r/SneerClub archives

If you like fewer people dying from drug use then yeah it is. it’s pretty nice. As for the raid that’s the result of pigs infiltrating one particular market.

pretty sure if I was using drugs I'd rather buy them from a DNM than some random guy on the streets
Yeah, during my brief time on Silk Road I noticed sellers would put up thin-layer chromatography test results, submissions to ecstasy data (now [Drugs Data](https://www.drugsdata.org/) {NSFW, it's a drug website}) and other proofs of purity to ensure exact dosage. There's the added bonus that a dealer over the internet is out of sight, out of mind for those who don't care to partake. I don't know why it's being cracked down on, it should be getting explored as an avenue towards legalization.
People who bought from a reasonably reliable dealers online are going to end up buying street heroin and unintentionally overdose on the fentanyl it's cut with. The online markets do have their flaws and victims, though.

With the spread of internet, subcultures have been thwarted out. Engage in WRONGTHINK and not only will you be doxxed by that state, it’ll also make sure that you can never have a bank account

This dork should be banned from having a bank account for cringe

Holy shit. I hope these people wake up one day choking on their own blood. Also, the link doesn't quite work for me, but Wikipedia linked me to the correct one.

its almost as if tor was and continues to be funded by the us department of defense!

Trump's administration has actually cut funding to the OTF... the "tough on China" candidate is sabotaging some of the best researchers working on penetrating the Great Firewall of China. Sad!
it's my understanding that the vast majority of their funding comes from the us office of naval research. i'm no fan of the chinese government, but the US defense dept interest in tor is in its ability to provide anonymous communication outlets for their assets abroad; other uses, be it to the advantage of chinese dissidents, drug users, money launderers or pedophiles are incidental. regardless of one's feelings about tor, I think this line of criticism is sorely underrepresented, is all.
It was started by the Navy and funded directly thru them until 2014, where funding from the government got directed thru the Open Technology Fund... which cut off by the Trump admin earlier this year. But yes, I do understand that Tor is used by US intelligence to contact their assets abroad, and I think this is even stated on their website (or was). Marx talks in the communist manifesto about how intra-bourgeoise conflict often results in the creation of tools that ultimately empower the proletariat, and it is my assessment that this is one of those cases. Even if Tor itself is compromised, the research it has inspired will accelerate the creation of pro-people platforms, and weakening the Capitalist Party of China's hold over the Chinese people clears the way for a world where democracy triumphs over capital. It's certainly preferable to the DoD spending that money on tanks, airplanes and atom bombs.
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dead link
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Onion_routing The whole technology was invented by U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, they're the original authors that released it as open source. Simple as that. TOR itself is just an offshoot/evolution for disguising the needle in a nasty haystack (of massive criminal use). Also, there's a term for it, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_construction . It is a routine aspect of investigations, from what I understand, always been. Mostly the issue with various conspiracy nuts and conspiracy adjacent people is that they are, ironically, extremely gullible to the point where they'll install a wiretap on themselves or amplify the party line. There's nothing to crack here; a substantial fraction of the nodes is run by the government, and from there the real IPs are a simple timing analysis away. Are they going to do that for every dumb ass selling weed through it, no, are they going to cooperate for massive cases, yes.
This seems strange to me, because tor should be easy for an organization with the NSA's resources to crack... They only need to set up enough tor nodes that there's a high probability of traffic being routed exclusively through their nodes. I've assumed the NSA has been doing this for years.