r/SneerClub archives
Murray: "[low IQ inferiors should have a "valued place"] ... you occupy a valued place if other people would miss you if you were gone." Lambdaphagy the rationalist: "Are you not moved? Does that not warm your heart? Can't you imagine that passage bouncing around tumblr with like a million reblogs?" (https://lambdaphagy.tumblr.com/post/108050858054/apologia-pro-charles-murray)


[Murray was an SJW u kno](https://cryptid-sighting.tumblr.com/post/183813848483/officialfifthcolumn-officialfifthcolumn)
"Say what you will about this guy who routinely confuses correlation and causation, he raises some interesting questions." "I haven't read anything that points out his litany of errors, ergo they must not exist, since I have read everything that has been written on the subject."

They’re not so rational if they worship a racist who can’t tell years of segregation from a hole in his ass.

Charles Murray: “In the future, when you die because the money for your healthcare was rerouted to high IQ entrepreneurs, everyone will miss you for fifteen minutes.”

Rationalist, trembling, a single tear running down his cheek: “It’s so beautiful”

So you are saying I will be missed. :')

You know out of context I bet you could probably find some vaguely inspirational platitudes Charles Manson or Adolf Hitler said.

All those inspirational quote websites are [way ahead of you](https://quotefancy.com/media/wallpaper/1600x900/3910519-Charles-Manson-Quote-There-is-no-way-that-you-can-know-the-taste.jpg).

I tried but I had to stop at “internet-assembled philosophy.”

Huh, apparently I think along the same lines as Charles Murray.

Of course, my fretting about “undervalued” people finding a place in the world is about what it would take to get right-wingers to resolve the emotional insecurities that fuel their racism and their envy of affluent, educated liberals.

I sincerely hope you don’t actually think along the same lines. Murray isn’t bothered that they’re undervalued, he’s concerned about a growing lower class and is saying they need to be pacified to be kept in their place. I posted the below snippet from racecraft in the subreddit to dissuade any confusion about his actual motives. https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/jdtew1/brief_snippet_from_racecraft_on_charles_murray/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf