Setting aside the fact that Hitler never came close to winning a
majority of the vote, and setting aside the fact that “the lesser
educated urban population” voted overwhelmingly for the KPD and SPD, not
the NSDAP, and setting aside the fact that Hitler consistently
made the intellectual elite the targets of his rhetoric, so it’s not
like their hostility to him was entirely the product of disinterested
moral superiority—setting all that aside! for some reason!—it’s pretty
goddamn depressing to see Singer, like so many people, assume that
voters in 1932 could all peer into their crystal balls and see exactly
what the moral consequences of Nazi power would be by 1945. As if every
other party in Germany were promising normality and the Nazis were like
“yes, vote for us and we’ll turn Europe into a charnel house that’ll
make the Thirty Years’ War look like a tea party” and people were like
ooh yes, that please!
It’s incredible that people (educated people! the intellectual
*cough* elite!) keep making this mistake, even today. Keep judging the
people of 1932 with 75 years of hindsight, and yet often act as though
no present-day fascist party can be judged as such until they’ve
actually gone and finished a genocide. (And even then, if they only kill
one million people, will it really be appropriate to compare them to the
Should also probably throw in, although it's a bit subjective, that there's a case to be made that Weimar Germany was literally *the* best-educated society in the world at the time. Highest literacy rate, highly regarded primary and secondary education, perennial dominance of Nobel Prizes in the sciences, etc.
Gonna show this video to all the people who keep questioning the
effectiveness of my altruism when I say I’m investing all my money in
lobbying for a system where everyone gets one vote per IQ point over
I suggest we also make a device, something like google glass, which [can measure peoples IQ from a distance](
Transhumanists have a tendency to really think that high IQ means
moral person who values life. (‘The singularity is near’ has the same
problem, it is funny when the 2050 AI is being all ‘we value you humans
so much, and there is more than enough matter in the solar system to
give y’all everything you would ever want, I will make sure none of you
ever die of hunger’).
At least Yud saw that this isn’t true and pushed back against it,
might have slightly overreacted to everything but still.
(I just wanted to share the ‘the singularity’ story, because it was
such a silly thing to read, I wonder if they put it in the movie).
>Transhumanists have a tendency to really think that high IQ means moral person who values life.
Oh, later in the interview singer does literally say that.
>Danaylov: Is it necessarily the case that higher intelligence is likely or guaranteed to be more ethically moral or not?"
>Singer: I would say Likely? Yes, but Guaranteed? No.
keyword “likely” ofc
Well, in broad strokes it’s true that Nazism was a populist movement
ridiculed by the Weimar elites until it eventually took over their
country, but before race pseudoscience was appropriated by right-wing
populists in Europe it was the domain of Progressive elites in the US.
So maybe having Le Enlightened Ethnic Majority in charge of all the
policy decisions wouldn’t have stopped eugenics. Maybe reducing the
degree of democracy wouldn’t have stopped the rise of a dictator.
Also I want to observe that is ostensibly a subreddit about a
utilitarian ethical system where you do the most good for the least
fortunate, and somehow there seems to be general agreement it’s on-topic
to talk about disfranchising the useless eaters.
Right. So somebody give me a fucking transcript or something. I’m
fucking sick of having to listen to endless chat to verify whether
somebody is saying what they’re supposed to be saying: when I browse the
internet I’m usually listening to my excellent taste in music and I’m
not about to waste all that good shit on a fucking YouTube video.
My intuition is that Singer isn’t dumb enough to make an essentialist
claim about IQ in Nazi/pre-Nazi Germany, even though he’s infamously
kind of a shithead. Singer was, of course, a spearhead of both the
animal rights and pro-choice movements within (and at times without)
academic philosophy.
So I kind of need a bit of a higher standard of proof for linking him
to this sub’s wheelhouse than a whole fucking conversation on a zoom
link or whatever I don’t want to watch to decide if I hate him for
that conversation.
Original OP transcribed the relevant part, super uninteresting.
> I’m usually listening to my excellent taste in music
Mind sharing? I lost my drive to seek out new stuff mid-quarantine and /mu/ redditors are a bitch so basic I could probably talk them into suicide If I made them listen to Carrie & Lowell first.
The relatively new Hey Colossus single with Mark Lanegan (why is Mark Lanegan on a Hey Colossus record???) has been in my ears while wandering around Bolkans for a while now
Seems to beguile people who aren’t even into that kind of shit
> Seems to beguile people who aren’t even into that kind of shit
Drone rock is the single closest human achievment to objective goodness, most people simply haven't heared some yet.
Joking not aside because I meant it, The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull is the only record in my collection that has a 100% winrate with people so far.
Setting aside the fact that Hitler never came close to winning a majority of the vote, and setting aside the fact that “the lesser educated urban population” voted overwhelmingly for the KPD and SPD, not the NSDAP, and setting aside the fact that Hitler consistently made the intellectual elite the targets of his rhetoric, so it’s not like their hostility to him was entirely the product of disinterested moral superiority—setting all that aside! for some reason!—it’s pretty goddamn depressing to see Singer, like so many people, assume that voters in 1932 could all peer into their crystal balls and see exactly what the moral consequences of Nazi power would be by 1945. As if every other party in Germany were promising normality and the Nazis were like “yes, vote for us and we’ll turn Europe into a charnel house that’ll make the Thirty Years’ War look like a tea party” and people were like ooh yes, that please!
It’s incredible that people (educated people! the intellectual *cough* elite!) keep making this mistake, even today. Keep judging the people of 1932 with 75 years of hindsight, and yet often act as though no present-day fascist party can be judged as such until they’ve actually gone and finished a genocide. (And even then, if they only kill one million people, will it really be appropriate to compare them to the Nazis?)
Gonna show this video to all the people who keep questioning the effectiveness of my altruism when I say I’m investing all my money in lobbying for a system where everyone gets one vote per IQ point over 100
Transhumanists have a tendency to really think that high IQ means moral person who values life. (‘The singularity is near’ has the same problem, it is funny when the 2050 AI is being all ‘we value you humans so much, and there is more than enough matter in the solar system to give y’all everything you would ever want, I will make sure none of you ever die of hunger’).
At least Yud saw that this isn’t true and pushed back against it, might have slightly overreacted to everything but still.
(I just wanted to share the ‘the singularity’ story, because it was such a silly thing to read, I wonder if they put it in the movie).
Anybody who says this kinda shit would’ve voted for hitler
Well, in broad strokes it’s true that Nazism was a populist movement ridiculed by the Weimar elites until it eventually took over their country, but before race pseudoscience was appropriated by right-wing populists in Europe it was the domain of Progressive elites in the US. So maybe having Le Enlightened Ethnic Majority in charge of all the policy decisions wouldn’t have stopped eugenics. Maybe reducing the degree of democracy wouldn’t have stopped the rise of a dictator.
Also I want to observe that is ostensibly a subreddit about a utilitarian ethical system where you do the most good for the least fortunate, and somehow there seems to be general agreement it’s on-topic to talk about disfranchising the useless eaters.
Right. So somebody give me a fucking transcript or something. I’m fucking sick of having to listen to endless chat to verify whether somebody is saying what they’re supposed to be saying: when I browse the internet I’m usually listening to my excellent taste in music and I’m not about to waste all that good shit on a fucking YouTube video.
My intuition is that Singer isn’t dumb enough to make an essentialist claim about IQ in Nazi/pre-Nazi Germany, even though he’s infamously kind of a shithead. Singer was, of course, a spearhead of both the animal rights and pro-choice movements within (and at times without) academic philosophy.
So I kind of need a bit of a higher standard of proof for linking him to this sub’s wheelhouse than a whole fucking conversation on a zoom link or whatever I don’t want to watch to decide if I hate him for that conversation.