r/SneerClub archives
Ten paragraphs of whining because YouTube recommends them videos from black people (https://reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ib82ju/_/g1zzf28/?context=1)

I’m amazed by how the rationalist community can turn any topic into ranting about SJW conspiracies and how terrible it is to be reminded there are people that aren’t white. Like, yes, the Youtube recommendation algorithm is bad. It shows you thinks you don’t care about that are often unrelated to what you are actually watching (for years, I would get this one conspiracy theory video about biblical giants recommended on everything I watched). This is a universally acknowledged complaint known to everyone. How do you manage to talk about this in a way that makes me want to take Youtube’s side?

Not so fast - a month approaches, and someone says racism is still a problem. Still some riots going on, and bla bla so [the video recommendations] need to stay up. Stay up forever, I guess, since they’re still up. They’ll probably be taken down for election stuff to occupy that slot since that will be the next THIS IS IMPORTANT PEOPLE ARE LITERALLY DYING rallying point, but jesus. The only way we can stop talking about BLM is if something even worse comes along. We can’t just go back to normal. Crisis is the new normal.

So…so very close.

I have to assume that these people are like early career engineers with short memories and no reading of political or economic history because fuck me, come on dude there has never been a period of non-crisis since (a) forever and (b) 2008: whatever stability existed in the rich western countries these people are posting from was definitively upended by the GFC and none of it (whatever it was) was ever recovered. I guess if all you do all day is run numbers on whatever deeply uninteresting project you’re supposed to be running them for you have to have your ignorant outlets on /r/TheMotte
Real interesting that 'returning to normal' for this person seems to mean 'shutting the fuck up about police brutality'. I guess in that respect they're technically right!
It's the same reason conservative boomers want to go back to the idyllic 1950s. "Why can't we return to a time when I never had to talk about race and no one was poor and there weren't all these genders because I was a child and did not know about these things?"

Needless to say, this is all a crime against humanity

Nope, it’s not violence by police officers on black people. It’s media that makes you feel anxious. This is a belief of a person.

I love how he manages to work in a “maybe we should chill out about COVID, it’ll be fiiine” into the black people youtube rant. Complete with putting “vaccination” in scare quotes, hmmm…..

Meanwhile my youtube recommends me trump cult bullshit because …idk? I watch mostly lectures about cavemen, space, god, and lps by a quebecker who plays a lot of mario and sonic. Occasionally I watch like a Lindsay Ellis video essay or something, and like once I watched skull guy on cinema sins.

Maybe algorithms are just really stupid?


yeah woulda figured these are the types to wank off to Louis Rossman videos and boot up Lineage on their phones as soon as they get home. Rationalist STEMlords can't figure out how to transfer contact info now?
Someone who doesn't understand epidemiology or statistics

Even something pretty quantitative, like COVID, we’re just going to live in this semi-tolerable semi-lockdown state with masks and arbitrary self-regulation conscientiousness theater for… forever? Adherence varies by local culture, but doesn’t depend at all on local covid prevalence, hospital capacity, or any number at all. You could halve the # of covid patients everywhere and NPIs would stay the same. I believe this because covid numbers have more than halved in many places and there is no discussion about going back to normal. It’s too fun to make fun of anti-maskers, I guess.

My state literally has thresholds for case rates that ratchet up and down mitigation measures. What more do you want?

And we end up with the common belief that cops are executing black people indiscriminately, solely because of their race, and whites glide through life without encountering any of the problems blacks face due to system injustice. Ok, admittedly, in this case the real world actually MIGHT work this way, because systemic injustices can be highly correlated. But I still believe this to be massively exaggerated due to the signal boosting of any adversity encountered by any black person ever.

Aren’t you rationalists supposed to be steelmanning things? This is a straw man with a bucket on its head. The whole waste of a paragraph could have been “privilege don’t real and black people don’t have it that bad”, I wouldn’t have had to read it, and TheMotte would have given it the same number of upvotes anyway.


My eye twitched reading that. What the fuck is “anecdotal data”?