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13% of Yudkowsky tweets are now racist dogwhistling (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1297011322123464712)

It’s inappropriate to use percentages to refer to a finitely additive—i.e. not countably additive—probability measure.

Sweet, my first thought to this tweet was that there is no 'standard' probability measure on N, but I never thought about asymptotic density being a finitely additive measure :)
I do not see why. Kolmogorov axioms may be convenient if one wants to apply measure theory to probability, but there is plenty of other sensible formalisms. Real world people do not imply countable additivity when they use the word percent. That being said, Yudkowsky is a piece of trash.
> What's wrong about that? It's not a probability measure.
The most obvious thing wrong is that the limit as n->∞ would be an indeterminate ∞/∞, not zero. That's because at n=∞, the the output of the function for the number of primes below n is also ∞. His idea assumes there is a finite number of primes, which is trivial to prove false.
Careful, you don't want to put anyone in the L'Hospital.

I didn’t think to click and see the next tweet in the thread and was confused as to where the racism was in the first tweet.


Why would you say crime statistics and 13%unless you specifically want to signal that you are racist?

I sincerely don’t get this tweet, he has a grift going on of being an “rationalist and AI intellectual”, why threaten that by tweeting shit like this from your public account? Why not just go and be racist on 4chan or something?

> Why would you say crime statistics and 13% unless you specifically want to signal that you are racist? My read was that it was an absurdist joke about the 13/50 meme (that being the most appropriate kind to use). Haha, you say that 13% of the people do 50% of the crimes, but consider that 0% of the numbers do 13% of the statistics. Now that's disproportionate 8\^). MLG horns and a spinning image of glowing-eyed red-tinted Yud go here. The respondants seem to contain a few people who think it's a more traditional dogwhistle and are happy about it, though, and they probably spend more time reading Yud's twitter than I do.
I am pretty sure in this particular case he is just tone deaf, and doesn't recognize the part of his following that will project onto him.

Okay, so the thing about integers is just pedantic to the point of meaninglessness, but what’s the reference to criminal-justice statistics about?

user is "harris dawkins pinker" don't engage lmao
The gods saw his naughtiness and he did snuff it
convictions =/= offenses; and even setting police bias etc etc aside, this one has been yammered on too much and too poorly by too many racists to be considered in any way innocuous.

In this thread: the true meaning of “hiding your power level.”

Did you know Yudkowsky namesearches? I didn’t! I made a rather stupid tweet where I framed him as being into catgirls, and within five minutes I had a comment of his protesting that he has never, nor will ever be into catgirls. (I deleted my tweet, sorry, because I didn’t want to deal with anybody from his fanbase latching on) Anyways I just wanted to share this.

Also, ffs, what the hell is that tweet. I can’t tell if he thinks he’s being cute by wrapping up that dogwhistle into some kind of mathematical conundrum.

Ah the ol dirty derbyshire


And if anything it proves that there are more primes than integers.

Going to go devil’s advocate a little bit here: Is it possible he’s taking the piss and just has a piss-poor understanding of how he looks to anyone ever? The 1st half of the statement (0% of integers are prime) is like trivially false. Also, he’s stated in the past he’s not exactly pleased with his role in the alt-right pipeline.

Don’t get me wrong, Yud is not a great person, but he’s never struck me as racist enough against American black people to pull out the ol’ 13/50.

EDIT: this comment shows my own ignorance, but I’m also going to be snarky:

Name a better duo than LessWrong and poorly-stated axioms leading to bizarre conclusions.

> The 1st half of the statement (0% of integers are prime) is like trivially false. Yudkwosky is alluding to the well known fact that the primes have asymptotic density zero. It's not false per se, it's just poorly stated.
As you count to infinity, the proportion of prime numbers out of the numbers you have counted trends to zero. So, you are wrong, but also Yud's last few tweets are pretty disturbing independent of that.
> he's never struck me as racist enough against American black people to pull out the ol' 13/50. He literally just did.
Pedantically: he didn't "literally". I'm well aware he reposts from Aella, who recently went full mask-off. I'm well aware that his Harry Potter fanfiction had a pretty damn long racist rant about how 'non-enlightenment cultures' were bad, at least until he got backlash and edited it. Yud does and says a lot of shitty things, but he strikes me as the type to go 'dying wizard' instead of 'dogwhistle' when it comes to racism. But this... this is more like a dogwhistle of a dogwhistle, or a terribly executed joke. I think he is genuinely dumb enough to not understand many social situations. I guess I'm just disappointed that Yud *didn't* go dying wizard when he decided to do something racist. And I guess the crux of my argument is that self-proclaimed genius Eliezer Yudkowsky is enough of an idiot to not realize that even a transitive dogwhistle is going to make people ask if you're a racist. TLDR: The only way Yud isn't a racist (against black people, he's made his opinion on Middle Easterners pretty clear in the past) is if he's genuinely an idiot.
> The only way Yud isn't a racist is if he's genuinely an idiot. Small if
he seems pretty aware of the connotations in [this tweet](https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1297077236479139846) imo. like, a normal, unaware reaction would've been to be like "what are you talking about" or just not respond at all, and yet this is the only tweet he replied to in that set of tweets.
damn good find
Yeah, he knew exactly what he was saying. He referenced '53' in another tweet. Good ol' 13/52, except he said 53, so totally not winking at white supremacists, no sir. https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1297011322123464712
This is the best quick analysis I've found so far. Thank you.
What does it mean, to "go dying wizard"?
Go search for the dying wizard sneerquence.
Im not sure if I agree, iirc yud wrote an article in the past going 'in theory you can believe that women are bad at coding and not believe women are inferior, but in practice these beliefs go hand in hand so sexists fuck off' seems very weird to take different stance in regards to 13/50. Of course he could just be an idiot yes. Or a racist idiot.
13 in the original tweet, and then in a subsequent one, 53. But *definitely* not 52, no sir. No white supremacists here. https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1297011322123464712
It's not *trivially* false. It depends on whether (and how) you define probability over infinite sets. (If it's true that 0% of integers are prime, it's equally true that 0% of numbers are integers. It's even true that 0% of numbers are *rational*. All three of those sets have measure 0.)
> (If it's true that 0% of integers are prime, it's equally true that 0% of numbers are integers. It's even true that 0% of numbers are rational. All three of those sets have measure 0.) Yudkowsky is clearly referring to asymptotic density over **N**, not Lebesgue measure over **R**.
Yeah, you're probably right. IANAM.
He's way more careful than Scott, but he really let the mask slip [here](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/faHbrHuPziFH7Ef7p/why-are-individual-iq-differences-ok)

When I was a kid I was fascinated by prime numbers. Obsessed really. I wrote a shitty prime finder that worked in QuickC on DOS/386 computer i had. I used the “long” number type (32 bits, which was a big deal in that era) and brute forced some primes near the billion mark. I printed them out.

No end game there. Just some nerdy kid who loved primes, didn’t have anyone who could teach him the math, or show him sophisticated computing resources. I even invented (to myself) that one only need test up to sqrt(n) to determine if a number is prime.

And now, we have “Big Yud” making some kind of weird analogy involving prime numbers to justify racism. If I went back in time and told myself this, I think I’d spend all my time crying and holed up in my room hating him and people in general.

Ooh, apparently he blocked me. Guess my thread about SSC got some traction.

cursed twitter algorithm making me watch a tik tok from a trump fangirl in more tweets

lmao, the irony

Wait, if he’s talking about integer percentages then 25% are primes.

The integers don't stop at 100, FYI
No, but percentages do describe a portion of a population do. You can have a 150% increase in profits but you can't have more than 100% of a population in jail.