r/SneerClub archives

….my new motto appears to generate confusion about my sympathies, so to eliminate all ambiguity I will be donating ,000 to the republicans at the Lincoln Project.

[please press F to pay respects](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4942#comment-1854809) edit: [actually, I do think that at the very least Scott is sexist, and he's probs racist too.](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4942#comment-1855095) Nice try, "concerned."
[Further down tho...](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4942#comment-1854934) > It should go without saying but apparently does need saying, that SC is not a hivemind of nerd-hating jocks who delight in calling people racist and sexist just for the joy of smearing people. Let me put on my mod hat to clarify things. Sneerclub is indeed a hivemind of nerd-hating jocks who delight in calling people racist and sexist just for the joy of smearing people.
You're not a jock, give me a break
Okay maybe, but the rest is true
To be fair the only true thing either of the Scott’s have ever said about SneerClub is that I could definitely beat both of them up if I actually wanted to
poptart is the jock, get it right
In honor of this, I have changed by flair to ["Ogre, you asshole."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfK8NUYl9k0)
Please use more inclusive language. *Some* of us are hipsters mouthing academic jargon to sow discord among our mental superiors.
"jock" is a pejorative, I prefer the term "Chad".
J*ck is an ableist slur
It can certainly start a fight in Glasgow, too.
Oh damn, looks like Scott has [some domestic terrorist sympathizers among his readers](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4942#comment-1854901): >The particular rifle-wielding 17 y.o. seems to have actually have done well here. Those were anything but peaceful protestors. very bad look.
Damn, he makes us sound so cool: > [I can’t improve over this description of SneerClub that someone wrote two years ago: **The apex predators**....](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4942#comment-1854909)
It is weird, as this proves that he doesn't read this place at all, as I can't recall a topic about him where people didn't go 'please stop reading about SC, get help seriously'. But it also proves he has a very weird view of SC.
> Lions don’t waste energy chasing after rabbits for extended periods, they save their strength for fighting buffalo and giraffes. SneerClubbers are the jackals and vultures who move in once the top predators are sated. Unsurprising that commenters on the Baronson blog have never heard of Carlos the Jackal
I'm personally okay with being compared to a vulture, vultures are fucking metal. Can you imagine a vulture taking the amount of shit from airport security Baronson did? No way. It's either "sorry to bother you sir, have a good flight sir" or the baby vultures are eating pig tonight.
What the hell.
right? fucked up!
If I had commenters on my academic blog defending Kyle Rittenhouse, I'd shutter the whole thing and rethink my life. Where did I go wrong that I attracted people who defend far right murderers?
> right? fucked up!
'Nobody on the left condemned this' ... he really is in a right wing bubble isnt he? E: shit i was talking about a different post where scott brings up the child soldier. (Also, Scott is just ignoring that 99% of the violence comes from the right ([related](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/white-vigilantes-kenosha_n_5f4822bcc5b6cf66b2b5103e)), bothsidesism is horrible).
[How could he be sexist when he lends his platform, so gracefully, to a woman?](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4522) BTW, to spare your important time (and yes I mean you, the reader of this comment, in a general sense), no one tells women in STEM "you, a woman, is unable to science because of your gender and /or sexual characteristics." Or at least it only rarely happens. Thus, sexism and misogyny do not exist in STEM. There are fewer women in STEM because they are euhm less assertive, and euhm more prone to baby having.
> euhm more prone to baby having. euhm they have a genetic disposition to baby having
No not at all. The post itself is not terrible out of context. The problem is that it is used to excuse physics for its super intense misogyny. All of the arguments apply to other scientific fields where women are better represented. The introduction by Scott and the first few paragraphs make clear the purpose of the piece. The first sentence reads, > Imagine that every time you turned your blog over to a certain topic, you got denounced on Twitter and Reddit as a privileged douchebro, entitled STEMlord, counterrevolutionary bourgeoisie, etc. etc. Later in SA's introduction > Briefly: anyone with a brain and a soul wants there to be many more women in STEM. Karen [the invited author] outlines a realistic way to achieve this shared goal. Crucially, Karen’s way is not about shaming male STEM nerds for their deep-seated misogyny, their arrogant mansplaining, or their gross, creepy, predatory sexual desires. Yes, you can go the shaming route (God knows it’s being tried). If you do, you’ll probably snare many guys who really do deserve to be shamed as creeps or misogynists, along with many more who don’t. Yet for all your efforts, Karen predicts, you’ll no more solve the original problem of too few women in STEM, than arresting the kulaks solved the problem of lifting the masses out of poverty. As a man of STEM, I can tell you that Scott knows how much mysogyny is in the field and how much it actually hinders women from participating. I've been told more than once by colleagues that women are inherently bad at physics (usually in private but very explicitly). I've worked with folks who were harassed etc. And catching harassers is important, and no, there won't "be many more who don't deserve it." SA knows (as he has been a faculty member for a while) how hard it is to get rid of a prof even when they have been involved in repeated multi year sexual harassment complaints, and he is being wilfully obtuse.
> Nice try, "concerned." I absolute them.
well well well. look at the mess you've made! > this is surely one of the biggest days of my life, and I should add “Certified non-sexist and non-racist by SneerClub, September 2020” to the header of this blog… 🙂
Maybe we can make a grift out of this. If Scott can demonstrate a commitment to anti-racism/sexism—in the form of donating a couple thousand to us—we'll officially certify him as non-sexist and non-racist.
We could start a standards body whose purview is developing an internationally-recognized engineering standard for being not-a-racist-dirtbag, then charge 500 bucks a pop to download or use the standard.
AAA-rated anti-racism backed securities
/r/neoliberal: this but unironically
Cert: SC-ANTIRACISM is born.
No, see, I never used to think of him as a racist or sexist \*before\* this update, but now that I've read it... I'm really reconsidering the benefit of doubt I gave him! I guess you just can't win, Scott, can you? May as well get it over with and tattoo a swastiska on your face and stream yourself screaming "YOU MADE ME DO THIS" on youtube.
Hey, if that'd get him to get him to shut up about his persecution complex, I'm in favour.
The 'ironic others want me to rant more' is concerning. He doesnt get lot of people just want drama or more culture war. The accelerationists are just trying to use you Scott, they prob are also lovebombing ya. (It also gives them an excuse to dump pages and pages of rw propaganda in the comments). E: I think we should declare him officially sexist/ racist free, just because I want to see if he actually changes his header. (And if he does he should talk to his therapist about this, and I still think members of this sub should be poking around in his comments section).
Why is everyone going mask-off these days? I mean, it's great for saying "i told you so", but still a bit disorienting.

The Right could only kill me and everyone I know.

The Left is scarier; it could convince me that it was my fault!

He later refined this to the following, as can be seen in the blog header.

The Far Right is destroying the world, and the Far Left thinks it’s my fault!

(The exclamation point at the end suggests a slightly comic delivery, Scott explains.)

Anyway, to show his levelheadedness and how the left—by which he seems to mean sneerers? really not clear—is wrong about him, Scott decided to match reader donations to an organization ran by Tea Party Republicans. To own the leftists, one presumes.

Edit: Out of self-hatred or something I am reading the comments. Jegus christ Aaronson has attracted a dumb bunch of people. Honestly, it’s a fitting punishment.

But anyway.

In response, the antifa types will loot and riot and set cities on fire, and will accost white people with raised fists as they sit outside eating dinner. The left, ripped apart by internal divisions, will never forcefully condemn any of this.

Scott, honey, let me explain. Those people dining al fresco are a lot like a tip jar. Now of course, they’re not the people with real power to do something about police violence and racism—a change dish, if you will. But when people are flustered it’s very easy to mix up the two. I hope you can understand.

> The Far Right is destroying the world, and the Far Left thinks it's my fault! woof! so close.
No one thinks it's your fault, you egocentric Jack-o'-lantern, stop reading sneer club, ban the racists and take care of yourself. And no, you're not the terrifying turnip type, you're definitely a pumpkin.
Can't argue with facts like that.
> the antifa types will loot and riot and set cities on fire Is he thinking of landlords? This sounds a lot like landlords.
Pretty [sure](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/slashed-tires-protests/) it is [cops](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_forfeiture_in_the_United_States) e: [wow, that is a lot money for lawsuits](https://twitter.com/aurelioacts/status/1302230751853805574)

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But it’s words I’m really afraid of

This guy is so tragic. It’s like watching a beloved boomer relative fall down the qanon hole.

Q is real though
no Q is rational R is real
He's Real
As in he exists, or he is what he says he is on pedochan?
The Real Q is the friends we made along the way
Ya lost me lol
And we are lost with you because where we go one we go all.

…So to prove the Far Left wrong, I’m going to donate to the Right! But not the Far Right, just the complicit Right! Heaven forbid I look like more of a jerk than I feel when I say things!

what a baby

You know, unless you’re an unarmed black man with any prior arrests, underlying health conditions, or traces of illicit chemical substances in your bloodstream who ends up being murdered by the police.

If someone tried to convince me that it was my fault, I would simply use my rational mind to not be convinced. It would be easy, for me.

damn these leftists and their convincing arguments

I absolutely love the way he put it — “when you’re backed into a corner the only thing left is to swing an ax at the entire moral superstructure.” If only he was describing a different set of people.

Both Scott A’s have an overwhelming fear of ostracism, so overwhelming that it makes them unable to process reasonable criticisms.

Re: donations Dril_moron.jpg.

Anyway, the right is destroying his world, and the rationalists certainly helpes a little bit with ‘crying wolf’ and all the progressive bashing. The quote is also missing that the far left wants to stop the far right from murdering people.

It is sad however that after all the progressive bashing people still think that progressives want to rule by guilt, and not … you know give voice to the voiceless, or give people control over the [politcial] means of production.

What the fuck.

Scott, if youre reading this, please get help.

The only AI I’m hoping for is one that can look over the comments history of a blog and tease out the delicate pattern of how political sentiment among those commenting filters back into changes to the blogger’s political views.
