r/SneerClub archives
Other sneer clubbers: pay attention to people who take a thousand words to get across their idiotic point/ Me: Pays attention to Aaron Haspel, who says utterly insipid garbage in 280 characters or less (https://twitter.com/ahaspel/status/1299020316711227398)

“Am I so out of touch? No, it’s the poor who are wrong.”

/me forces a billionaire to take a min wage job

Aaron explodes in the contradiction.

Over 2000 followers


And 1 yikes from me.

“Heh, I see. Well kid, here’s one I know you’ve never heard spoken in the Cathedral - have you ever realized that the law forces employers to pay their employees a minimum amount…and they don’t want to pay it? That’s right, they don’t.

Even worse than affirmative action, am I right?”

Always fascinating how some people never grow up past 13 years old

Seriously, the takes are absurd by the incongruity between the pretense and the goods, like this one: > If you want something done right, get someone to do it who knows how. Has the profundity of a 90's sitcom wife or a plumbing commercial. > Writer is the one part an actor can't play. Perfect example of a deepity. > Only the soulless can love what everyone likes. W_-V

I think i just suffered an injury from my eyes rolling too far into the back of my head

i mean, yes, the tweet you linked to is terrible, but this one is even more astonishingly wise: https://twitter.com/ahaspel/status/1299347489015898115

look, that clearly makes him off topic for sneerclub,

How is this sneer and not cringe?

I see rationalists RT this guy all the time and Paul Graham is a fan.


shitty "proverbs" made by one of those AI garbage generators...

A take so miserable it doesn’t even get ratio’d. Love it.

Comes off like /r/EnoughLibertarianSpam fodder. Pure Rand hyperbole.

Again I see rationalists RT this guy all the time and Paul Graham likes him

many neurons in my brain have died and i want compensation for having to read this.

what price ceilings do billionaires have? where?

And where earnings are concerned, the market is indeed some kind of god.

I knew that propertarianism was basically a religion, but come on.

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