r/SneerClub archives


>If you sincerely believe Tesla creates more "value" than Toyota, which sells 10 times more cars per year than Tesla ever has, I have a great deal for you on a bridge in Brooklyn...) Is there any notion of economic value of an object other than what people are willing to pay for that object?
Toyota also has 10x the annual revenue of Tesla, so...
Never heard of Wework?
I'm convinced stocks are a good idea (as long as we have capitalism ^^^^Arise, ^^^^ye ^^^^workers ^^^^from ^^^^your ^^^^slumber, ^^^^Arise, ^^^^ye ^^^^prisoners ^^^^of ^^^^want. ^^^^For ^^^^reason ^^^^in ^^^^revolt ^^^^now ^^^^thunders... ), but the stockmarket is such a bad one. The latter creates such weird incentives and such horrible behavior. Same with the trading of other peoples debts.
So basically crowdfunding, but with dividends and stockholder democracy?
Why three times similar comment?
Reddit app being a butt when trying to post.
>Is there any notion of economic value of an object other than what people are willing to pay for that object? There does happen to be a theory that the value of a commodity is dependent on the abstract human labor socially necessary to produce it, but it makes speculators and rent-seekers very uncomfortable
Imagine unironically stanning LTV without it being like 1882.
[get cracking](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Capital-Volume-I.pdf)
Stop with that Austrian School BS.
Are you not a Tesla investor yourself?
I dunno, if the economy works how you're/that brave soul seem to imply, why don't a bunch of teslas / spacexs / steel mills / doo-dad factories just spring into existence through the sheer willpower of the proletariat?


for all their circlejerking about facts and hard data they sure love pulling numbers out their ass and relying on their feelings for all their worship of logical fallacies they wouldn't recognize their own bias if it bit them in the rear. And people want to learn how to be rational from them? a three year old could teach calculus better than they teach rationality
I admitted I pulled the numbers out of my arse to demonstrate that it's just my impressions and not based on hard data. Impressions and intuitions are usually better than nothing. If I do get hard or more detailed data, I would rely on it instead. This is just a critique of a caricature of rationalists.
"This is just a critique of a caricature of rationalists" would be a good description of your original post if it wasn't earnest.
It’s very rationalist the idea that using inaccurate numbers you pulled out of your arse is better than using no number at all.
Tag yourselves I’m “if I do get hard or more detailed”
I'm "better than nothing" 😥
I feel good about the criteria I used to evaluate the companies, but my estimates for those criteria were pulled out of my arse.
I heard pulling stuff out of one's ass can feel quite good.

It’s plausible that Musk has produced at least 100000x as much value as the average American.

This guy thinks Superman is real.

John Galt is *realer* than Superman
He creates value AND jobs! A real golden-egg-laying goose, that one.
*Elon Musk's babymomma releases a new album of him shitting out golden eggs at 200BPM*

Doesn’t Musk now plan to make weapons of war? (rockets to mars are cancelled, it is now rockets that supply weapons, sort of amazon but for tanks).

I mean there is something to say for the idea that a US hegemony creates the most stable situation in the world (compared to a non hegemony (sorry been reading a little bit to much mil history like stuff recently)) but still, dunno how good Musk is from that alone.

There is also the tesla truck, which is basically a car for rich people to survive the apocalypse. (E: one good thing about the various tesla vehicles, they will look great when used as science fiction movie props, for some reason they all look evil).

E: Also, there is a weird thing in comparing Tesla with other car makers which nobody should forget, other car makers have to pay for advertising, as for some reason, Tesla has a legion of fanboys willing to work for free advertising Teslas expensive cars.

“I would like to see these points re-framed without using the words”capitalist” or “exploit(ation)”. These word-tokens are interfering with my ability to understand what the point actually is.”

“I’m not sure if there’s a distinction to be carved between”wealthy” and “capitalist”.”

” Those same workers under another CEO would have a company worth maybe 0B. Try again. ”

How does someone sound so sure of themselves while also explicitly arguing from facts in their imagination

They don't actually think it's from their imagination. They think they have a much better than normal chance of being right, because their thought processes are far above the mere irrational mortals who surround them. all folks like Eliezer Yudkowsky and Scott Alexander do is teach people to be utterly confident in the nonsense they think up
True rational, self-aware Übermensch.
> Bayes was a mathematician. So? Most Motters are like Mussolini to his Pareto.
True enough, but he doesn't help matters. Speaking of Scott anyway. I know less about Yudkowsky than to comment.
"I have a very good and powerful brain, which is why I can't discuss this topic using any of the words that everyone else uses to discuss it. You have to come up with an alternative way to talk about it with a novel vocabulary because I get so triggered by anything that implies that Elon Musk isn't a superhero I simply can't think. I have a very powerful brain."


The fact that this isn’t downvoted into oblivion is so discrediting of the EA community!

It could arguably be considered effective altruism to flatter billionaires to get them to donate money, but hell if telling people that billionaires’ expensive toys are actually already efficiently bettering humanity is anything but misguided piss-swill.

EDIT: piss-shill?

I really expected more of the EA community. I guess it makes sense in hindsight though. You can draw direct parallels with liberalism: >liberals: create a problem >liberals: "we're going to fix it by continuing what we were doing!" EA has a very large overlap with educated westerners, from countries who gained all their wealth from exploiting other countries. It's kind of ironic that these drones seem to support the exact same things that created these vast inequalities across the world in the first place. I don't know if it stems from some kind of privilege, entitlement or if they're really just clueless. Maintaining that status quo while focusing on unimportant things(market value) that feel good might satisfy their saviour complex better than _actually_ fixing the problems(another parallel with liberalism).