r/SneerClub archives
Aella drops such a bad take it makes it to the front page (https://i.redd.it/eamosd36dof51.jpg)

it’s ok! she’s not the massive racist her own words make her look like, she’s just autistic ok

'I'm not culture warring believe me' Does she ever point out seemingly right wing contradictions? (I honestly don't know, I don't follow her like so many people here seem to do).
Typical redditor-esque thinking, where not only do you alone get to decide the baggage and ramifications of anything you say, but you also get to speak for entire classes of people to which you belong. This is classic shit. Basically the reason SRS was invented in the early 2010s, because this brand of thinking was all *over* this godforsaken website, and people were sick of it. Now it's taken a new form and I hate it.
Even funnier when as someone on the autistic spectrum, I know that racism is wrong and wouldn't dare be racist - even unintentionally - because I'm not an asshole.
>I don't really adhere to any particular view Ok
Oh man the actual simps in the comments.
Only true high-decouplers can properly understand that the plural of anecdote is data, I suppose
Source: trust me bro.
It's not racist so say Asians are good at math! That's a complement!
Why do you say "claim"?

Not only do i agree with this report I’ve already asked that people don’t do this

user reports: 1: This ‘Aella’ clearly makes these statements to get attention and we should stop indulging her.

Oh spookperson, my eternal twitter crush

knowing them in Sunday school is how I got introduced to Marx when I was 11 lol
They're a serial plagiarist and have been accused of sexual harassment more than once, i'm not sure what's to like?
OK so: I found a bit about the “serial plagiarist” which was a side-by-side of like seven jokes they did on twitter which had been done before either on twitter elsewhere which were either obvious repackagings of other people’s jokes or even if not so obvious very plausibly could be (not cool: but not exactly the end of the world, unlike the same very common practice in professional comedy, because it’s jokes on social media instead of plagiarism from a fellow professional) The sexual harassment thing is harder to find info on and obviously a lot more important, and I can’t info on it because they post a lot about sexual harassment themselves and I don’t have specific keywords: any help there?
It wasn't just those seven; it's something they've done repeatedly over the course of many years. The sexual harassment thing, I'll ask around for who has the receipts. I lost a bunch of shit on my old Twitter account.

As far as I’m concerned, catcalling is more closely associated with low socioeconomic status than anything else. Which would only make it seem to be race-related. But as all Really Smart people know, correlation is the same as causation, so what do I know? I’m just a dumb idiot who never went to fancy rationalist school.

Could also be associated with machismo culture, and if you grew up in a place where members of machismo subcultures were lower class you'd associate the two. I have no idea either way - I just want to put in reason for caution about going with one's first conclusions when it comes to culture. :-)
If that’s what you think *man* you should see a central London club full of high-rolling bankers on a Saturday night
I'm talking specifically of being out in the streets of a city. In my experience, you're far more likely to see men of low socioeconomic status catcalling women.
I’m not touching this with a 10 foot pole but from a moderation perspective watch how you word things, please
I have no idea what you mean. I don't see anything controversial or problematic in what I've said here. Please enlighten me
One bad call was “low socioeconomic status” as a generalisation for men who catcall tbh
In that case I don't know what to say to that. It's been my observed experience, where I live, for the past 20 years. I don't know how else to put it.
The inference to a categorisation of “low socio-economic status” in the broad manner you’re doing - when this Aella person is doing something similar with black people - should give you pause for thought I’m not touching the inference itself from a fucking mile away but tone is important too, and informs how we moderate the sub
Is socioeconomic status not a legit thing? Is it outdated? I'm confused. I don't use it as a pejorative.
The problem is the discursive practice, right? Attributing a bad behaviour to a social group around which there are all sorts of pejorative associations - “low socio-economic status” is one, “black” is another - from mere personal observations, when that category is so broad and already embedded in those same discriminatory discourses, invites not just your reader but your own way of looking at things to think in terms *of* those discourses. You didn’t deliberately use it as a pejorative but as read and as written it’s a pretty clear-cut case of negative stereotyping
Well, thanks for giving me a few things to think about.

That’s a pretty funny take actually. Though the reply isn’t bad either…

That just looks like a 4chan gotcha racebaiting level take to me.
You can be banned too if you like

That’s an elevation of puréed chicken only Diogenes could reconstruct a man from.