r/SneerClub archives
I think it is evil that predominately Jewish newspapers and groups are slandering non-Jewish Whites with claims of institutional power. (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/i6yuis/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_august_10_2020/g1clc77/)

Let’s take an opposite example, and let’s say FTSOA that we lived in a society exactly like ours demographically, except basketball was the only source of social status and power.

Good lord why are they like this

> Good lord why are they like this Because they are in the contrarian radical centrist free speech advocate to neonazi pipeline. It all starts with a fascination for 'things you are not allowed to know/say' contrarianism.
This is why charitably, steelmaning, civility and such are all inherently bad. Politics is war, and you'd think these people would at least understand that idea since their neoreactionary compatriots sometimes say things like *"Politics is war."*, but I guess it's only war when you're killing poor people and owning the libs as opposed to mildly critiquing tech nerds on the internet. Nobody is confused about who the other sides are, even when they use incorrect language to describe them. Not even conservatives who thrive off disinformation, because they are aware on some level that it is disinformation that they base their worldview on.
Barkley Shut Up and Jam Gaiden but the save points are motte posts.
Out of context that is a genuinely funny thought. I don't think it would have any affect on Michael Jordan's status though.
That’s President Jordan to you.
I don't know why I love this joke so much. Quality post.
Or Lebron’s. Sports stars do get *power from popularity* already, just like actors, artists, influencers and socialites do, the current system over-rewards(? is that a word) popularity.

In the 60s and 70s they took a break from being irredeemably evil to make some pretty good music and fuck up the sexual dynamics for everyone who would be born after them.

the history knower has revealed himself at last

That post is s*o fucking weird*. The evil "they" being referred to are described as: >smart, rational, forward thinking people, with high IQs and prestigious degrees which apparently refers to, in turn throughout history, eugenicists, fascists, communists, feminists??, rock musicians??? (i guess?), hedge fund managers, and now internet blackpillers. Extremely coherent philosphies going on in here.
only people who are stupid can do good things
Who knew Pol Pol was a redditor?
It's not weird, it's what those people think the elites are.

And in the case that, God forbid, some people there start discussing Jewish Question (as it happens at times in non-Jew-dominated places)… well, you know how it goes. (Is anyone under the impression that we’re not monitored by a certain sub, too? Or that reddit won’t adopt this new definition of anti-semitism, where merely saying “well acktchually the composition of owners allows to state more or less correctly that Jews, being majority, do control…” is bannable? I’m serious, that’s the specific attack surface I worry about).

They’re on to us.

So they're really worried about the ability to discuss "the jewish question", which is what exactly? How many fit in a railroad car and how fast you can murder them? wow guys wow. Really shielding that power level.
If you’re really asking, [they’re not even trying to hide it](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Question#Contemporary_use).
This is so nuts, in a lot of 'not jew dominated places' (whatever that nebulous term means) going 'JC', will get you into trouble because people know that is neonazi shit. It is also counter historical. This is just all crazy conspiratorial neonazi thinking. It also is super weird considering, iirc, scott alex is jewish.
> attack surface Lord save us from mouth-breathing contrarians who think they're Admiral Nimitz.
It is also a term used in digital security tbh. So I have no idea what the Admiral reference is about (do share).
Well, I learned something new! Mea culpa. I just slotted "attack surface" in the same category as the rationalist use of "OODA loop" or other terms gained from a hobbyist's reading of military science.
Well, otoh nerds needs to not be as obsessed with military terminology as they are, so not totally wrong.
I'm sure they ran Zenmap in anger one time

Lol that anti semitic post (yes your post can be antisemitic without being intended as antisemitic dear motte poster, and saying ‘im not a racist’ just shows your butt) is nuts. (And has a nice big logical flaw in it (the ‘you would expect other groups to also show up every now and then’ thing). But the reactions of the mod (speaking not as a mod) will make it a riot. Time for the Nth themotte civil war.

So during the covid crisis themotte lets all their masks fall off. Every flavour of far right neonazism seems to be represented, I wonder if I can spot a qanon one, or a neonazi magick one. (All pretty boring stuff if you have ever looked into extremists places btw, the lol is that they are all in themotte and now realizing that they are a slightly different tribe of neonazi/far right).

Actually, I don’t care. What I care about is the fact that Bubba in Appalachia and Jonny the electrician are accused of harboring institutional power by Haberman in Sulzberger’s paper, when it’s actually Haberman and Sulzberger who possess the most extreme amount of institutional power.

These guys are SO CLOSE to realizing that the thing they should be worrying about is not the particular details of how power is centralized, but the base fact that Bubba and Jonny have no institutional power. Income correlates with voting turnout; average citizens have almost no influence on policy compared to rich people and business-backed groups. If you actually cared about poor Appalachians or whatever, you would be trying to give them their fair share rather than complaining that the tiny group of rich and powerful people isn’t demographically representative.

The whole thread is also a tidy example of Americans blaming the media for all the world’s problems. Can’t criticize the perfect system of checks and balances you learned about in school. Can’t criticize the voters; “deplorables”, etc. Therefore, it must be the media telling all these people to do the wrong things.

It’s amazing how quickly this goes from weaselly but run-of-the-mill “we shouldn’t be allowed to say super antisemitic things, but we should be allowed to say some antisemitic things” blather to:

Non-Jewish White people do not have significant institutional power in America.

Imagine a world in which people could recognize that X ethnic group has a disproportionately high presence in Y industry without following up that thought with something awful.

But then how would people know that I'm a sociopathic racis-- I mean free-thinking intellectual?

how do they reconcile this belief with the fact that Scott Alexander is Jewish?

"he's one of the good ones" probably
I'm wondering how many themotte regulars are still SSC readers. Do they recruit from elsewhere?

…how do I report a post to the admins?

not that I expect anything to happen but paper trails are hilarious.