r/SneerClub archives

OK, so, sorry for the serious post. But it seems to me that (surprisingly, given the apparent composition of this subreddit) sneering is very under-theorized. So this is my attempt at a theory of sneering.

Specifically, I propose to identify the eigensneers: the axes of the sneer space, or the fundamental directions along which sneering occurs, such that any object of sneering can be characterized as a combination of these eigensneers.

Here is an incomplete enumeration of the basic sneers. I welcome additional suggestions:


Example: computer touchers and economists doing really bad epidemiology.

The phrase originates with Scott Aaronson, who is defending people against this charge. However, It Really Do Be Like That Sometimes: autodidact stemlord Dunning-Kruger assholes really do come up with horrible ideas on a regular basis.

2. Reinventing the wheel

Example: (I don’t have a personal favorite, any suggestions?)

This is like #1 in that it’s also people who don’t know how to read, but unlike #1 in that the ideas they come up with are at least Not Wrong, albeit typically a worse version of the original. (Often the ideas circulate in the water supply, making it easy for people who don’t read to believe they came up with them independently.)

3. “You didn’t build that”

In Barbrook and Cameron’s “The Californian Ideology”:

Capitalist entrepreneurs often have an inflated sense of their own resourcefulness in developing new ideas and give little recognition to the contributions made by either the state, their own labour force or the wider community.

A lot of sneers at Paul Graham are in this category. But my favorite example is the stupefying toxicity of Thiel’s “Zero to One” characterization of entrepreneurship, where the “zero” is the base of academic research, state-subsidized technological development, and open-source software that every tech startup relies on. Yes, your smartphone app for sending dick pics that disappear after 30 seconds is truly a creation ex nihilo! Go fuck yourself.

4. “I don’t know how to explain to you why you should care about other people”

Credit to Lauren Morrill. I think this one is self-explanatory: we’ve all read /r/TheMotte posts that are so sociopathic they made our eyes bleed.

5. One Weird Trick To Understand Human Behavior / “holy shit guys people are complicated”

This has a descriptive and a prescriptive component. Descriptive example: most rationalist interest in evopsych. Prescriptive example (“holy shit guys people are complicated”): rationalists trying to fix any social institution (especially politics).

6. Self-Eulering

The name is a reference to Getting Eulered, but that’s not really what this is about: the classic example is Roko’s Basilisk. This covers all forms of “rationalist talks themself into a perverse conclusion, then doubles down relentlessly for the sake of consistency.”

I loved dgerard’s comparison of LessWrong to Laputa:

These people are under continual disquietudes, never enjoying a minutes peace of mind; and their disturbances proceed from causes which very little affect the rest of mortals.

7. Prolix bothsidesism

Examples: too numerous to count, this appears to be an accelerating trend. Step 1: assume that the center of political discourse lies between the two American major parties. Step 2: write 10,000 words or more about how both sides are bad.

8. Polite Nazis / Americans Love Plausible Deniability

Inspired by @IamRageSparkle’s twitter thread and a Lindy West op-ed. This covers all forms of identifying with / making common cause with / being “charitable” to Nazis just because they adhere to your norms of civility.

9. “Help help I’m being repressed”

Flip side of “polite Nazis”: this covers all gratuitous claims that someone’s perfectly dull center-right or libertarian viewpoints are being censored, when actually what’s happening is that they live in an open society and don’t like that people disagree with them.

10. Confirmation bias

This one is boring, but it’s everywhere. Someone develops a “contrarian” identity as a racist or a sexist. This becomes self-perpetuating: now they see confirmatory evidence for their “silenced” worldview everywhere, but any opposing view is propaganda from the “Cathedral” and it’s their duty to question it.

where the “zero” is the base of academic research, state-subsidized technological development, and open-source software that every tech startup relies on.

This is an excellent point on Thiel who believes that only singular contributions from a rarefied group of “the greats” are responsible for nearly all technological progress.

He emphasizes power laws a lot, and identifies his project with a focus on the few dominant elements - but somehow misses the fact that by the very definition of a power law, a tall head requires the existence of a long tail. I'm reminded of a passage from Thinking in Systems that talks about how "economists often model technology as magic - coming from nowhere, costing nothing", in a similar way to how humans imagined a divine creator bringing forth creatures ex nihilo. Yet the raw material for this creation is diversity - the genetic stock spread out among less dominant (or outright endangered) species contains potential that exceeds their surface appearance, just like how academic research (from the very "Cathedral" that his buddy Moldbug aims to destroy) and even everyday experiences of "the proles" acts as the stock for technological development. (and for someone with a philosophy degree who's at least skimmed thru marx and lenin, he's shockingly unaware of the dialectic between quality and quantity. sad!)
Interestingly, there's an analogy in English football, which made a huge epistemological mistake in the 1980s. The football associations statisticians found that direct balls with few passes from one end of the pitch to the other were statistically most likely to lead to goals. so they started to encourage and favour long Ball football which involved lower skill statistical punting of balls to try to increase the number of goals by concentrating on on getting the ball up the pitch as fast as possible in any manner possible. Completely forgetting about the mechanisms and and manners by which that peak occurred: the skills and tactics involved in in winning a game by encouraging and and foster caring skillful and sophisticated tactics and play.
So, in caveman, they basically went >**no** sord, only **speer**
This sounds like survivorship bias to me
Interesting: can you explain how? I know what survivorship bias is, but I can't quite connect the two
it's survivorship bias because they started from looking at the survivors (goals) and basing their shots off of that, when instead they should have looked at all shots and seen what percentages of those led to goals.
of course, thank you! #oils brain
Ok but I'm American so work with me because I can't name a soccer player so I'll have to switch the analogy a little. Let's say that you did a study in 1993 on basketball stats and found that there was a correlation between less passing leading to higher scored points per possession of the ball. You then conclude that the answer must be that instead of passing the ball, you should just focus on shooting to give yourself higher odds of scoring more points. Seems reasonable. But this ignores the fact that Michael Jordan was the world's greatest player ever, and a huge ball hog. So it makes sense that his team would only make as many passes as necessary to give him the ball (which would be a low number on average) and he would very likely go on to score. So to bring it back to the survivorship bias of the planes in ww2, MJ is the plane that keeps going out into combat, winning the fight, and making it home still having 80% of his total ammo left (let's assume this is way more than average). Then your study shows there's a correlation between less ammo spent and higher likelihood of surviving. But that ignores that he's not waiting longer to shoot the enemy, he simply misses way less, therefore having more ammo upon return. Now that I say it out loud that's less survorship bias and more of the outlier skewing the average. Like the old joke of what happens when Bill Gates walks into a room with 20 people? The average net worth of the room goes up by over a billion dollars. Lol so I'm glad you made me defend myself because it's not quite survivorship bias. Outliers in the football game will require less passing to score, and be the ones that score most often, therefore bringing the total average passes per score down and making it appear that passing less and shooting more is optimal. In reality the optimal strategy is buying the best players. What's the best card in the game? The credit card lol.

“Who hurt you,” a sneer for anything so contrived and suspiciously specific it could only be motivated by personal trauma – any time a rationalist inadvertently reveals their own damage in the course of making an argument. Ex: https://twitter.com/0x49fa98/status/1281278762978508801?s=20

Somewhat related, but here is my all-time favorite quote from a LessWrong post: > So I broke up with Alice over a long conversation that included an hour-long primer on evolutionary psychology in which I explained how natural selection had built me to be attracted to certain features that she lacked.
My reproduction of how that conversation went. > Your reproductive organs and mammary glands are respectively 27.5% and 14.3% below target desirability due to Mongoloid ancestry. Here is the door FEMALE_UNIT_A, welcome inside FEMALE_UNIT_B for initial evaluation. Honestly I think your quote captures most of what is wrong with rationalists. Racism, sexism, objectification, evo psych, shoving "statistics" and "science" where they don't belong, "optimization", a failure to understand that other people have feelings or matter and just a basic lack of human decency.
It’s like, there’s a very clear way to say this sensibly and tactfully. People fall out of love and aren’t attracted to their partner anymore, happens so often it’s cliché. But that guy still feels the need to be such a fucking nerd about it.
Oh, man, that's a good one.

10 Confirmation bias

This one is boring, but it’s everywhere. Someone develops a “contrarian” identity as a racist or a sexist. This becomes self-perpetuating: now they see confirmatory evidence for their “silenced” worldview everywhere, but any opposing view is propaganda from the “Cathedral” and it’s their duty to question it.

Their views always converge to Limbaugh/Hannity/Tucker over time. Anyone with half a brain should start questioning their contrarianism when their takes become indistinguishable from boomer facebook memes, but a casual glance at The Motte tells me otherwise.

2 Reinventing the wheel

My favourite one here is the entire history of Bitcoin.

What do you mean by bitcoin? (As in how does it satisfy this sneer)


The Ones Who Run Towards Omelas.
If I recall correctly with the dust motes there was also a thing with not learning calculus (and limits) before hearing of the up arrow notation, hence assuming that f(3↑↑↑↑↑3) got to be be huge because no function would be slow growing enough. (I don't remember exactly which one of those "Yudkowsky hears of up arrow notation" posts had him being unable to conceive of 1-1/x, but that was definitely a thing, and I don't want to read again through several of those at the risk of making my eyes bleed). Basically a part of it is that they're shit at math; of course it's pretty easy to conceive of systems where things converge to limit; e.g. an alien can have a maximum of 10 distinct conscious states (assigned at random), duplicates don't count, and as you raise the number of copies of that alien that are getting minor eye irritation, you converge to 10 times minor eye irritation. Or alternatively you can have a numeric system with infinitesimals, which none of them heard of either. But if you're the kind of idiot that mistakes popularization books for textbooks, you can very well end up hearing about large natural number constructions (a very specialized topic with almost no practical application) without knowing jack shit about math in general beyond counting the change at a store.
no-one ever told them about not falling in love with your model (that they listened to)

For reinventing the wheel, see tech bros discovering the need for editorial standards on facebook.

Also anarchists trying to figure out who’s taking out the trash and accidentally developing a state.

How about whenever tech people try to invent schemes to revolutionise transport and it's always just "taxis, but worse" or "trains, but *much* worse". General pattern with so-called 'disruptive' technologies and concepts generally, actually.
What if instead of static airfoils, planes flapped?
What if instead of putting 150 people in one big aeroplane, we put them in 150 tiny individual aeroplanes, and what if instead of air traffic controllers we have iterative machine learning algorithms with completely unpredictable outcomes, and what if instead of spending loads of money on airports and runways, we have them land and take off from residential streets, and what if instead of airlines we have an app, and I own the app?
Cool jetpacks! With wifi!
Similar arguments against people driving cars instead of riding trains could be made. People riding trains is better than allowing questionably trained, sleep deprived drunks deciding where a couple tons of steel & plastics should go. I mean it is true & lord knows that America would be better if we rode more railway but pretending that there isn't a place for cars seems doubtful.
>Similar arguments against people driving cars instead of riding trains could be made. You're damn right they could. Though this was more of a joke about hyperloops and self-driving ubers.
> Similar arguments against people driving cars instead of riding trains could be made. Indeed, and this argument should in fact be made.
These are always "thing that exists, but without unsightly poors."
"Shitty labor practices from 100+ years ago but online"
Why you gotta dig at anarchists

Isn’t vector 7 usually “both sides bad, but liberal side badder”?

"Both sides are bad, but let's attack every possible way your proposed reform could fail, without ever considering the ways the status quo is failing us right now." Or, for even more blood spurting out your ears, "Both sides are bad, but let's examine the ways your proposal would negatively impact *me personally* and ignore the ways it could help the general population."

What about “you’re not smart, you’re just hypergraphic”?

People think their argument in favour of (whatever) is amazing because they can write 100k words defending it. But that’s not better than doing it in 500 words.

Great research, certainly there is a rational framework for objective decision making to be derived from these basis vectors.

A suggestion for #2 could be the constant reinvention of seasteading as a vehicle to hose of money from people for whom a gated community is not enough, selling a dream of a racially pure community where everyone keeps the peace by keeping a constant number of unlicensed guns to their neighbors. Also at first wind blow they will call for assistance according to international maritime law, you know it.

Another suggestion for #5 would be the Mary sue book by Juli Zeh called “Gaming instinct” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaming_Instinct

That this author who is highly regarded in Germany and probably nowhere else could produce this self inserting bullshit about two characters being able to “socially manipulate” an entire high school without having her lunch coming up is totally beyond me. I’d like to believe there’s an additional point or twist to the book since I couldn’t make myself finish it but I think not.

Re #2, “high decouplers and low decouplers” is just lumpers vs splitters, whose name is approaching 200 years old.



This is #1 with a side of #3 IMO. The irony is that rationalists hate "credentialism" but love accepting perfectly irrelevant pseudo-credentials, like having a lot of money, or achievement in unrelated disciplines that they personally value.
The fool! Everyone knows that all the "professional smart guy(s)" are merely larping and the true scientists are hard at work on reddit explaining the causes of the difference in skull shape between Mongoloid type A and Mongoloid type C skulls.

Nice to see a reference to Barbrook and Cameron in there

[Credit where credit's due: they kind of inspired the whole thing](https://old.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/iywb1s/the_racists_like_to_couch_this_as_a_freedom_of/g6hustn/)
  1. They’re jocks.
I’ve been meaning to ask, what are your thoughts on jocks place in class struggle?
Some jocks may join the class struggle but probably only when coach cuts them from the team. Prom night is another variable.
All important things to consider. I thank you for your analysis.
No they’re not, they’re nerds (it’s very clear that they’re nerds). Jocks usually have normie ideology
No, this is incorrect. I used to think they were nerds, but once I figured out they were jocks everything became a lot clearer.
They’re either nerds or nerd adjacent. Jocks have really normie politics. Like there is no way the rationalist leading lights can ever lift
That's what I assumed back in the day when I hadn't read as much rationalist stuff, but upon spending more time thinking about it, it's very clear that they're jocks. "Normie" is a false category invented by jocks to obscure jock-nerd dynamics, by the way.
They're jocks cosplaying as nerds.
What does jock even mean used this way? Maybe I'm taking it too personally but I played the great american trio of sports in high school and I would've bullied the fuck out these guys
Jocks like yourself often 'bully' other jocks. That's part of the jock mindset.
Alright I think I might just be conflating jock and chad
Chads are a jock invention.
Alright this is getting too online for me, I've decided I'm fine with just not understanding
This made me laugh out loud, thanks you

#2 reinventing the wheel

…surely the obvious example is verificationism/logical positivism?