r/SneerClub archives
The motte endorses throwing gas canisters at peaceful protestors then threatening them with a gun. (https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/j5dqwd/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_october_05/g80yye3/)


I think it’s abundantly clear at this point that a sizeable portion of the motte long for a far more violent and radical leftist movement to fight against than the one that currently exists in America.

I would be completely comfortable extending that generalization to a good portion of the American right. The observation that so many people who loudly advocate open carry clearly want an excuse to *use* the gun(s) they’re carrying seems particularly relevant here.

Coming out with the gun was a proportional response to them attacking his car.

Well, we’re rationalists, aren’t we? The rough conversion of one instance of brandishing a firearm is three instances of hitting (one kick, one swung bicycle, and one thrown water bottle) a truck.

Kicking a truck is proportionally one-third of a brandished firearm in response.

I invite as homework to use the above ratio to make the case the that instance referenced in the OP was in self-defense and thereby not afoul of whatever law (Portland, OR? So ORS 166.190, maybe? Idk, not a lawyer).

> The rough conversation of one instance of brandishing of a firearm is three instances of hitting (one kick, one bicycle, and one thrown water bottle) a truck. And the rough conversion of someone lying in a street is planned and deliberate violent anarchy as bands of armed rationalists murder people in the streets, in the name of enforcing their own norms on their neighbors. "Look, I'd *rather* a government-run armed force enforce my norms on my neighbors, but if I decide they're not doing it to my satisfaction... I mean, if people can lie in the streets, that's anarchy, and we can't have *that*!" I kind of get the impression like just about every characteristically Motte view could be responded to with, "But do... do you see what you did just there? See, you were worried about... but then you yourself went and... do you see?"
"I just support the Law and Order, which means the RULE OF LAW by duly elected officials...and if the Left won't allow that, by blocking traffic and whatnot, I'll just join a right-wing terrorism squad, and maybe kidnap the governor"

Really weird that this ‘i want to escalate the violence against the left’ post forgets to mention that in small towns it was the right setting up roadblocks. Which was actually hindering firefighters (who they thought were busses filled with ANTIFA firestarters).

E: the whole thread is a good example of how you can use mob mentality (themotte) to talk each other into doing violence. So many weird justifications in that thread alone. They all want to do violence against the left, and are now looking for rationalizations on why blocking a road is actually already violent, and the left is all looters anyway.

I always "loved" that the reason they thought it was antifa setting the fires was apparently becuase they listened in on the radio and confused the two BLM acronyms. (Black Lives Matter, who didnt set any fires, and Bureau of Land Management, who does as part of the firefighting thing)
Really? Ow god... that is depressing. I had totally missed that little factoid.
This is so fucking funny and sad at the same time.
Is that what they said? I was there for that and these communities are very connected even for having their houses so far away from each other in the woods. And everyone was scared. there was a "historic high wind event" to begin with and then fires were appearing down wind from us that were set by idiots with loose electric cables. We thought we were safe and then fires started appearing up wind. There was video being traded on next door and Facebook about people recording police arresting arsonists and people in black masks being chased off hay fields. Maybe there were arsonists, but whether they were anti-fa was put up to an already scared and paranoid hillbilly mind. The amount of smoke and ash in the air was apocalyptic. You can't sleep because you're listening to a police scanner to see if your house will burn down. I was sitting at a Portland street dining cubical reading the free newspaper the sky was orange the air was dry and full of ash. an article with pictures of protesters standing around burning mattresses in the street, under which the authors excited about the movement wrote "fire sends a message" i just thought, "fuck of course hillbillies are going to blame anti-fa and blm" even though that wouldnt make sense. The road blocks were hillbillies just trying to have an illusion of control over ther lives. Even if I think someone's dumb and dangerous I'd rather understand them so I can influence them. For Calibama and the Oregon and Washington hillbillies they need a voice that pierces through fear mongering am conservative talk radio and Facebook propaganda.
Don't forget the Clackamas county officer that lightly admonished the militia types doing the roadblocking and "joked" about planting a knife on people they might kill. As a sidenote, I'm so tired of the chuds' hyperfocus on my hometown and the media's perpetuation of the myths of nightly violence (or rather, intimating that the perpetrators are the protestors and not the police beating and gassing them).

Ah, my favorite Reddit opinion: if someone’s in the road and I’m pretty sure that they don’t vote Republican, not only can I run them over, I should have the moral high ground after murdering them, too.

These people would justify killing you for disagreeing with them, and they don’t see the irony in calling everyone else snowflakes.

The initial aggression was blocking the road. Street-blocking is not protest, it is fifth-generation insurgency. As the police were failing their duty to prevent aggression, the right to enforce the law reverts to the people. This makes usage of a smoke bomb perfectly legitimate, as it would have been had those within the truck instead sprayed mace or thrown tear gas. Vandalizing the vehicle was further aggression from people who were already in the wrong. Drawing and threatening with the firearm was circumstantially and ethically justified.

the whole series of replies below by the OP is consensus-building, trying to convince everyone that there’s an inalienable right to lie in the middle of roads and thus these people are the victim.

Man, it’s rough because the obvious problem here is that nonetheless force is ineffective against a mob. What you’re gonna punch or shove one and hope they stop?

The portestors have you in a catch 22. If you use nonetheless force they mob you and beat you, feeling good about it because you ’started it’s. If you use lethal force they probably still mob you, and you get the book thrown at you.

peak ameriicans
>fifth-generation insurgency Funny on three counts: 1. That doesn’t exist, pretty sure they’re thinking of “fifth-generation warfare” (which also doesn’t exist in any formal sense, it’s a spitball idea from ten years ago cooked up by American military theorists that got a small amount of press) 2. “Fifth-generation warfare” describes a cluster of styles of asymmetric warfare emerging in the period after the beginning of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars: they’re calling a roadblock (a protest tactic as old as protest) the equivalent of IS military tactics 3. The concept of “fifth-generation warfare” is connected to the foregoing 1st-4th generations of warfare. As examples, the “1st generation” will be recognised in Ancient Rome, (e.g. territorial expansion and competition fought in direct fighting with massed infantry between states) while the “4th generation” can be recognised in 20th century South America, where competing paramilitary and state organisation fought complex wars of attrition between multiple competing groups, and used e.g. terrorism to control civilian populations and as political pawns. So not only have they got the word “insurgency” wrong, they’ve ascribed to the “x-generation” schema the false notion that it specifically describes a schema of *insurgencies* rather than *wars*. It should also be noted that much of the schema *at all* does not come from official academic sources, and is a general term for a number of ideas as proposed by intellectuals (or pseuds), military officials, and theorists.
this is all mere subject matter knowledge, something the big brain reddit rationalist boys will disdain. have you tried bayesing it out from first principles instead? if you do, you will understand why video games are the only valid form of modern art
>As the police were failing their duty to prevent aggression, the right to enforce the law reverts to the people. Funny, a sizeable portion of the protestors would probably agree with this statement! It was cops who murdered Breonna Taylor and George Floyd, after all. By this logic, since the cops, right-wing militias, and MAGA fucks like himself, are all failing to "prevent" this aggression (and in fact are supporting and perpetuating it) does this mean...

smashing into a 15 year old girl with their stepdad’s Ford F-950 extended cab truck, backing up over her again and again, tires caked with gore, the_motter screams ALL LIVES MATTER and pumps round after round out of their nine millimeter semiautomatic handgun into her grandmother, three toddlers and a dog, then texts his Dragon Army group chat: “Can’t wait to see the autopsy report and how her skull measured!” science and logic have won again

Actually I think you'll find it is not technically a semiautomatic handgun (insert dictionary definition here). Just like sneering left to ignore the facts, please submit your retraction to the motte immediately
you failed to refer to it as an Assault Rifle 15, banned for a week for incivility
Hey /u/reddithateswomen420 , maybe reconsider posting shit like this in the future, btw? Surprising people with random fetishy violent fantasies in a normally pretty chill sub is certainly a thing you can do, but maybe not a great choice?
nothing fetishy about it but apologies if it was too much

I know it’s The Motte, but still, what a grotesque thread.

I agree, that one kinda shocked me, and I thought I was immunized at this point. It's the sheer level of mental contortionism used to justify violence against 'leftists'.
Ever since spinning off from the already-fashy Slate Star Codex sub, they've been showing their true colors more and more frequently...

The police arrest leftwing anarchists who are blocking streets without a permit.

That didn’t end very well for the last guy that tried it. He ended up selling mobile homes, the man on the other end of the billy club was chair of a powerful House committee.

Poor guy, all he did was send hundreds of untrained volunteer ‘deputies’ to beat up protesters, and so he suffered the cruel fate of being democratically voted out of his elected office. And after this career-ending experience, he… found a new career, how horrible. Clearly this misfortune can be blamed on the sinister political influence of a guy who wasn’t elected to the House until twenty years later.

That’s a pretty long road for them to take merely to end up at the median Facebook commenter’s opinion on protesters (“antifa should all be shot!”). All those years spent reading The Sequences when they could’ve been reading Vince Flynn and Brad Thor novels instead.

At no point in this thread, which constantly references the legitimacy of “aggression”, “violence”, “confrontation”, do any of these disgusting half-wits mention the reason these protests are happening.

“Why are all these people angry and marching in the streets, for no apparent reason?? Why are there all these mindless protests that have been triggered by no apparent cause???”

So naturally, the police and right-wing militias are truly innocent as a babe, victims of wholly unprovoked aggression by these wild savage beasts meaningless thirst for destruction.

But the context of the past few months makes emotionally side with the guy in the pickup truck.

This is just cager aggression against pedestrians. Only in a country with a 20 lane highway is there ever going to be such passionate opinions expressed by sitting in a vehicle