r/SneerClub archives
"Sure, Sweden has had 10 times more COVID deaths than the other scandinavian countries, but we really should be looking at the happiness index... Also, old people are a net financial loss to society." (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/ijjg6o/sure_sweden_has_had_10_times_more_covid_deaths/)

I’m not saying whether or not they fucked up, but

This is the most infuriating move in the rationalist / “high decoupler” arsenal - to respond to a data-based assertion with “what if?” based on some data the initial claimant didn’t provide, but to do no further research. It treats a properly phrased question as a valid critique. It puts an imaginative skeptic on par with a diligent investigator. It’s armchair fantasy.

  1. Presuming the user has access to the same search engines available to most English-speaking countries, it would take 30 seconds to Google “world happiness report” and find out that, per the 2019 report, Denmark, Norway, and Finland were ahead of Sweden already. So this commenter is not just evincing polite skepticism - they’re implicitly making the extraordinary claim that a 5X death rate might actually make a country happier on net.

  2. “Ah, but those are 2019 figures”, the skeptic says. “We can’t possibly judge until we have 2020 data.” Okay, fi-i-ine, but this is also not a skeptically neutral stance - it’s an affirmative defense of the status quo.

The key to remember when you find yourself in the unenviable position of having a discussion with a rationalist is that they never, ever do the legwork. Why would they, when they can just Bayes it out?
I think the term "rationalist" here is being used in an extremely charitable manner. Like, foolhardy, almost saintly charity of interpretation.
Also it could be worth mentioning that measuring "happiness" or any kind of vague trait based on self-reports and ranking those reports doesn't make fucking sense and is just physics envy
iirc, people in the rationalist sphere have linked to people saying this kind of thing about the [democracy index](https://samzdat.com/2018/03/26/enter-a-search-term-e-g-democracy/) and even [an economy index before](https://www.reddit.com/r/slatestarcodex/comments/c4jv3s/the_heritage_foundation_economic_freedom_index_is/). So they should have known better.
>2) "Ah, but those are 2019 figures", the skeptic says. "We can't possibly judge until we have 2020 data." Okay, fi-i-ine, but this is also not a skeptically neutral stance - it's an affirmative defense of the status quo. I'm getting weird Nazi vibes from the idea that society would be happier if its elderly died off.
*Krusty the Clown voice* Nazis if we're LUCKY.

Let’s see what the “facts don’t care about your feelings” gang are up to today….

The facts on "happiness" in this case.

I wonder what the happiness index looks like in a country filled with people who believe that there exists some finite number of happiness index points for which they would gladly forsake your life.

Whoa, slow down. I thought Sweden was a failed state full of sharia law no-go zones where Muslim rape gangs ruled the streets and perpetrated grenade attacks against hot dog stands on a daily basis. Now it’s the happiest place on earth? I can’t keep up!