r/SneerClub archives

…if they’re so afraid of ostracization and having people be mad at them, why do they keep blogging, especially about politics? When they blog about quantum computing or psychopharmacology, they don’t get half the engagement they get when they rant about SJWs. A huge chunk of their audience solely goes to their blogs to discuss weird far-right politics, they know people come to their blogs to discuss weird far-right politics, and they know people on the left are mad at them because they attract far-right weirdos. It is also obvious that all this online stuff ends up making them very anxious - why not just log off then?

Many people enjoy status, influence and attention. Many of these same people also do not want the responsibility or challenges that come with it.

Alexander is well aware of all the implications and is preaching the good message to all who will hear (like Johann Strauss or whatever, I’m not into waltz). As far as I can tell anyway. I’m way past any benefit of the doubt for the guy and it took me a while to get there.

Aaronson, again as far as had been able to determine, was just an incredibly fucking cluleless guy prone to double down over and over and blow shit out of proportion. Until the previous post. Well, I don’t know anymore to be honest. Maybe he snapped. I also got the impression his commentors were on average slightly more literate and less outright fascist but again not sure what to think anymore.

Scott Aaronson is clueless and unable to imagine the world doesn't revolve around him or his category of Shy Nerds^TM nobody gives a shit about shy nerds enough to persecute them jfc incredible cringe stuff there I remember back when Scott was in histrionics about his teenage woes (deserving of sympathy but of course even decades later he lacks the distance and perspective to see his angst for what it is) Jordan Ellenberg wrote a post explaining his misapprehensions. https://quomodocumque.wordpress.com/2014/12/31/the-turd-and-the-bean-or-the-strange-life-of-male-nerddom-under-patriarchy/
> all touched off by the canceling of Walter Lewin’s online course after he sexually harrassed one of the students. Wait what now? :O (I had totally forgotten that is what started all this, this is another problem of the Scotts btw, the inability to read the room and go 'nah, this is prob not the time for this remark').
I think that's not it. I think it is that when they're upset someone's online courses get cancelled for sexual harassment, and they post about that topic, they feel entitled to other people's inability to see one in the context of the other, even if referencing. (Of course, most people don't have that inability *at all*) edit: or rather, they believe themselves to be the good guys, but nonetheless deeply believe a lot of really bad things (e.g. that sexual harassment should not result in people getting fired), things they'd say they don't believe but only in a "I'm not a ... but" way. So someone gets fired for harassment, that makes them upset, but they really don't like other people concluding they're bad (except for a large number of rather bad followers they attract, they don't mind that). If someone suffering consequences for sexual harassment results in someone else going on an anti feminism rant, it is very easy to put two and two together, but they feel entitled to plausible deniability. edit: and with Aaronson's thing, he's mad at feminism because it resulted in him not getting laid. That's true, all sorts of arranged marriage type stuff is gone. Fair enough, feminism may have been the cause, an abhorrent but not illogical notion. But of course, you're supposed to instead buy into his "look what you made me do!" type crap about how oppressed he was and so on, which is quite transparently a post hoc rationalization similar to his [rationalizing](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4695) writing an email of flu whataboutism about covid, with sneerclub making him do that.
Lmao someone is parroting Houellebecq's incel horseshit in the comments. I am so glad we are past the time you'd see ostensibly left-wing people talking about the sexual marketplace because a French guy said it.
Ah yes 2014 when blogposts about feminism were the pinnacle of online discourse. I remember these more innocent times
The best example of Aaronson's whole philosophy in life is [his post about COVID](https://www.scottaaronson.com/blog/?p=4695) IMHO. Especially so as nothing about it is particularly controversial. No matter what he does or doesn't do, he has to invent a narrative where it isn't his fault. This also explains the dating woes. Chances are his whole narrative was an "AHA, that is it" moment of bullshitting lightbulb lighting up over his head as he was confronted over his weasely "i'm totes a meeto supporter but i want to see them release the proof, also they should've kept hosting lectures" thing.
I kinda get the vibe Aaronson has some kinda anxiety disorder or is in some way neuroatypical and he's just never gotten like, therapy for it or figured out the precise way he differs from most people. Still kind of a clueless dick, obv.
yea, I got into rationalism (TM) to begin with because it gelled with me as an aspie. a ton of grotesque stuff in the subculture strikes me now as - basically just terminally metastasized neurodiversity angst that rat-types are constitutionally incapable of addressing properly. they all keep knee-jerking away from the evils of postmodernist SJW leftist neomarxism and thus have no framework for dealing with being on the spectrum apart from pretending that it means you're a high IQ intellectual elite ubermensch. there but for the grace of god go I, I suppose.
What I don't really get is that he apparently has a family and a tenured job and all in all a successful real life. His livelihood and personality don't hinge on running a right-wing grift or being really edgy like Hanson, EY and all the others. And the way he ostensibly and repeatedly voices liberal opinions against Trump, for immigration etc. doesn't strike me as someone who's covertly advancing the HBD agenda. So really what's in it for him to stay logged on and rant about the SJWs
There's a common problem with these guys which is that they're basically reasonable or at least semi-reasonable people who just have an instinctive gut flight or fight reaction to even the most anodyne left-wing normative statements and it makes them misinterpret those statements in the worst light possible while interpreting anything critical of those statements in the best light possible and eventually they're defending actual nazis because at least they didn't say Princess Peach's portrayal in the Mario games is a little sexist.
iirc Scott Aaronson also wrote about the Kolmogorov Option. I do think he seems less bad than the other Scott, even if both really tend to be way to friendly with fascist in an attempt to understand them, and go 'I hate all SJWS because one of them was mean to me, so I refuse to try and understand them'. (Which in the case of Alex is made worse of course because of his other rationalist goals and rules, Aar doesn't try to community build, [he just wanna quantum](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-just-wanna-grill-for-gods-sake)).
What are the implication's of Alexander's blogging? I'm sorry I'm new here and don't understand the context, or what that linked post is saying.
The linked post was about how in all times the people who knew what was up had to keep mum about it or how otherwise it ended badly for them (including, hilariously, Giordano Bruno - a wannabe fucking sorcerer getting induced into the Victims For Science hall of fame is a grift for the ages, although interestingly the Soviets were super guilty of this particular stupidity too). Now if you keep in mind this guy also wrote a notoriously limp-dicked debunking of neoreactionary* thought to the tune of "well neoreactionaries might have a lot of good points but some of them are wrong. For instance, they want to burn poor people for heat but if you do the math you'll find out that it's simply not energy efficient/sustainable/some other technical bullshit". No I'm not reading it again for real examples, but feel free to google "slatestarcodex neoreactionary faq" it was a big hit for _whatever fucking reason_. So yeah I'm heavily implying the guy is a white nationalist and spreading the message but he's also an extreme coward and wants to stay employable so he's trying to do it on the subtle. Including by making a separate subreddit for the openly fascist part of the audience called the fucking Motte. You decide if this makes sense or not. *an internet-borne brand of neofascists - just believe me when I say this, if you couldn't get through one Scooter's post you _really_ don't have the attention span for Moldbug.
Bruno was a scientist in the same way that Wilhelm Reich was a scientist(IE not at all) but he's a blast to read. Man had a way with words. Also obviously it's bad to burn someone alive for wanting to be a sorcerer. Most reasons to burn someone alive are really really bad.
I didn't mean to say that it was good to burn sorcerers (or anyone really), apologies.

I thought this was going to be a link to someone discussing Scottish independence for a moment.

I think they are a bit drunk on celebrity to be honest, though they probably don’t think of it like that. Also once you take anything like a “bothsidesist” position, it becomes very difficult to draw the line in your comment section. I find it rather sad to see Scott Aa go down that way, he really is a brilliant computer scientist. I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by the internet.

Looks like the standard “I am being silenced for my controversial views!” bullshit (from people who get almost all of their views for their controversial shit).

A lot more people, namely their readers, praise and encourage them than ostracize them. If flat-earth theory had such an enthusiastic online counterculture as American far-right politics (and it’s headed in that direction), then someone who writes an off-topic blog where they occasionally air grievances about the unfairness and condescension and hypocrisy of round-earthers toward flat-earthers (while mentioning that of course they themselves are round-earthers, just like all their readers, so they’re not even going to bother writing in support of that view) will build a soup kitchen for trolls, where flat-earthers and centrist both-sidesers come together for the cHaRiTaBlE discussion of that topic that they can’t have elsewhere (round-earthers will see it for what it is and not waste their time), and if they keep following the path of least resistance and greatest immediate reward, eventually they’ll find themselves in a place where they’re worried that their IRL day-job colleagues and clients will discover their hobby is running the world’s most highbrow, presentable online bastion of the flat-earth movement.

I'm a staunch both-sideser. I believe the earth is a single hemisphere with a flat side and a rounded side.
I like [this one](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/13/Orlando-Ferguson-flat-earth-map_edit.jpg)
it's like you've never heard of the [great ice ball](https://i.redd.it/qco016jpgg101.jpg)

Isn’t this why /r/TheMotte was split from /r/slatestarcodex?

it’s crocodile tears. they actually love being sneered at because they know their far-right audience gets more galvanized and violent

If the weird rationalist right had their way, they’d be able to shoot their critics because making them feel not smart is persecution and will prevent the development of a merciful AGI, making it a moral imperative to silence and exile those who poke fun at them.

The main thing you have to understand about Rationalists are that they’re all Jocks. They just want to talk and talk and be the most popular kid in school. That’s why they get so upset when a nerdy Marxist proves them wrong. It’s all about popularity and appearance. They wont log off for the same reason another Jock wouldn’t quit the football team.

When they blog about quantum computing or psychopharmacology, they don’t get half the engagement they get when they rant about SJWs.

that’s your answer right there

They’re not actually afraid of being ostracized. They fetishize civility and Rational Discourse(TM) so much they seem reasonable even to moderates, and their loyal fans dogpile anyone who tries to speak up for actual human rights.

They have absolutely nothing to be afraid of, and if they can’t see that, they’re not the oh-so-logical thinkers they love to tout themselves as

What do you mean by “Scotts”? I’m guessing it has to do with Scott Alexander and SSC rather than the country of Scotland.

Scott A and the other Scott A, but not Scott A, while the last is crazy, and the creator of Dilbert, he isn't rationalist enough, so he gets off scott free.
And definitely not Scott Aukerman
Great scott
[I dont think he knows](https://youtu.be/7_AKr1BEajA)
Scott Alexander and Scott Aaronson