r/SneerClub archives
Achievement Unlocked: The Yud twitter stalking me (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1291022286716170240?s=20)

Sometimes I get the sense that Big Yud doesn’t quite understand what has happened to his brand.

Yeah, for someone who supposedly advocates for precision in communication, he tends to equate himself with all “Rationalists” an awful lot.
Didn't various nrx'ers joke that Yud is no longer the rightful caliph? Right it was [More Racist Lovecraft](https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1276139407469355010)

Can’t a man dunk on rationalists in peace? None of these people even follow me on Twitter!

Edit: Honest question, am I wrong in conflating those who use “virtue signalling” unironically with rationalists? The term has always struck me as a way of dismissing all non-selfish behaviour from those who see people as meat robots.

> am I wrong in conflating those who use "virtue signalling" unironically with rationalists Yes. "Virtue signaling" is one of the watchwords of the online far right. It's much, much bigger than rationalists.
As far as I’m aware, that’s the context in which it was popularized, but much like “social justice warrior” and “triggered,” it was co-opted and derogated by right-wingers to dismiss literally anything good done by anyone if it’s inconvenient for their argument.
there's a strong crossover, and one of the main proponents of this view is Robin Hanson
Huh! I thought it was a generally-redpilled person‘s meme.
that too - assholes assuming anyone not being an asshole must be faking it - but Hanson promotes an erudite version pretty hard.
Yep same.
Me too. I think I first encountered this phrase being used as kind of a generalized version of "white knighting," a favorite put-down of redpilled alpha males. Though it also does sound like rationalist jargon, in that it sort of misappropriates a term from economics in order to imbue a boring/bad idea with a false gravity.

plz screencap, am yud-b&.

Here you go: [https://imgur.com/a/hFJrPeQ](https://imgur.com/a/hFJrPeQ)

Yud retweeting himself quoting Vitalik. lol

oh hey you’re a sneerer, i remember coming across vavatch.co.uk back in the day

Dang that is a deep cut
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