r/SneerClub archives

It seems like humans (like me) don’t notice sneer when it’s directed at people we disagree with.

luckily, the fine denizens of /r/SneerClub are immune to this problem because of human biodiversity

> Btw, even greater respect to Scott for not sneering, even at the outgroup. Guess this person simply doesn't notice sneers at all. For example from what he linked: > (Disgust! Frothing! Ordure!)
Dunno about that myself, I'm weary of Scotts manipulative streak, and the whole '70% of all feminists are insane' thing, his anti BLM stance (he thinks black people getting murdered is getting way above average attention), and I could go on.
Well we on the “never took EY seriously in the first place” section of /r/SneerClub are all here to carry you through whatever shame may burden you, nonetheless there’s two quotes worth keeping in mind: “He ain’t heavy, he’s my brother” “Ain’t no thing’
No it doesn't, just asserty your opinion without whining and bear the downvotes without flinching like Saint Sebastian. E.g. I think Aaronson is fine and we should stop posting about him
I'm not a conformancer; I am very open minded and dislike following the mob. :)

Okay, does scott actually think he’ll be fired if his identity is revealed? His views are no more abhorrent than an active trump supporter, has there been an epidemic of psychiatrists getting fired for being conservative or something? Realistically, his employer will just see the word salad he vomits out, have his eyes glaze over, and be like “yeah whatever”.

I think scotts either been turned paranoic by the hysteria around “cancel culture”, or he wants to be way more open about his awful opinions in the future.

Looking at the people who are following him, I'm going with the *mask-off* option. I used to read some of his stuff back in the stupid days. But it's very clear, going back through his stuff that he's basically a reactionary bio determinist who's increasingly unable to ignore that the majority of his audience are there for said reactionary bio determinism. The NYT thing is basically a gift as its allowing him to play persecution while basically retiring from normie-life to blog full time. This isn't unusual in right wing opinion -- almost every rightist figure will be 'persecuted by the mainstream' for edgy opinions, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Jordan Peterson, now SSC. And I think there's evidence of this in his actual post. If he were just going to blog about science and nerdy stuff *nobody would bother with it*. No one will bother to doxx over an opinion on Star Wars, or a boring science nerd post on statistics and mask studies. Even if his patients would read this knowing that this is their doctor, I can't imagine that something like "I think Disney ruined Star Wars" is going to tell a patient too much. Unless Disney ruined Star Wars by having a female protagonist is his opinion.
Psychiatrists can be openly evil and not have any consequences so I don't know why he's worried about being accused of being secretly evil
Turns out when your sworn enemy is the Church of Scientology you can get away with a lot of shit.
This is just the weird internet reactionary version of prepper porn. It's not just that his favorite conspiracy theory/fantasy is true, he's at the center of a leftist plot at the NYT to expose his identity, and he must abandon his former life and craft a new one that will shield him from whatever threat he's constantly jacking off mentally about.
> Okay, does scott actually think he'll be fired if his identity is revealed? Probably not. But if you're doing the fired 4 truth grift you gotta paint yourself as the victim. Scott's just pulling the andrew sullivan strategy.

What I’m getting from this is that SneerClub will soon finally be able to appear in the “behind the throne” section of conspiracy theory flowcharts, which is really quite promising.

Someone call Boris Johnson in for a hypnoduction sesh, I think I just sparked some new laws we need passed. Do you think we could get him to wear a bowtie?

cultural sneerism
Ooh, in that case I’m de-lurking to establish myself here before SneerClub becomes mainstream cool.
Username checks out.
As an extremely occasional contributer to r/sneerclub, it's good to know that my power & influence will finally be recognised.

Wait is it intentional that the initials of Sneer Club are SC? Is SSC a … super sneer club?!

…it sure is terrible to see how Sneer Culture has corrupted you, dgerard. Is it true that you used to be a valuable community member of LessWrong? Oh how the mighty fall. How I weep. In the following 100 pages, I, the dying wizard, will discuss the descent of a valuable community member into the sneerchelons of irrationality.


I started on LW in the foolish belief that the weirdy bits could be worked around with some basic explanation, before I realised they were literally the point

I’ve become increasingly resigned that I’m not going to be able to keep blogging pseudonymously forever, either because of the NYT or because someone else tries the same thing (there was an incident with Wikipedia recently).

Oh boo fucking hoo

Wake up: how self-precious do you have to be to pretend that your blog is like being in the fucking mafia

But there was an *incident*!
>pseudonymous yeah, it means "under a pseudonym"

It’s quite sweet that they think that David’s posts from 2010 on lesswrong are evidence of him having been on the Internet for ‘a long time’.

I think they’re out by about two decades there - some of us were on the Internet before these kids were born.

God is his spiel of “woe is me if my identity were known” still going on, when the separation of his pseudonym and his name is paper thin?

It's beyond hilarious to me that he chose to publish his own blog posts under his full name, yet acted like the sky was falling because he's paranoid about the media.
it's all Wikipedia's fault too u kno, remember that academic citation where he was forced at gunpoint to use his real name and had no choice whatsoever in the matter?
It still is a wonder you managed to trick/force him into using his real name for that.
Next level doxing: using mind control to force someone to dox themselves. (insert meme about brain growing)
[You will use your real name](https://media1.giphy.com/media/l2JJKs3I69qfaQleE/giphy.gif)

I’ll try to start some kind of private practice where I’m my own boss and concentrate entirely on medication management

yikes. OTOH he could probably make a good dime shilling nootropics/supplements
Wow, that guy does not understand what ADHD is.

oh my fucking god scott get over yourself