r/SneerClub archives
Scientist extraordinaire goes on about how "midwits'' can't question their own biases while practicing intellectual fellatio on camera. (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/il884h/scientist_extraordinaire_goes_on_about_how/)

I thought the video was dumb until I saw his CV. He’s got a doctorate and therefore is clearly worthy of attention.

Sincerely, A Mid-wit.


Also, direct links in the video:

Enter the midwit

Classic Cathedral Hunting

“They perceive biases in other people, but they don’t perceive themselves to be biased”

“They can’t think in a kind of creative way…”

“The midwit is going to be lower in autistic traits”

>Dutton wrote a paper in defense of Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique series, which claims that Jewish people are biologically ethnocentric to the detriment of other groups. Pinker said it contributed nothing new, and was unsupported by evolutionary psychology while also repeating old antisemitic canards. imagine being so racist that *Pinker* calls you on it lol
He's only interested in the cutting edge of antisemitic dogwhistles
What’s wrong with pinker? I recall he said that McDonalds book was BS
He supports a bunch of evopsych crap. Oh, and the Epstein thing.
Ah yes, a Doctorate in Religious Studies. He is clearly fully qualified to make pointed statements about the relationship between intelligence, academia, liberalism, and autism without rebuke! Certainly no high-IQ autistic person with academic achievements would be highly empathetic and leftist, never, not one, not a single example of that ever, zero -- you can show me counterexamples, but clearly they're all mid-wit imposters! They will never notice their own biases or come up with new ideas! We must purge the mid-wits from academic discourse and banish them to the realms of law and medicine! Only super genius eugenicists could ever innovate! /sneer
nothing, just like there's nothing stopping them from being that way either! they are human beings either way and this autism = lacks empathy narrative I'm sneering at here is especially repugnant
I would think it would be more common to have things the other way around
You gotta escape "\\)" that ) in the CV link.
[What Kind of People Become Vegan?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xni2cyNAL5M) The vid starts with a song about beef. And then he goes 'even McDonalds has vegan menus!' Also holy shit he has such an exaggerated British accent. He then goes 'vegans are mentally unstable and easily indoctrinated' of course. Bonus from the comments 'my mom was vegan, and the diet was so toxic it turned my [dad in a workaholic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzYO0joolR0)'.
["two very different deviations: atheism and paranormal belief"](https://imgur.com/yJP9l2V)

Christ what a shitshow of a comment section

Mmm, yes, I love to see people patting each other on the back about how smart they all are when they have done nothing to demonstrate they are good at ... well, anything at all, actually, except perhaps watching some dingdong's highly questionable youtube videos A+ comment section, really gets my sneer going
Something about reading youtube commenters shitting on reddit commenters is perversely fun
especially when they are so inept at it Accusing reddit of having an average IQ of 120???? haha that's the top 10% (on a rather ill-conceived metric -- also the real average is probably about 100, just like youtube, since there's no sequence-matching test or whatever the fuck required to join the site), nice burn tho

Spiderman pointing at Spiderman, infinite regress edition.

The IEP let this guy write their anthropology article.


It still baffles me how an eugenics supporter would be interested in anthropology. I'd love to understand what's his reasoning behind this. Maybe he's trying to objectively decide which cultures should be exterminated and which should not?
Why would that baffle you? Didnt a lot of nazis do the same thing? You can go into anthropology with a 'look how superiour we are'mindset. Or get converted into 1488 after getting a phd. Getting his reasons for it would be interesting indeed however.
Going through the bulk of the course and not recognizing that western society is not the only one with "true values" as lay-man may think would require some mental gymnastics for sure. That would be like having a racist majoring in history put his hand on his ears every time a great African kingdom like: Axum, Mali or Nubia is mentioned.
That is a good point, that is indeed baffling. (And turns out, the reason I wasn't baffled at first is because my knowledge of anthropology is lacking, so thanks should have thought about it more)
Old physical anthropology just was scientific racism. He wants to Make Anthropology Great Again.

This guy is fascinating. the velocity of his flight of ideas is impressive.

Checked what other vids this person has made … ow god…

Also, the cheap gearing up without any sense of style is a bit sad in the age of philosophy tube and contrapoints and the jimquisition.

honestly i prefer the less stylish, more video essay-ish vids like shaun and three arrows. to each their own
That is fine, my complaint is more about the halfassing of the style. Just putting on a fez ranting without a script while sitting in front of your cheap webcam is just a bit embarrassing. E: thinking about it more, nah, it is actually good that he is halfassing it, we know what happens when the albert speers of the world really get some big ideas.

Hey Beef-and-Eugenics Man: I’m (ostensibly) exactly the person you’re trying to jack off with this video, and I fucking hate it.

I consistently score in the top 1% or better on exams that serve as tenuous metrics of g-factor or IQ or whatever the fuck, I keep at the cutting edge of my field when I’m not just drawing butts on the internet, and probably have some form of autism, and you don’t fucking speak for me. Shut the fuck up.

The people you’re calling midwits are very valuable colleagues – it’s helpful to have many people who think in many different ways, who understand different domains from different perspectives – and many of them achieve more on their own merit than I ever will.Richard Feynman was a midwit.

Also, everything else you’re saying is muddy tripe.
