r/SneerClub archives
The hackers learn about the Indian caste system and are delighted that they can use that knowledge to confirm their favorite biases. "Perhaps castes selected for higher IQ, and ignoring that effect is burying your head in the sand?" (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24558237)

Motherfuckers are trying to justify the caste system? Caste?

Even the fucking BJP and RSS do not openly defend the fucking caste system, and they’re the “Make India Hindu Supremacist” types.

Caste system was fucking horrifying, especially for the castes treated as “untouchable” (the Dalits). Once in a blue moon you will still get reports of them getting lynched because some upper caste fuckers got their fee-fees hurt. It’s almost dead, but some areas really like to do “nostalgia” like this.

It’s pretty forgotten nowadays in some places like my native city (for eg, no one ever cared about my caste or even asked), but it is fucking indefensible.

>It’s almost dead, but some areas really like to do “nostalgia” like this. > >It’s pretty forgotten nowadays in some places like my native city (for eg, no one *ever* cared about my caste or even asked), but it is fucking indefensible. Casteism isn't "almost" dead. It is rampant even in cities. For example, according to this [paper](https://www.jstor.org/stable/40276548?seq=1), Dalits are 33% less likely to be hired than an equally qualified "upper"-caste person. According to [this](https://socy.umd.edu/sites/socy.umd.edu/files/pubs/Thorat%20and%20Joshi%202019_The%20Continuning%20Practice%20of%20Untouchability%20in%20India.pdf) study, about 20% practice untouchibility in urban areas and 30% in rural areas. So, it still exists. Unfortunately caste privilege can blind you from seeing the reality. While casteism may be less than what it was 50 years ago, but it still exists and we must work towards abolishing it.
That’s what I said, it’s dead in my social class and where I live(d), not that it’s gone. Definitely 100 times better than the past though.
If you're UC then it may look dead, even in progressive areas of India, the casteism will be there, but it will be more subtle. For example, most will not explicitly say that they are going to hire Dalits or that they are not allowed to step in their house. For example some societies will say that they only give rent to a vegetarians, but what they really would want is an all UC Hindu society, as vast majority of Dalits, Christians and Muslims tend to be non-vegetarian, so this way they can exclude them. Also, try bringing up the topics of reservations too. But yeah, casteism is lesser than what it was 50 years ago. It really holds the society from progressing.
Everyone apart from the Brahmins eats non-veg though? (I certainly do) Veg only is usually a Brahmin-only dogwhistle, that I know
About [23-37%](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/323534804_'Provincialising'_Vegetarianism_Putting_Indian_Food_Habits_in_Their_Place) of Indians are vegetarian while Brahmins around 5% of India's population. So there are non-Brahmins who are also vegetarians. If you go by the IHDS 2011-12 data, which puts at a lower estimate of 23.48%, but that lower estimate is due to difference in methodology as that says whether they ever had fish, meat or eggs while for the higher estimate it was past 30 days. In that IHDS data : |Social group|Rate of vegetarianism (%)| |:-|:-| |Brahmin|65.86| |Forward Caste|32.39| |Other Backward Castes|30.51| |Scheduled Caste|13.37| |Scheduled Tribe|8.07| |Muslim|1.02| |Christian|28.25| |**Overall**|**23.48**| So, yeah it can also be Brahmin-only dog-whistle but can also include some other FCs too.
They gazed too long into the biases, and the biases gazed back into them. 😈
One of my favorite rabbit-holes to wander down was Wikipedia's list of Extended-Protected articles. A lot of them pertain to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which I expected, but one that I didn't expect was a whole bunch of ethnic groups from various areas of India. The talk pages are all dozens of pages of screaming at each other about whether a given group was in a certain caste or not. It's still very much alive and kicking.

It’s nice to know that the affirmative action boogeyman is driving the upper classes on the other side of the world nuts, too.

Sunder-whats-his-name is decidedly a shithead.. But why there happen to be higher numbers of ‘upper-caste’ Indians in the US is decidedly complicated: India has a really complicated system of reservations (aka affirmative action) - so that if you happen to not be economically/caste/class disadvantaged (or don’t have the papers to prove it) you literally are competing with the majority of indian students for <10% of seats (see https://collegedunia.com/exams/jee-advanced/reservation) to the point where these admissions spots India’s (and the world’s) most competitive schools go empty for want of appropriate candidates. The politics of reservation aside - a lot of folks from ‘higher’ castes - unable to make it into that 10% end up trying education in the US or elsewhere to get away from this paucity of opportunity (while they do have to be economically privileged to do so - I don’t know anyone who did it without taking loans)

– edit: more “Those affirmative action students/hires just don’t have grit” whining

Ok.. I am going to be brave and not going to use a throwaway. I find it perplexing that HN crowd who is usually arguing for a balanced analysis and seeing both viewpoints is suddenly behaving as if this data proves some injustice is currently happening in India as well as US (in the context of Indian caste system). To be clear, India has/had a caste system that was extremely oppressive. Currently though, the social aspects aside, economically and crucially educationally, the “lower castes”, have an advantage due to a system of reservations - affirmative action on steroids. I am not going to argue one way or the other as to whether the idea or the implementation of such an affirmative action policy is fair or net positive. It probably still is in principle, but in practice the people who seem to benefit from this, in my experience, are very rich “lower caste” families. More things to say here, but I don’t want to digress. The law suit in the story has to do with IIT. So let’s take that specifically. IIT is extremely competitive to get into. It is even more competitive once you are in. It is common for affirmative action students to not do very well there. Call it a difference grit/talent/smartness whatever. This causes a some of them to disengage from studies altogether. Then it is not a stretch to imagine that some of them may not be very good at their job either. The lawsuit and the accusations of casteism has to be now taken with a huge pinch of salt. To be clear, I don’t know if any of the accusations in that lawsuit are true or not. But I do know that every middle class parent (including mine) drills into their kids the idea that you have to work freaking hard at studies to “get some where”. Everything about that 90 percent statistic can be explained through economics (already rich with all its advantages) or through desperation (high caste+ poor => no chance except if you work really hard). Of course I knew a few so called “lower caste” people in IIT who got in through the “general category” ie purely on merit. They were just as good as anybody there and are also doing well in the tech scene in US. edit: Added the below sentence.

The cynic in me thinks this guy accuser in the lawsuit is trying to hide his incompetence by taking advantage of the BLM and current sentiments.

Even more whining here and over here

It's fascinating, really. It's like clockwork: the reactionary response to affirmative action is always begins from the assumption that there are vanishingly few qualified applicants for literally every single job in the entire world. They go from there to their unspoken assumption that people from marginalized groups are necessarily less qualified than majority candidates. Therefore, affirmative action means worse candidates. Which would be correct -- if their assumptions weren't so goddamned stupid. The reality is that there are tons of qualified applicants out there for the vast majority of jobs. Which makes all these downstream conclusions collapse.
Another thing that's like a clockwork is complaining how there's too few spots for non lower caste candidates, only to immediately divulge that said spots are going unfilled. I guess his problem is that he sucks at pigeonhole principle and can't get in.
The institution in India STEMlords aspire to join do not have legacy All seats are filled by the results of the JEE examination (with 49.5% of seats being “reserved” for different quotas) In India, reservation (affirmative action) is government policy with hard quotas, not like the softer college management based American system
10% general seats is a bullshit number, 50% is a *Supreme Court imposed* limit on the number of seats that can be “reserved” for the backward classes
> Sunder-whats-his-name is decidedly a shithead.. But why there happen to be higher numbers of 'upper-caste' Indians in the US is decidedly complicated:.....you literally are competing with the majority of indian students for <10% of seats (see https://collegedunia.com/exams/jee-advanced/reservation) to the point where these admissions spots India's (and the world's) most competitive schools go empty for want of appropriate candidates. The politics of reservation aside - a lot of folks from 'higher' castes - unable to make it into that 10% end up trying education in the US or elsewhere to get away from this paucity of opportunity (while they do have to be economically privileged to do so - I don't know anyone who did it without taking loan Incredible how fucking confidently(and smugly) he shits this out without any evidence whatsoever. Makes several claims all of which are disprovable with a simple google search. Terrifying to think of this racist imbecile in charge of hiring somewhere
It's impressive how this whining is the exact same all over the world... We have affirmative action in Brazil as well and it's like I'm seeing a translated copy-paste. Every single argument repeats

So somehow, before IQ was even invented, ancient Indians selected for it without knowing? Okay, okay, I’m being uncharitable. Maybe they selected for the X-factor IQ tests try to get at. Somehow. Still without knowing they were doing so and better than we in a modern age, including the people who have set out the idea of that X-factor, are capable of doing. And this is more plausible than the idea that social, historic, and economic factors could EVER have contributed.

Lot of cultures had the four level caste system. India, China, Japan, Persia etc. It was essentially a way to put the priests and scholars on top, the warriors and kings right below and then sort it so that the people who do the “dirty” work are in the lowest castes. It’s institutionalized classism, but the usually penniless priests (who made the system) put themselves on top
Europe, too—that's what "the estates of the realm" were. First estate is clergy, second estate is nobility, and third estate is everybody else, sometimes further divided into bourgeoisie (third) and proletariat (fourth).
I assume the clergy dreamt this one up too?
Sure enough. Says Wikipedia: > In his book *The Three Orders: Feudal Society Imagined*, the French medievalist Georges Duby has shown that in the period 1023–1025 the first theorist who justified the division of European society into the three estates of the realm was Gerard of Florennes, **the bishop of Cambrai.**
Always The tell is that they put themselves on top. It’s so egregious only religious power allowed them to get away with it
It varies a bit though, the swedish four-estates system had the order of precedence be nobility-clergy-burghers-peasants.

wow i’d never thought about it but I guess IQ differences between castes are a serious challenge to the bio-determinist viewpoint

Bio-determinism can be nuked by comparing the different Indian diaspora groups (Indians, Roma, Indo-Caribbean, Indo-African, Indian-Americans), if someone wants to. Better strat IMO since some have been separated for centuries but are genetically still similar to same (Because studying inter-caste IQ is something that I do not like to happen. I don’t want Bell Curve bullshit in India)
Unfortunately I think it's already reached India. A typical argument I have heard from the 'scientific racism'\* fascist caste-nationalists is that IQ differences between castes actually clearly demonstrate biological determinism, due to the long history of caste endogamy & genetic bottlenecking, and I'm sure (though I've never asked) that they'd extend that to caste differences in the composition of the different Indian diaspora groups. *They're out there, being exactly as 'scientific' as the rest of the people who get mentioned on this sub

reminds me of my favorite cyberpunk novels where people adhere to the rules of a carefully organized social hierarchy and realize, hey, this is good.

The Matrix but Neo was a terrorist that destroyed the most advanced VR system that humanity ever got to enjoy
...right? For some reason people are going to agree to an eternal tag if the name is edgy enough?

It reminds of a thought experiment of a friend of mine.

Pick two random children and put one in the best schools, given money and status and give the other one in the worst of everything.

In 10 years you’ll have been proven right which one you chose for which.

Jesus fucking Christ.