r/SneerClub archives
"Fewer things in life feel more glorious than sliding your Motte into a new girl’s tight, luscious, unplundered Bailey [...] On the flipside, girls are unlikely to satisfy your “rationalist”-sphere and/or abstract philiosophical indulgences." (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/iexnnx/smallscale_question_sunday_for_the_week_of_august/g2nbjx8/)

Why did you make me read this? That post hits that horrible spot of being gross, smug, not funny and not outrageous enough to make you go “wow, look at what some unwell people believe”.

I do love how the Moderator looked at that and said, “hey, this is kinda not okay” and then proceeded to give him a week’s vacation for writing this insane, misogynistic screed.

Every time I see a mod ban someone over there for what can only be described as being slightly too mask-off, inevitably there is *at least* one reply saying "aww come on, he doesn't deserve it." And I'm sorry to report that the pattern has held even for this toxic mess of misogyny squeezed through a kind of "it's time for some game theory, bro" rationalist sage advice filter.
i'm pretty sure ure that person is [a woman](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/iexnnx/smallscale_question_sunday_for_the_week_of_august/g2of95o/) who was jokingly trying to turn his shittiness back on him. might be wrong tho, the comment i linked isn't the clearest one i've ever read lol
Yeah, you might be right. Kinda hard to tell... At the very least they could be clearer about condemning behavior they find demeaning and bad

i literally made the face in the banner, or something approaching it. these are some bad takes, made worse by the words they (who am i kidding, he) used to communicate them. just a holistically horrible experience.

>...a holistically horrible experience Heh

it’s too bad we’ve already repurposed the NSFW tag for unsafe levels of sincerity, because this is sincerely NSFL

and here I was hoping that the linked post was some sort of ironic caricature. \*scrolls through comment history\* "Many individuals in the SSC-sphere occupy high-positions in academia and industry." welp. delusionally sincere, I guess.
> Many individuals in the SSC-sphere occupy high-positions in academia and industry It’s true though. 99% of SSC readers being Dunning-Kruger patients doesn’t negate the fact that Scotty‘s audience includes Silicon Valley CEOs/VCs, think tank/media wonks, STEM academics, and economists.
Turns out desire to own the libs is a hell of a drug

Also, I was more than cognizant of my usage of “men” but “girls.” Don’t wife-up a 31 year-old instead of a 21 year-old, despite our cultural Zeitgeist pressuring otherwise.

Ew. Ew ew ew ew ew ew. DAE see that post from christian spanking slash abuse enthusiasts who recommend marrying a young woman the man can still shape? You know, to abuse? SAME VIBE. fuck that shit.


I’ll never make a cake again.

a commentator on theMotte or SlateStarCodex once wrote a passage on how having a girlfriend was like having a pet, as she doesn’t need to do much to receive your affections.

The charitable interpretation here is that he fucks dogs
Shocked, *shocked* I tell you, that our great rationalists can't figure out that women are people.

posts on /r/stupidpol

Of fucking course

You're burying the lead when it comes to their fascinating post history. Would you be surprised to learn they're thinking about anonymously publishing a book on >Controversial academic and scientific findings.
Gosh, I wonder what sort of findings they're talking about.
Honestly, with this guy, it's a toss-up between whether it's racism or whether it's misogyny. But maybe it's both!
\>posts to vaushv yikes sweety
ok crypto
being crypto is posting on the naughty subreddit excellent
Being crypto is posting to the "DAE think we should like care about minorities less???" subreddit, which unsurprisingly is full of bigots
\>posting on a forum primarily about marxism from a non-identitarian perspective makes one crypto even if one has 0 reactionary comments there or literally anywhere else solely because it isn't overzealously modded like 99% of most leftist subreddits you should honestly read more books and play less videogames.
Lmao "just read books and you'll see that I'm right!!" Nazbols are beyond parody. MFW I'm "discussing Marxism from a non-identitarian perspective" https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/g8gcpy/its_ok_to_be_trans_thats_it/fonqjic?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 What book should I read that will make me think Nazism is cool? Edit: lmao one Ctrl+f later... https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/i5z0vg/listen_to_this_historian_and_author_thomas_frank/g0wt293?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3 Fuck of fascist scum
> MFW I'm "discussing Marxism from a non-identitarian perspective" ... >What book should I read that will make me think Nazism is cool? a comment from a different person makes someone else "crypto?" >Edit: lmao one Ctrl+f later... lol @ thinking saying "faggy" and "retard" makes someone fascist. It's certainly not *couth* in leftist circles, sure. you've got to be like 19 or younger
When you defend a sub where such comments are abundant and upvoted, yes. Being a bigot is uncouth among actual leftists, yes. Which is why you're just a reactionary liberal
\>teenage internet "leftist" calling someone "liberal" original
What age do I have to get to for maturity to wrap back around and I start thinking that calling people f--s is cool again like when I was 14? How old are you?
*jazz hands*
lmao you do this shit a lot, don't you? Seems like you're the only child here.
\>going through comment history to go to an unrelated thread wow, lol. looking for some replies are ya?
Nah, just wanted to see what flavor of dipshit you are.
tbf, we'd also mercilessly mock that person if they posted such a... special... rant in our sub.
>posts in stupidpol imagine
worse even, I mod there. :(
This is one of those “self-owns” I’ve been hearing so much about

Lmao jesus christ. Imagine smugly devoting yourself to the abstract philosophical pursuit of truth and then still literally believing that having sex ruins your pussy for men ever after, let alone that that’s what matters

You stupid fucking misogynistic creep, you ever think you might need so much “““novelty”“” and “““variety”“” in your sexual partners because you’re such a virgin fetishist that you’ve never fucked a woman who knows how to fuck you back?

Today in ‘did they really write that?’

5/7 yikes.

Anyway, it looks to me that this persons sexual experience comes from reading pickup forums, and not really interacting with real people.

This whole 'tight, luscious, unplundered' bit is spoken by someone who has never had sex with someone with little experience, otherwise they'd know how overrated it is. I for one never really understood the whole shtick about fantasizing about virgins
When you remember that they think of women as property, it helps you realize that they only want new goods. Because to that mindset, sex isn't an intimate moment between two people, it's a transactional exchange of power.

Dude what the fuck, there should be CW rules for this shit

Cringe Warning

“gosh, i just don’t see why women aren’t on board for this movement. maybe it’s something in their genetical genetic chromosome genetics” - literally every the motter that read that post

This is disgusting

Wow, this is an actual quote. What a psychopath.

The best part about aging as a female-looking person is that these misogynistic freaks stop chasing after you —once you’re old enough to buy your own booze

Browsing through this guys comment history and I’m just now seeing that they kept stupidpol around but banned ChapoTrapHouse.

I like how he’s not banned for being a raging sexist but for “inflammatory claim without evidence”

Like cmon

Posting this here is the worst kind of violence, the kind against me.

I think you’ve turned me off Bailey’s Irish Cream for life.

Please refrain from reminding me of the otherwise unrelated morning that turned me off Bailey’s Irish Cream for life when you are posting on this subreddit

It’s really funny to me how whenever sneerclub links to an objectively horrible Motte comment, it has like 8 downvotes and a bunch of replies telling the poster their opinion is bad.

Maybe don’t use opinions the community rejects to tar the community?