r/SneerClub archives
I honestly don't understand what's in it for Yud to defend billionaires (https://mobile.twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1295144436196716545)

You can’t just give poor people 100 bucks, everyone knows this has no effect.

You should microloan it to them at 35% annual interest rate though, that has been shown to really work.

I mean 35% is not so much higher than many consumer credit cards in America. If you're doing a microloan you might as well [go for 100%](https://americancynic.net/log/2018/12/6/some_thoughts_on_kivas_interest_rates/).
As a Brazilian, America's 35% annual rate for Credit Cards is just adorable. It's around 300% here (plssendhelp).


...imagine throwing a million dollars at someone whose most coherent work is a Harry Potter fanfiction.
In this case, its philanthropic money that just *happens* to serve the interests of particular wealthy technocrats, wow what a coincidence!
I feel like of all the places that money was going to go, "let Yud write fanfic" is probably one of the least harmful ones. Like, yeah, obviously you could give that money to combat poverty, disease, or starvation, but equally obviously the people who give money to Yud are not going to do that.
It \*is\* a pretty good fanfic, though.
Only if by 'good' you mean it has lots of words in it
HPMOR is a good fanfic in a sense similar to to how Yud is very intelligent out of people with his educational background.
I'm surprised he even knew of them back in 2009.

Wait, I thought these types were in to effective altruism? You could build and staff 1000+ state of the art hospitals with that money, or vaccinate every single person in the world against most common diseases, or a hundred other things.

**Marking question as answered.**
Ah, of course, sorry. I forgot the Grift.
You'd have to be some sort of deranged Randian freak not to; but how can you also not condemn them for *not* giving away their resources? Becoming and remaining a billionaire is completely morally and ethically indefensible.

Think of what percentage of your annual income 00 is!

We take for granted, of course, that the “you” he’s addressing isn’t one of the four billion people who live on less than a day, for whom that 00 would be a very significant percentage of their annual income. Certainly not one of the 80-odd-million Congolese people living on less than .25 a day, for whom it would be almost three months’ wages.

They don’t have smartphones or computers, so they’re not on Twitter, so they’re not real.

I honestly don’t understand what’s in it for Yud to defend billionaires

Dog biscuits for good behavior.

same as for everyone else who does it. they do it for the fucking money

I mean, it’s a good argument against the “the world/country would work great as it is, we just need to tax billionaires” take some libs have, but Yud seem to think that if billionaires not having enough money for everybody in the world to live comfortably forever makes means they don’t have much power.

Also, focusing on the top 10 is asinine; the global billionaire wealth is more like $10T, so you could give everyone $1,000 while still leaving each of the 2,200 billionaires with over $1B each. So long as we're thought experimenting seamless wealth transfers. Of course the real issue is the obscene amount of political power that comes with 2,200 people having as much wealth as the bottom 4,000,000,000, which allows them to rig the game toward ever increasing inequality and exploitation. Obfuscations upon obfuscations.
No no someone takes that on in the comments! Obviously rich people aren’t influencing elections, because there’s no evidence of them directly influencing elections, so we don’t need to worry about it. I am very smart.
> I mean, it's a good argument against the "the world/country would work great as it is, we just need to tax billionaires" Is it? Someone in Yud's audience will probably have heard of that "effective altruism" thing where you observe that the same $100 a Bay Area resident might shrug off as pocket change means a lot more to someone in rural India or sub-Saharan Africa, where incomes are in high three- to low four-digit range. [$100 would be a 10% increase to the global median household income.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/median-income-by-country) And that's only considering an anecdote of 10 hoarders, and assuming you give everyone a flat amount instead of progressive distribution.

He’s misunderstanding (willfully or not) why people focus on billionaires. They may not have the majority of wealth, but they have disproportionate impact. Also their very existence is absurd. But yeah, any reasonable tax policy has to tax the dentists too.

But also they do have the majority of wealth: https://www.oxfam.org/en/press-releases/worlds-billionaires-have-more-wealth-46-billion-people
But top 10 don't, they're so poor.

That feeling when you argue that one single person on the planet is contributing at least a million times more productivity to the global economy than any other single person. Does Eliezer really believe that all of these billionaire’s wealth comes from being paid a wage? Of course he doesnt, hes just playing political twatball.

What a stupid comparison

am i too high already? he’s saying the billionaires wouldn’t miss the money, right?

He's saying that billionaires don't actually control much since their combined wealth is a tiny fraction of the combined annual income of everyone else on earth. What the fuck?
I guess I’m still confused and not creative enough. Why would anyone be saying that??
Yud is allergic to engaging with anything at the object level. So if someone says there's a problem with the existence of billionaires, or claims that there's such a thing as "having too much money," he can't form a model for how billionaires are capable of (and have) used their economic power in specific ways that people with less money can't. Instead, he can only engage with the concepts of "billionaires" and "having money" in the aggregate, and since he has no theory of power I can discern, he looks at proportions as the only indicators of where power actually sits.
Yud's just dusting off a decade-old [Republican talking point](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2011/oct/20/paul-ryan/ryan-says-100-percent-tax-millionaires-would-only-/).
Is that even true any more?
No see the “what percentage of your annual income is $100” point. He’s saying in the grand scheme of things, the top 10 billionaires have an irrelevant amount of ~~money~~ wealth (and therefore redistribution is not sensible? idk the conclusion to be inferred) Very America-centric point, $100 is like 3 months income in the poorest countries Edit: Wealth, not liquid money, for accuracy’s sake
90% of the stuff Yud has ever written is implicitly America-centric.
The unborn Machine God who heralds the End of Ages will only need three letters: U, S, and A.

where others would only distribute money as needed to key figures in politics and industry, yud understands that in our global direct democracy you have to give to everyone.
