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Don’t know where else to go with this information, but I’m sitting here, minding my own business in my zoom class, and all of a sudden my professor starts using data from Steven Pinker’s “Enlightenment Now” and i just- (https://i.redd.it/fvjbcxidzbm51.jpg)

What’s the topic?

The class is “environmental analysis and management.” The topic we are one: advancements made in enviro issues and life improvement because of it. He used Pinker’s graphs of low maternal/infant mortality, higher life expectancy etc.. to prove his point and it was just cringe.
You know, Pinker's not *wrong* about that stuff. Pinker's special brand of idiocy is pointing at scattered, cherry-picked examples like those and claiming that they constitute irrefutable evidence that everything is getting better all the time for everybody, while studiously ignoring wealth inequality, the decay of democracy, catastrophic climate destabilization, etc.
I agree with you! The graphs that he used are not wrong...it’s just the fact that my prof, in addition, suggested that it was a good read and that Pinker makes a “very strong argument.” It just took me by surprise is all
> Pinker makes a “very strong argument.” picardfacepalm.gif
Yes! I was also getting the nagging sense when I was hearing about his arguments that: > This paints a suspiciously too good to be true picture. How does any of this rule out the possibility of other things of similar importance not sliding backwards to an equal extent, or even worse so? And I am baffled that this point is not addressed at all in his book either. Is there somewhere a broad selection of statistics with similarly high rigor to the validity of the data that paints the complete opposite picture to Pinker? E.g. about how lots of things if not everything is getting worse and worse for decades, centuries, or millennia? I would really like to be able to refute his followers with a strong collection of data.
>You know, Pinker's not wrong about that stuff I haven't read Pinker and don't especially plan to, but I can't help but be skeptical of this claim. I have a strong suspicion that if someone were to dig into the stats and numbers he draws upon with a critical eye, the situation would be a lot more complicated and less straight-forwardly wonderful and prosperous than status quo apologists like to imply. Jason Hickel's stuff on the World Bank data on poverty and hunger comes to mind.
I would keep those graphs in hope for the chance to reply with them when Pinker calls 'cancel culture' the end of civilization or whatever. Slim chance with the blocking but one hopes.

I am not familiar with Pinker’s work, anyone care to waste 5 minutes of their life enlightening me about his personal brand of idiocy?

Pinker wrote an entire book trying to prove that societal progress is both possible and has been extraordinarily successful. You'd think this would mean he was in support of, yknow, *progressives*. But no, he spents a lot of time lambasting anyone who is trying to improve society further. The premise seems to be "look how much we've improved! so shut up and stop trying to make things better".
Well firstly there's the evolutionary psychology, which isn't related but is definitely a brand of idiocy (if evolution worked the way evolutionary psychology requires it to work, a plenty of vertebrates would have fully functional extra eyes here and there, beyond the usual 2. A half baked argument of how some psychological quirk (which is equally well explained with culture) would make cavemen date better, is more Lamarkist than it is Darwinian). Secondarily, he's basically a spokeperson for complacency, publishing books about how everything is just getting better and better and attributing it all to the political system (neoliberalism, mostly). This isn't exactly new; most infamous example would be Joseph Stalin and his "life has become better, life has become happier" quote from a speech misattributing all the improvements due to technological progress, to the communism. Similarly, the purpose Pinker's books serve, is to build a worse future for most (and in long enough term, for all) via complacency.

Have you shown your prof this image?

I have no idea how people take Pinker seriously