r/SneerClub archives
Guy rightly points out that /r/TheMotte is increasingly right-wing propaganda, user promptly shows up in the comments to defend literal Nazis (https://i.redd.it/cke7auw2qml51.png)

Charlottesville was a totally peaceful KKK rally until the evil Antifa showed up, you guys!

It's also a bog standard Nazi apologist talking point that literal neo-Nazis would repeat after Fields' arrest, trial and conviction.

One reason you know these people are arguing in bad faith, is that it’s just not possible to believe that anyone could legitimately accept “There’s a chance that protestors could attack someone in their car, ergo the driver is not in the wrong to preemptively kill protestors” as a rational argument.

They have know what they are doing. They have to. No other way to explain it other than starting with the conclusion of “I want the protestors dead” and back-filling the arguments, throwing anything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

To be fair to the rationalists, rokos basilisk shows that they dont believe that causality is a strong rule, so cause and effect turning round, like a nazi record round round, is valid. E: that is of course why they also believe the 93% peaceful BLM protests are really to blame for the police violence. E2: also unrelated to masebrocks comment, but seshfan2 is wrong, themotte hasnt changed. Sesh just thought themotte cared about meta level values ('1 death is a statistic') while it cared about object level values ('nazis are good actually').

They are never, ever going to let an anti-right-wing sentiment go unchallenged, even in its most basic forms such as ‘nazis are bad’ or ‘climate change is real’. It’s something I noticed in SSC: when does Scott does voice a liberal-left opinion, even the most lukewarm take like “this dude who fought for gay rights is pretty cool” or “maybe we should do something about the environment”, people are immediately going to jump in the comments to go lile “excuse me, but have you considered that defending gay rights was bad, actually?” To them, letting someone having the last word is basically admitting defeat. This is why the discussions on SSC and themotte could reach into the hundreds of comments. ’

When you have nothing in your life but posting on the internet, all this online culture war stuff is a pretty huge deal.

"Hello, and welcome to themotte. We don't do 'consensus building' here, but if you say anything that ever-so-slightly questions our conventional wisdom that right-wing vigilantes are good, 'antifa' is bad, and breaking a window at a protest is the moral equivalent of premeditated murder, then your post will be nitpicked to death by twelve separate yet ideologically indistinguishable people. If, however, you'd like to express support for these ideas, I'm sure we can find someone to debate you that your support is actually not strong enough."
forget "ideologically". i bet if you had them show up to each other's jobs nobody would notice
if this happened, they would all be trying to get each other Fired For Truth
I would like something like that blogs fans and but left wing instead of those privileged Tech Bros

“sjw/antifa tactics”

“I will defend to the death your right not to stop a vehicular massacre once you have chosen to start it!”

“severe battery” these people can rot in hell. this is straight neo nazi propaganda.

The counter protesters showed up with paint cans guys! The driver was clearly acting in self defence.

Who is the real victim here the counter protestors or the guy who drove his car through them?

He was surrounded, which is why he was able to achieve the kind of speed that sends a DeLorean to the 50s.

The brilliant incoherence of conservatism continuing to entwine with fascism. Peaceful protests would be fine but we must condemn violence! We need to respect the rule of law. James Fields Jr. sentenced to life in prison plus 419 years for murder? Well it wasn’t his fault, and self-defense, and reeeeally we can’t say he was wrong.

There’s a great youtube video about this phenomenon which I highly recommend.

r/TheMoops would be a pretty accurate summary of their fundamental mindset, to be honest.


Of course they are! How can you run counter protesters over if their aren’t any at the protest? Cleary both sides are at fault in this scenario.

it’s ok! naraburns is there to defend the honour of those poor Nazis

dude claims to be a professor too

[literally mod policy](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/491839305459695618/752680837266276503/image0.jpg)

honestly surprised that themotte is never posted to SRD, there’s literally endless dumb drama always surrounding the moderators decisions and bannings.


Obviously the crowd of SJWs forced the driver to accelerate for several blocks before plowing into them, they used their collective psychic energy to force his foot onto the gas pedal.

jesus, they’re still going. the big brain rational boys. just stormfront with a thesaurus, like we said all along