r/SneerClub archives
Rant: How the hell does Yud gets away with strawmanning, saying exactly nothing new, and calling it 'groundbreaking'? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/j79r72/rant_how_the_hell_does_yud_gets_away_with/)

So, we all know how much of a r/iamverysmart guys the LWers are. But does not it ever annoys you that Yud gets away with things that philosophers have already talked about before Yudkowsky did, straw mans arguments, writes somewhat confusing and long posts, and calls it the groundbreaking work that settles the debate? I just finished his free will series, every single article, every single one being painful to read. Everything from his Taboo game, to his rant about ‘definitions’ is all well known stuff. His Free Will series, I can sum it up in a Paragraph. You can skip it if you want to the third paragraph.

He writes a whole long article just for the sake of saying how stupid philosophy is(well, kind of) and another similar one just to say ‘your brain is a part of the system you stupid’ and to call compatibilism ‘requiredism’, probably just to sound more original. He writes total nonsense in his ‘timeless control’ and ‘timeless causality’ articles, misrepresenting incompatibilism along the way. He writes a long as hell article just to say that, ‘see, you make choices ya dummy’. He straw mans the ‘Ultimate Source’ argument by saying ridiculous things like people actually say that you have to be the ultimate source of all your decisions, and that ‘does this mean your parents made the choice for you?’ thing which I do not even need to explain. His moral responsibility article is quite confusing at best, with him saying things like ‘it does not change moral responsibility within the mind’. The way it is written sounds like saying, “Hey, you had to make a decision about doing something good or bad, were caught in a dilemma and made the bad decision knowing you are doing the evil thing, you jerk!” Or perhaps he is trying to say, “you are free if you are acting out of your own motivation and are not being forced by something or someone to act in a certain way”, well ok, that is nothing new.

Philosophers have been discussing these much before Yudkowsky, while actually dealing with arguments against their view without strawmanning anything, writing clearly and formally, actually engaging with other philosophers that hold both similar or opposing views than theirs. And then comes in Big Yud, strawmanning arguments, the few he even talks about, writing unclearly and badly, and claiming to have settled debates without even introducing anything new to philosophy, saying things that are well known among philosophers since much earlier, or in some cases too dumb to even consider.

And he somehow got this big organization with millions of dollar in funding that has “that has produced fewer papers in a decade and a half than a single graduate student produces in the course of a physics Ph.D”. MIRI has no ongoing or finished projects unlike real AI research organizations either, it is just largely informal theoretical work. Like seriously God? This man goes around thinking he is some sort of a genius, thinking that he is more intelligent than every human being that has ever lived, thinking he could reinvent philosophy on the fly and that the scientific method is flawed and only he knows thhat, and he somehow is actually a pretty successful person! I am sorry, but judging from what MIRI has done so far, it looks like more of the money contributes towards growing Yud’s fat cells rather than their ‘research’.

Yudkowsky seems to be the type of man who eats from other people’s work, and he is lucky enough to have come to he point he is at now, earning so much for doing so little. It annoys me that how many people who work really hard struggle in this world and how someone like Eliezer Yudkowsky who works so little and is an rather arrogant individual who bashes pretty much everyone not agreeing with him is growing fat on money. It seems like hard work is not really important when you have cartloads of luck in your favor.


those are all fake disciplines actually
I specially liked it when Yudkowsky said this in [a reply](https://www.lesswrong.com/posts/EsMhFZuycZorZNRF5/the-ultimate-source?commentId=WKfekHabguNsnQSc8) to someone under the discussion under his 'Ultimate Source' article. "I am not attached to the phrase "free will", though I do take a certain amount of pride in knowing exactly which confusion it refers to, and even having saved the words as still meaning something. Most of the philosophical literature surrounding it - with certain exceptions such as your own work! - fails to drive at either psychology or reduction, and can be discarded without loss. "
Notably: Kip Werking is also not accredited as an academic philosopher, and works for a patents company

Because most techbros think the engineer is the smart one here. And Yud does a lot of thinking like that engineer. Also techbros are really not well read in anything which isn’t tech, science fiction or fantasy, the only exception being perhaps mil history and some security related stuff. Combine this with a little bit of Dunning-kruger by having learned a little bit of logic, the whole sunk cost thing in reading all the LW stuff, add in the fact that most people reading this think they are smarter than normal people, and Yud giving the easy solutions the stupid humanities cannot think about is compelling.

(I’m projecting a little bit here of course)

Also, fucking nanobots are coming to kill us all, and wouldn’t it be great to be immortal with a god AI? Why do you doubt the one person in the world who is working to stop that, even Elon Musk thinks this is a threat.

A lot of these STEMLords do have a faint curiosity in non-STEM subjects, but they are incapable of believing that anyone without a STEM background could be good at anything. Therefore, only a computer janitor has a shot at understanding politics, history, philosophy, etc. They also tend to believe there’s something very special and distinctive about how their brains work, and that they can only communicate with others like themselves. Yudkowsky can BS about philosophy or whatever in the kind of bloodless, tech-speak that they like. He is one of them. That seeming kinship, and absence of true qualifications in anything humanities-related, make him qualified to them to be their guide into the humanities.

Is Yudkowsky even truly qualified in anything? I mean he has not even finished high school.
It took me years to realise he had literally no achievements to his name, including in his claimed field. He finished his hundred-chapter fanfic eventually, so that's good?
hahaha no that's the appeal
Machine intelligence research isn't the kind of thing you need qualifications or experience for, jees.

making up his own jargon (because he doens’t know the real terms for anything) means his acolytes go OH MY GOD THAT’S SO INSIGHTFUL, and even if they are that unknown cryptid The Rationalist With Any Curiosity, if they try to google it they’ll only find the Sequences. So Yudkowsky must be a genius.

I mean besides the obvious- never underestimate a confident white man’s ability to fail upwards, his audience is ignorant of this background. It’s not the content as much as the approach. As others have mentioned he lionizes his audience- nerdy dudes who think they can solve life by logicing hard enough. So he gets people without philosophical background. A lot of them are probably the type of people who sneer at liberal education and wish they could have only taken coursework that directly applied to their current job, but are smart enough to be intellectually curious enough to be snagged by his philosophizing.

>he lionizes his audience- I would use a different animal metaphor: he *panders* to his audience.
Fair enough, probably a better way to phrase it
I would disagree that they are curious. Incuriosity is the main characteristic. They like EY because his stuff resonates with what they already think.

Cult leader’s gonna lead cults.

You’re not wrong, though, it’s crazy.

Its crazy how successful a man like Big Yud got.

If anyone knows of Silicon Valley techbros with more money than sense and a painful ignorance of the history of ideas, DM me. Will love to grift them of all that I can and then convince them to join a peyote commune someplace north of Barstow.


Plz dont tell me he calls it this because he thinks its required that one belive it or some similar nonsense

Let me directly quote him. >“Compatibilism” is the philosophical position that “free will” can be intuitively and satisfyingly defined in such a way as to be compatible with deterministic physics. “Incompatibilism” is the position that free will and determinism are incompatible. > >My position might perhaps be called “Requiredism.” When agency, choice, control, and moral responsibility are cashed out in a sensible way, they *require* determinism—at least some patches of determinism within the universe. If you choose, and plan, and act, and bring some future into being, in accordance with your desire, then all this requires a lawful sort of reality; you cannot do it amid utter chaos. There must be order over at least those parts of reality that are being controlled by you. *You* are within physics, and so you/physics have determined the future. If it were not determined by physics, it could not be determined by you. So, it seems that the only reason he said that is to sound a little 'original'.
That's insufferable. He knows the term "compatibalism" and still feel the need to make up a new term that doesnt mean anything different