r/SneerClub archives

Why don’t you have a seat over there, Eliezer?

(I have to give Yudkowsky extra credit for using the most clichéd pedo line possible.)

"why can't we, as intellectuals with no pedophilic tendencies, have an intelligent discussion about how one kind of attraction to minors is less wrong than another kind of attraction to minors"

Before you post, THINK!

Is it terrible?

Is it horrible?

Is it inane?

Is it nauseating?

Is it killing me?

My only thought is: thank god I have an appointment for a root canal in a couple hours. I’ll ask to get it done without anaesthesia so with some luck the pain will burn out all memories of this atrocity.

What the hell?

She is actually 400 years old a bad pedophile, the one who actually performs pedophilia, is a twist.

Also the story doesn’t really work because you know… the first pedo isn’t practicing. Else they get punished. (Also, you can imagine a world where a magical power can transform people into little girls but not a magical power who just goes ‘well you are no longer pedo’)

Name a ~~better~~ worse duo, Eliezer Yudkowsky and plots that don't make sense.
It would be an the greatest imaginable injustice if a galaxy brain programmer couldn’t get literally any wish they could think of fulfilled. Removing the capability to have that wish would be a crime against humanity. Human trafficking, not so much.


(As always, pedophilia is not the same as ephebophilia.)

I like how the whole thing is actually about pedophilia, and the totally extraneous line about ephebophilia is thrown in like, "Hey, if you're reading this and feeling judged for your uncontrollable lust for 13-year-olds, don't worry—I'm not talking about *you.* You're cool!"
I thought this was a meme
everything yud says is a meme

I guess we now know why Epstein donated to MIRI…

Also, what the fuck, Eliezer? Why are you fantasizing about pedophiles being delivered little girls?

Locking this thread cuz some of y’all want to use it as a place to debate age of consent. Go be weird elsewhere.

Ctrl-F “Pedophil” -> 52 results. Cool