r/SneerClub archives

I’m shocked that a character named “Stormfront” is an actual Nazi. How could they denigrate such an inoffensive name with such a surprising and unwarranted twist.

The weird thing is that he apparently thought they made this up for the show, despite the fact that Stormfront is a character from the comics and also a Nazi there. But apparently that doesn't count because he was the wrong kind of Nazi?
Let's call out Motters for what they really are: fake nerds.
They’re real nerds, but the type that want to get revenge by bullying others.
I bet they were not even picked on in high school! ;).
Seriously that was the best part of reading the comment. 5 paragraphs on how it makes no sense that Stormfront is a nazi and some conspiracy theory about how the writers added this to benefit their careers at the cost of the show. 1 paragraph going "oh Stormfront was a nazi on the comics, but it doesn't matter because "

I lost it when he called the concept of making the villain an actual white supremacist “needlessly divisive”.

Not reading because I don’t want spoilers but I’m loving this show and I recommend it. I’m in the first season and it’s the first time I’ve seen a superhero show that actually admits there’s a clear link between the idea of a “superhero” and a fascist approach to politics.

Don't read the comics, the show is hands down better in every aspect.
"what if we remade watchmen, but it's the 00's so we do it dumb as hell"
Watchman actually made points about superheros, The boys just said "what if superhero was pedophile"
I was a bit bummed that they dropped the 9/11 angle.
I think it's mostly that 9/11 was 20 years ago, if the superheros were supposed to be like 30 when that happened, they'd be 50 now. Genuinely think that change was only enacted so that they didn't have to make a period piece.

I really don’t get the performative outrage about the villain being a Nazi. It’s like asking why the bad guy of a horror movie needs to be a Vampire when he’s already murdering the college kids. The villain is a Nazi because the Nazis were really evil and it’s a convenient way to emphasize that the villain is really evil. Especially when the guy who rapes one of the protagonists and the guy who >!burns someone’s grandkids alive!< are both getting psuedo redemption arcs.

> The villain is a Nazi because the Nazis were really evil "yikes"
That comment is far too intolerant for our subreddit I’m afraid. Talking in such black and white terms shows a clear lack of charity (((u/N0_B1g_De4l))) not to mention that painting individual Nazis as evil merely because of the political party they happen to support is an appalling thing, and something that shows your divisive and radical left wing political agenda.
I'm only 3.5 episodes in, but they did a good job of making her be charmingly bitchy and no-bullshit before they pulled the mask off her racism. I'm glad she wasn't a moustache-twirler from the start.


Getting offended by the killing of Nazis in *Saving Private Ryan* is **such** a goddamn tell. I remember... oh, twenty years ago a family member kept around a zine picked up at (of course) a gun show and the writer went out of his way to express his offense at German soldiers getting casually killed in that movie. And that was a good sign that hmm, perhaps the writers of this zine aren't just simple patriots worried by government overreach...
Getting offended by nazis being killed while missing the anti nerd undertone in the movie is also fucking weird.
Them not getting Han solos arc broke me. Not just that stupid post with mask dropping saying out loud conservatives are in their mind nazis, but also the 'libertarian nap proves han was right to shoot first stuff'. It is just ... argh. E: the libertarian doubling down after bitter_cynical_angry called them an idiot was great btw.

I think my favorite part is that making a connection between online anti-SJW politics and the alt-right is offensive to them.

I mean, the reason Stormfront’s a Nazi in the show is because when Garth Ennis wrote the comic originally in 2005, everybody actually agreed back then, that the Nazi’s were bad guys.

shocked too hear the character "Stormfront" is being depicted as some sort of *Nazi*

I’m guessing why literal Nazis are constantly used as bad guys is because it makes a great Motte and Bailey:

Motte: Everyone hates Nazis. How can you be opposed to them being the bad guys?

Bailey: Conservatives are Nazis.

Oh this fun game! I want to play 4d chass, as well.

Motte: /r/TheMotte

Bailey: The comments that were removed from this.

(◠﹏◠✿) Games are fun ~~~*

Twitter going 'we can't ban neo-nazi speech because if we ban that we would also have to ban a lot of US conservatives' always adds a bit of a nice touch to all this. (And then there is the non zero amount of conservatives nowadays going 'wow there are a lot of neo-nazs in the GOP nowadays, we fucked up')

I have not read this comic nor watched the show, I just wanted to point out that during the period this comic was written there were several other comic series going ‘people with superpowers are the bad guys/bad’, one of them explicitly holding white nationalist views isn’t that surprising.

For example there is Warren Ellis take on superheroes (which also matches the informal transhumanist evolutionary steps (superhuman-> posthuman -> transhuman)) : “Black Summer was about superhumans who were too human. No Hero was about superhumans who were inhuman. Supergod is about superhumans who are no longer human at all, but something else. The third leg of a thematic trilogy if you like.”

Considering the current political climate I would even say comic writers fucked up when they didn’t make more of them explicit fascists.

Which is more sneerworthy – that they are butthurt about a Nazi showing up, or that they consider The Boys to be highbrow content worth analyzing?

I don't think they're alone in treating The Boys as serious and intellectual. I'm not completely sure that take is wrong either. The show is at least trying to be more than juvenile Garth Ennis edginess.
You may have to sneer at me as well. As far as a broad satire of the main aspects of our American system that I find abhorrent, it's extremely successful.
I think it nailed the \#metoo stuff and the intermixing of white supremacy with American nationalism seems spot on.
They tied conservative Christianity to American nationalism in a way I haven't seen any other satire do. That's one of the most important undercurrents going on right now. The "girls get it done" corporate feminism was also spot on.
All media is worthy of analysis. As Barthes pointed out, you can do semiotics on a supermarket receipt
Honestly, even if The Boys wasn't highbrow content (I don't pretend to know either way), it would still be worth analyzing.
I'm still slightly angry that to much of superhero content goes 'punch bad guy with genocidal ideas' and not 'punch bad guy with genocidal ideas while telling them why they are wrong'. Like movie Thanos.
your comment is the most sneerworthy. it's a great show with a very good take on neoliberal corporate feminism
You’re right in this case, but like the last three comments I’ve seen from you have been you picking fights with other users. Other people said the same thing as you less aggressively