r/SneerClub archives
A hacker takes their "move fast and break things" philosophy into the real world and builds themselves a computer deathtrap (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24687458)

From the comments: > There’s calling out stuff that’s actually unlikely to last and there’s pandering to the safety crowd for virtue points and the publicly accessible internet is rife with the former while actual constructive criticism is proportionally rare. For every comment to the tune of “you should consider fastener X because your application is Y and that plays to X’s strength Z” there are ten teenagers (or adults acting like teenagers) making some low effort jab about something in the building code, or some written list of best practices, they don’t understand the reasons behind.

Like, this comment included, like 90% of the internet is talking to hear oneself talk, sure. But I never thought I’d see someone describe the specific feeling of cringe you get seeing someone do dumb shit with a table saw as “virtue signaling”.

OSHA is run by SJWs
Staplerfahrer Klaus was a victim of cancel culture.

Unsurprisingly, the biggest problem HN has is not with the engineering itself, but with the fact that the OP had the audacity to build something in an apartment.

That thing looks extremely deadly. As one commenter says it looks like a “guillotine for the stomach”.

Love the nerd instinct of seeing that bad posture is bad for you, so you just eliminate everything (structural musculature) that could lead to it. Just immobilize everything, turn into computronium goop in a few months.

if i find the right angle of bed i won't have to feel my body any more
I mean, I’m pleased at the idea that they intentionally make it easier to stuff them into lockers, the ultimate muscle relaxation/immobilization chamber.
just make sure they don't come out with superpowers
Wasn't this a sub-plot in Wall-E?
Yeah, and there too they got outwitted&trapped by a command and control system in a hellish cycle of entertainment and reward. Guess what I’m saying is that computer chairs are a basilisk.

Are ya winning, son?

Woman here. I usually disagree with the aesthetic standards of today whereby 70’s-era big speakers, 70’s-era stereo components, etc. etc. etc. are frowned upon and everything must fit a certain aesthetic often dictated by the distaff side. I try to keep a balanced aesthetic with plenty of “masculine” touches such as burgundy leather recliners, globes, his books and chess sets on display, etc…. that said..THIS IS THE UGLIEST thing i HAve ever seen

The screws just sticking out of the woodwork are an especially nice touch.



I’m curious what part is to be made fun of.

The desire? Yeah, its a little weird but harmless enough.

The execution? Yeah, it’s not great but I guess that’s a matter of taste.

The blog post? Seems pretty cut-and-dry.

I think it’s just a matter of taste. It’s kiiinda cool to at least be doing things like that.

> So instead of doing the waterfall way I decided to go the agile way and to not do any plans, I didn't know what to expect, so let's do it step by step and see how it goes (agile = one of the worst buzzwords to hear). Other highlights: >I recommend to anyone to do basic carpentry stuff, but here we have a more complex system I do not recommend someone without experience trying to. replicate it. I have been building that kind of stuff for about 15 years. No nails only bolts have been used as you advise, the structure is very solid compared to the weight it has to handle. On safety, 3 screens together with the desk and the other wood are pretty heavy and can come crashing down at any moment because it is so shoddy. Watch the video a couple times. He got this stupid cylinder for car back hatches, it even gets bent when extended. Those things come with a warning about stored energy, they aren't to be fucked around with. He couldn't figure how to attach it safely, like for fuck's sake buy four of those long L profile metal brackets with a bunch of holes, or two that are U shaped, or anything other than how he done it. The whole hinge part is absolutely atrocious. There's also this weird beam on top that's just hanging there off to the side, banging on his window. What the... A good metaphor about everything wrong with some software projects. Software sort of gets away with it because you can't see it plus computers are deterministic (-ish) so you can have worst most precariously balanced fragile nonsense stay precariously balanced. Also, heavily inspired by Grandma's Boy (either directly, or via some products inspired by it).
> A good metaphor about everything wrong with some software projects. Software sort of gets away with it because you can't see it plus computers are deterministic (-ish) so you can have worst most precariously balanced fragile nonsense stay precariously balanced. This is an insightful observation. I just want to add that it can also cut in the opposite direction: an approach to software engineering based on the design and production of physical objects might lead someone to think that everything has tolerances, but [sometimes in software the tolerance is 0](https://daniel.haxx.se/blog/2016/10/14/a-single-byte-write-opened-a-root-execution-exploit/).
Well the tolerance is 0 because it is extremely precariously balanced. Single points of failure everywhere. But yes, it only sort of gets away with it as long as there is no adversary. Other case where this kind of engineering fails is multi threading and IPC. One widely uses library is extremely shit for example. Reimplements pipes using shared memory, promises faster speed, but is complete and utter garbage that will fail one time out of 10 when the other end quits.
Non-adversarial examples from the kernel: the [208 day bug](https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/805341) and the [leap second bug](https://www.wired.com/2012/07/leap-second-glitch-explained/). This is getting too serious for /r/SneerClub, I'll stop now :-P
Well, the time is the enemy of all things... :)
There are numerous options out there for lying down work stations that are safer, don’t require tools, and compact. I have a couple and they are all less than $200.
Well, I didn’t want to go to sleep anyway.

The absolute worst thing about this to me is that this isn’t even how Agile workflow works. The creator just made that up as an excuse after the fact.

You absolutely can build physical objects with an Agile workflow – IF you do it by iterating things like scale models or digital materials simulations.