r/SneerClub archives
Quilted Northern: Look it's physiognomy, not phrenology, ok?? (https://twitter.com/mccormick_ted/status/1312846852207894530)

Well if the authors say it isn’t racist it clearly can’t be. We all know that Europeans don’t have any kind of internal racism amongst themselves.

It doesn't get mentioned enough how downright cruel and prejudiced western Europeans can be towards eastern Europeans
And more. Where I am in Europe there are a lot of Portuguese immigrants and there is a lot of prejudice against them.
> Where I am in Europe there are a lot of Portuguese immigrants This could be anywhere except eastern europe, tbh.
True. Europeans (and probably everybody else) are going to find someone to despise and will go for whoever is available.
There is a truly astonishing amount of really overt antiziganism across basically all of Western Europe, and it's just sickening. I'll be talking to someone online who seems like a great, progressive, leftist comrade and suddenly they'll come out with something about how no, really, g\*ps\*es ARE filthy thieves, EVERYBODY knows that, and it's just HOLY FUCK.
I mean, there is a distinct point that you can dislike people on the other side of the world, even be highly prejudiced, but to *really* hate someone, it has to be the guys who live right next to you. (or more specifically, who lives just far enough away that you see them regularly but not so close that you actually engage with and learn to appreciate them)
Everyone knows getting all your data from one minority (world-wide) population never has any problems and that no one ever extrapolates from or misuses research! I'm sure they definitely didn't assume that Europeans = European citizens of white descent. Definitely not excluding Arab, Turkish, black/African, East and South Asian, Romani/Traveller/Sinti, Saami, or any number of Russian ethnic minorities, which doesn't say anything about who gets to be European!
Suggesting such a thing is a serious sign of bad faith i am afraid. Shame on you.

oh its sensible and needs no defense - move along

Listen, journals have word counts, okay? You can’t just add clarifying words willy-nilly. “Perceived trustworthiness as determined by a machine learning algorithm” gets shortened to “trustworthiness”, just like “this study controlled for a limited set of biases” gets shortened to “objective”. It’s all perfectly in line with historical practices.

"I have discovered a truly remarkable proof of this theorem which this margin is too small to contain." - Pierre de Fermat