading him is one way to learn to imitate it.
His ass was dragged by fellow engineers in r/buttcoin when they took a look at his blockchain slavery urbit thing, and that was just the technical side. A lot of them who were engineering mangers with technical backgrounds branded him as a "no hire". He's not even competent at his supposed specialization, so why should his thoughts on biology be any more credible?

What would a tight OODA loop look like? Imagine I’m Steve Jobs, with infinite money, and I have cancer. Everyone’s cancer is its own disease (if not several), so the researchers are fighting one disease (or several), instead of an infinite family of diseases. They are not trying to cure pancreatic cancer - they are trying to cure Steveoma.

Second, they operate with no rules. They can find an exploit in Steve’s cancer genome on Wednesday, design a molecule to hack it on Thursday, synthesize it on Friday and start titrating it into the patient on Saturday. Pharmacokinetics? Just keep doubling the dose until the patient feels side effects. Hey, it worked for Alexander Shulgin.

Moreover, Steve isn’t on just one drug. He’s got thirty or forty teams attacking every vulnerability, theoretical or practical, that may exist in his cancer cells. Why shouldn’t he be attacking his cancer in 30 ways at the same time? He’s a billionaire, after all.

I don't think Moldbug meant to write "torture all the billionaires to death" and a guillotine would definitely be more ethical, but baby steps.
Death of the author comes full circle
> Pharmacokinetics? Just keep doubling the dose until the patient feels side effects. ​ > Moreover, Steve isn't on just one drug. He's got thirty or forty teams attacking every vulnerability, theoretical or practical, that may exist in his cancer cells. things that would definitely 100% kill someone
there's no such probability as 1 billionaires can survive through force of money and more drugs
Or through quantum immortality
> At last IIa said, ‘What does “quantum” mean anyway?’ >IIb shrugged. ‘It means add another nought,’ he said.
This is the way all technology is developed.
dozens of teams injecting billionaires with dozens of brand new custom drugs every saturday gave us the internet, created the printing press, and also invented fire as the billionaires spontaneously combusted
don't think people caught that this was a further quote from the comment

“Modern medicine is great - postmodern medicine sucks” lmaoooo

2 + 2 = cancer

Imagine if moldbug had not posted this in 2012, we would have never solved cancer in 2013, what a world that would be.

E: DarkFuturology had a post about this 6 years ago. E: removed link, apparently the main mod of that sub is a transphobic anti-vaccine weirdo so fuckem. Also a gamer, so double fuckem, the sub also has literal holocaust didnt happen neonazis so triple fuckem.

While I love a good moldbug sneer, good grief, what a dumpster fire of a sub. The two sticked posts are... something.
2020: transphobia and nurglites
I have not looked past the linked post, sorry if I exposed people to utter horror. E: read it, holy shit, fuck the mod of that sub.

Trying to fix cancer via Air Force PowerPoint presentation

Have you tried deleting the powerpoints
I issued a 700 billion dollar sole source contract to Northrup Grumman for next generation spectrum dominance against near peer cancers, that should do the trick.

They can find an exploit in Steve’s cancer genome on Wednesday, design a molecule to hack it on Thursday, synthesize it on Friday and start titrating it into the patient on Saturday

LOL does he have any idea how drugs are developed??

However, I do endorse using billionaires and their money as test subjects for new drugs. Just double the dose!!

I’m just gonna go over to /r/aviation and look at cool pics and clips of planes instead of trying to parse this (yeah I’m a plane nerd but I look good without a shirt on so fuck you too)

Just look the fuck at that: https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/i2dhyb/tupolev_tu160_full_afterburner_not_my_video/

[This whole channel is excellent. ](https://youtu.be/1bk9D_WUj2E)
Have you tried skyships eng? Great channel
>but I look good without a shirt on I just wanna say, Mr. Waits, I'm a big fan of your [music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=27LLPANAgzw&t=101s).
Great song, great album
Damn, the White Swan is gorgeous as always.

That’s when you’re supposed to use statistics. Statistics is about finding centralized tendencies in data — the ways that things are alike and allowing you to find useful information.

Every at-bat in a baseball game is different. Different weather, different pitches, different strike zone (because strike zones are enforced by umpires) different numbers of people on base. So you can’t figure anything out right? Except that you can. You can say that a pitch down the middle will be hit 90% of the time, you can say that fastballs are hit more often than curveballs, you can say a given player hits better or worse with people on base.

Using the OODA method, is not useful because I don’t have any way to choose a pitch that a player is less likely to hit. I mean, this at bat is different than the last one. It is, but knowing that Bader is less likely to hit a slider than a fastball helps me know what kinds of pitches to throw. OODA would give me nothing but ‘throw whatever, we can’t use the last at bats to make a prediction.’

as a Computational biologist literally working on cancer genomics, glad to inform y’all that since 2012, when we started letting Software Engineers work on biological problems, we have now successfully solved cancer. Y’all are welcome

Here is a somewhat real version of this idea, by people who actually know something about cancer and research.

But as far as I can see, even their approach would not work if all research capacities were expended on trying to cure just one billionaire.

Tired: run stuff like a company.

Wired: run stuff like the military.

(Yes some companies are now doing that and it isnt going well for any of the workers … i randomly recalled some military ceo abusing some state function to terrorize his employees for better profits).

Even more powerpoints?
iirc the ceo called the cops or something on a franchise which was under performing to punish them in some sort of out of the box thinking weird move. It was a few years ago.
well, terrorising the workers is their job

God these guys always think biology must be secretly so easy and it’s just that all us biologists are such dummies that we ever have issues.

Did he get banned from HackerNews in 2012?

That’s all the post history I can see

He posted later as user [urbit](https://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=urbit).

Sometimes when I fix software bugs I do feel like I’m looking at code which was created via a billion years of random code generation followed by “looks like it works, push it”, so the human cancer and software development at least have that in common.

🧑‍🚀 "The developers - we're the cancer?" 🔫 🧑‍🚀 "We always were."

Knowing software engineers, thank god this is not how medicine works…