r/SneerClub archives
/r/themotte poster literally asks if the means justify the end, as if it’s a new concept or debate topic (https://reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/i6yuis/_/g18g2rs/?context=1)

 Lopez-Quintero and colleagues (2011) reported that 7.1% of cocaine users developed dependence within the first year, compared to less than 2% of alcohol, nicotine or cannabis users.

(source) I just had to look it up after reading that comment. TIL it takes a long time to get addicted to coke. Couldn’t find a direct answer to “what percent of people who try cocaine get addicted” though.

It’s kind of cute that TheMotte is discovering ethics. Hopefully they learn something.

Coke is hard to addict yourself to because the ratio of “good time” to “feeling like shit” is very low, heroin fucks you up but it fucks you up long enough to be worth it if that’s the sort of lifestyle you’re living. Coke meanwhile is just something you end up taking or leaving unless you have the funds to be constantly on it. I honestly find it kind of funny when these studies turn up written by people who are mostly or entirely clean because it’s something you could find out in half an hour in the smoking section of your local dive bar.
> Coke is hard to addict yourself to because the ratio of “good time” to “feeling like shit” is very low You just have to do more coke. Then top it off with some fentanyl when it starts to get a bit too ragged. Then pop a handful of xanys and chase them with a bottle of whisky when the fentanyl high is coming off. Jeez, do they not teach people how to do coke on that side of the pond?
You’re making me very glad I don’t generally do hard drugs anymore bug
Do them less still please, it's a shitshow. Literally, a lot of the time. And I seen too many people who were "fine" for a decade and then imploded catastophically. Decent, proper people. I don't wanna see any more of that, it takes a fucking toll.
Coke is hard to addict yourself to because it's expensive as fuck and 90% of the product out there is utter shit
For most of my life I was under the impression that coke was basically on the same level as heroin, just under meth in the dangerous narcotics pyramid. Then at some point I realized that the world basically ran on coke for a while. Shows what DARE can do to a kid. Still haven't tried it, both for lack of opportunity and interest (not a big fan of stimulants).
What do you mean 'ran for a while'? The world still runs on coke lol
I mean, relative to the 70s-80s?
Alright I guess different uppers have gotten the spotlight lately
Such as? Im very [] and only use alc, not even weed, but im curious.
Meth mostly
Ah shit I intended this comment as a reply to you instead: https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/iaa2vf/rthemotte_poster_literally_asks_if_the_means/g1pky8o/
Word, think my SES growing up pretty much made being a cokehead not feasible. Weed was expensive enough as it was, pre-legalization!
> Couldn't find a direct answer to "what percent of people who try cocaine get addicted" though. "The cumulative probability estimate of transition to dependence was 67.5% for nicotine users, 22.7% for alcohol users, 20.9% for cocaine users, and 8.9% for cannabis users." (Lopez-Quintero et al, 2011) Note that this is based on self-report, so it's probably signficantly underreporting the numbers, and making time to dependence seem significantly longer than it actually is -- especially for cocaine users, who are notoriously resistant to identifying as dependent, even as addicts go. The other difficulty which leads to under-reporting the severity of cocaine abuse is that it typically does not follow the pattern of use that we often imagine for drug dependence, and which is used in models of drug dependence for other drugs of abuse. Even severe cocaine abuse typically follows a binge-and-abstinence cycle stretched out over several days, and so clinicians not used to the specifics of this population may misdiagnosis a severe dependence as intermittent use.