r/SneerClub archives
I Can Never Remember Which Scotts Are Allowed on This Sub (https://dilbert.com/strip/2020-09-13)

Oh, this is the wingnut Scott.

"The" wingnut Scott?
While he puts out a lot of sneerworthy content, I don't think Slate Star Scott is a wingnut by any measure.
Le master persuader defener Scott.
If an idiot and a genius disagree, the idiot generally thinks the genius is wrong. He also has lots of idiot reasons to back his idiot belief. That's how the idiot mind is wired. It's fair to say you disagree with Adams. But you can't rule out the hypothesis that you're too dumb to understand what he's saying. And he's a certified genius. Just sayin'.
Well we also live in a simulation which runs on tv movie rules, so we only think Adams is wrong becsuse it is exciting tv.
also what if gravity wasn't real and things were just getting bigger? lol lol it's just a thought experiment but seriously what if gravity wasn't real and things were just getting bigger
Oh God I remember that one from when I was 12
IIRC he kept going with it, because he is very smart and wow all those small-minded science-believers can't handle his open mind and won't even entertain the concept that gravity isn't real and things just keep on getting bigger instead. also The Secret
Don't hypnotize me into believing that you mindwizard!
gonna do nlp at you until you admit that i i mean scott is the smartest person edit: good lord I don't know if i'd read this piece before https://www.scottadamssays.com/2015/08/17/wizard-wars/ the paragraph beginning "Now, for perhaps the second or third time in history," is worth the pain of reading the bits leading up to it
> You might be wondering if I could use my wizard powers to become president someday myself. The quick answer is yes, even with my obvious flaws !!!
But Biden isn't a wizard! Hillary was, it's the only way she could put up a fight! We're doomed.
If you didn't read adams during the windup to the 2016 election you missed out, is was grade A delusions of grandeur crazy.
oh yeah, I read a lot of it, it's just WIZARD WARS I don't remember very well. to be fair that was like twenty years ago.
Wizard wars was hilarious and sad, hilarious that he just grabs all kinds of scientific and non scientific fields, and various people (with a nice selection of 'winners bias') and goes 'this is wizardry'. (Also hilarious are the super obvious rhetorical/psychological tricks he performs in his writing, it isn't subtle at all) But then sad because people actually believe him.
Ideas like "search for American inventor in Google Images" and "Type 'Biden has d' into Google and see what autofills" are definitely above my pay grade. I leave big issues to genius folk like Scott.
*Certified* genius. He was very clear on that.

I’ll allow it this time because it was my birthday yesterday and I’m too hungover to reliably find the ban or remove buttons, but generally not this Scott

otoh, he described Bayesian epistemology perfectly
happy slightly belated birthday!
Very kind of you!

All the Scotts. Scott is just a cursed name.

No not Scott Manley!
It's the Scotts A that are the problem. ASAAB.
What about Scott Pilgrim? No wait, nevermind.
Scott Wozniak?

I think I’m missing the point; what am I supposed to be sneering at here?

I mean, the racist MRA creator of dilbert sure is sneerable.
He *is*, I had just figured there was something specific to that link I should be sneering at, rather than just sneering at Scott generally.
Maybe it's a bridge too far, but I envisioned this as more of a sneer-with than a sneer-at. A fairly common sneer around here is Bayesianism unhinged from informed priors. Which is analogous to what Dilbert is doing.
Ah, that makes sense. Thanks.
Sounds more like finance than bayesianism. Not a lot of probability going on here.
Maybe I'm missing the point, since I thought the point of this sub was to make fun of people who sneer at other people thinking they're intellectually superior, rather than for us to sneer at other people/things.
No, we're the Sneer Club. Look at the sidebar.
Right, I've read the sidebar, I thought the sidebar was talking about reactionary atheist/"rationalist" assholes who "sneer" at leftists. I apologize for the misunderstanding.
The name is taken from Yudkowsky talking about his critics. It's been adopted here as a criticism of him. The sidebar is a quote from Yudkowsky. https://wiki.lesswrong.com/wiki/Sneer_Club
Thanks, I was not aware of this either.
I mean fair, but the sidebar is literally a link to the Yud comment
I thought it was some sort of hyper-intellectual literary trick employed with the purpose of filtering people who can't get it. From that assertion I deduced that asking: "are we the sneerers or the sneerees", was some sort of rite of passage of the intellectual left.