r/SneerClub archives
CFAR superstar concludes that the best way to decrease inequality is to *increase* inequality, actually (https://i.redd.it/8nsd2f177hl51.png)

These people swear they’re intelligent lmao. Literally highschool takes

For just $3,900 you used to be able to spend four and half days listening to this man literally telling you how to think!
[More like middle school takes.](https://humanparts.medium.com/the-mtg-color-wheel-c9700a7cf36d)

Deeper in the comments, someone speculates on how our future quintillionares will get that sweet sweet feeling of domination over society

Yeah, I’ve given some thought about how to ameliorate positional-scarcity if we actually transition into a post-scarcity Glorious Transhuman Future, in which everyone has the equivalent of a Dyson sphere’s worth of smartmatter. I suspect that we can spoof this “social triumph” sense via realistic simulated-humans providing worship, but if not,
-Can we create intelligent, adoring p-zombies for the Prince to rule over?
-Can we pair the Prince with some Genuine Sophonts who are really into this idea
-Offer voluntary quarantine for the Prince from any people who are doing better than him?
-Allow the Prince to self-duplicate and rule over himself via whatever method he feels is just

They invented videogames, but worse btw.
>\-Allow the Prince to self-duplicate and rule over himself via whatever method he feels is just Insert image macro of Spiderman pointing at Spiderman
Endless Space 2 did it better.
-Can race science inform our future superintelligent hyper-racism? -Can we cuck a superintelligent AI? -Will superintelligent AI make age of consent an even less meaningful concept? -In the boundless mindscape simulated by the superintelligent AI, will "cannot live within 500 feet of a school" even be a coherent collection of words? -Is this good news for bitcoin?

Transcript, for those who cannot view the screencap for whatever reason:

Duncan Sabien, ex-teacher at CFAR, author of Animorphs But Rationalier, in open relationship with Big Yud’s ex?? (EDIT: and yes, also the Dragon Army guy):

The true woke is “EVERYONE should be a billionaire.”(In the sense that everyone should have the same freedom, security, and access-to-resources that current billionaires enjoy.)In fact, billionaire-levels of self-actualization are still pretty low, all things considered. Quintillionaires should exist, and you should be one of them.

Yes, this viewpoint requires building Dyson spheres or colonizing the galaxy.

Yes, until we’ve reached that point it’s still a good idea to meaningfully reduce our current inequality.

I’m comfortable with *temporarily* abolishing billionaires if it gets all of us to billionaire status faster.

But that’s an instrumental goal, not a terminal value.

Matthew Graves of MIRI:

When it comes to getting all of us to billionaire status faster, I have the sense that we want more concentration of wealth, not less (since Bezos and Musk are the ones building spacecraft instead of ending homelessness); I am curious if you have a different sense here

Duncan Sabien, revealing all of his above statements to be disingenuous vacuously-true logic-tricks in his own eyes:

I don’t; my *guess* is that concentration is the right move. I’m just throwing a litany-of-Tarski bone to the anti-billionaire zealots.

TL:DR “Fuck the poor, fuck the homeless, instead of helping them we should give more money to the absurdly wealthy so that they will spend a tiny fraction of their money exploring space with their toy rockets and thereby somehow make us all similarly rich in the far future^([citation needed])”

Is Duncan Sabine also the dragon army guy? > author of Animorphs But Rationalier I actually liked that fanfic, but if it is by the dragon army guy, it kind of ruins it in an Orson Scott Card’s views ruining Ender’s game kinda way. Its puts a so much darker context on so much... like does the fanfic author think we are actually supposed to agree with Visser 3 or Crayak? Or at least agree with Jake’s more authoritarian choices?
Visser 3 is definitely a rationalist power fantasy. The part that makes it worrisome to read is that: >!The Animorphs considered giving in to Visser 3, using a Leeran (a species that can create telepathic connections between people) to verify that Visser 3 is truly precommitting to preserving Earth and humanity and allowing them a small but proportional share of resources even as he subsumed the rest of the galaxy. I took it as the Animorphs considering all options, even absurd ones as a brainstorming technique and/or to show how close to despair they were, but apparently the author views multi-billionaires as the ideal leaders to utopia so now I think it was a genuine consideration that the author would regard as a happy ending.!< Oh and the authoritarian group home makes one part so much worse: >!The Animorphs figure out an exploit in morph technology that lets them look into and through the minds and memories of sapient beings they morph into. So they take turns morphing into each other and looking through each other’s minds as a bonding exercise and to learn how each other thinks so they can coordinate and strategize better. It was meant as a heartwarming bonding moment, but now I see it as a massive privacy violation that they peer-pressured each other into. Also, realistically, I think a bunch of teenagers looking through each other’s minds would implode into extreme drama, even teenagers chosen by a God-AI-Alien.!<

I’ll choose getting 0k a year now over getting billion dollars in the year 998xq-7*2, thanks

I kno its a weird decision but that’s just my time preferences

Times like these are when skin in the game becomes a really useful conceptual hammer. If you really believed this, then why isn’t your EA cause giving money to Jeff Bezos?

No no, the point is to get Thiel and Bezos to give money to your ~~grift~~ charitable cause. So you have to make sure to [periodically let everyone know](https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/07/29/against-against-billionaire-philanthropy/ ) [how wonderful ultra rich people are](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/CKpByWmsZ8WmpHtYa/competent-elites).

Duncan Sabien is the Dragon Army guy, right? That adds some important context… Like the fact that he likes pointless authoritarianism and military cosplay and blames his group home failure on not being authoritarian enough. I was briefly confused by his take, but his last post makes his views clear. Obviously we just need to let the current billionaires keep concentrating wealth to get to the Dyson sphere future and it is absolute insanity to consider otherwise!

Yeah, he's also the Dragon Army Guy

Everyone knows that less money is the same as more money, and as long as the ultra-wealthy are doing fine, everyone is. If we concentrate all the wealth int 5-10 people, that means EVERYONE gets richer because losing money is the same as gaining money, and you’re only poor because you’re lazy (and probably non-white, but that’s your own fault).

Using my advanced calculations, I have determined that if you measure wealth inequality by only comparing the wealth of those who have the same wealth, we see that wealth inequality is very low.
I take the population median and everyone's doing great.
Wouldn't everyone be doing poorly in the median if all wealth is concentrated in the 1% and doing well in the average? Or am I missing something?
Median takes a population and finds the middle value. So a population of 7 billion the 1% doesn't have an impact. It's about the people in the 50th percentile. They earn about 10k per household.

Look if we concentrate all money and power in the billion quintillionaires and also give them all the power we can do a Great Leap Forward, leading to utopia.

1: SpaceX 2: ? 3: Build Dyson Spheres and colonise the galaxy. 4: Profit!

draaaaaaaagon aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

What will all these people do when Kurzweil dies of normal old age, Yudkowsky keeps being a nobody, they’re still driving cars in town in ten years, nobody is born on mars in their lifetimes, AI is primarily used to make personalized advertisements that hoodwink you into buying shit you don’t need, and utterly ordinary imperial decline and ecological collapse dominates headlines when they are old?

Become cultists for Dath Ilan and communally raise their kids in crechés to believe the same shit

To misquote Syndrome, “when everyone is special, no one is.” If the baseline of wealth is a billionaire, then that’s same as having 500 bucks to your name now. Getting everyone to have the access billionaires have can’t be done by just making everyone a billionaire, you have to actually implement social programmes

He's not saying everyone should have billions or quintillions of dollars, he's saying everyone should have access to the kind of resources that that much money currently provides, but instead of getting those resources the same way it is currently done (\*cough\* on the backs of the poor but let's just sweep that under the rug) it would be via some big galaxy-disassembling process. What got my sneer is that he first acknowledged that decreasing inequality in the present day, before we start gravity-mining the sun or whatever, is important, and then threw that out and backpedaled hard to the asinine "actually, bigger inequality is the fastest route to maximizing resources for everyone" stance

In addition to being the dragon army guy Duncan is an abuse apologist. Here is a facebook post he wrote after his best friend Brent was basically proven to be an abuser: