r/SneerClub archives
What do you call it when you go "red pill" on the "rationality" movement? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/iu1dsz/what_do_you_call_it_when_you_go_red_pill_on_the/)

Obviously it can’t be “red pill”, this term is tainted.

Green suppository, maybe?


You don’t need a silly “pill” name for being able to read and comprehend things like a normal human being.

“Come to the realization that…”

The pill meme is dumb, including in jest.

You might not be aware, but [it was originally a metaphor for being trans](https://www.newsweek.com/matrix-creator-red-pill-trans-allegory-mens-rights-activists-1523669)
I think I saw a headline or two but thank you for the link. Looked it up. Fuck WB for cutting the original concept for Switch.


Realizing that “rationality” can be bent to any ideology with a little hand waving.

Why would you need a specific name for it

I'm just kidding, I don't actually need it.


I would just leave the pill metaphor entirely to right wingers. Using it for left wing purposes would be cultural appropriation.

agree leave it to rightwingers, but really the pill meme originated as a metaphor for figuring out you're trans, so in a way the right appropriated it from the left

We already have a name for that: READ THEORY!

Something something Kierkegaard. For the longest time I was impressed that so many in the rationalsphere had studied 19th century existential philosophy. Turns out they’re just fanboys of some kid with a punchable face and a crush on Milo.