r/SneerClub archives
[circlejerk post] Where did all the new users who are commenting here come from? lurkers or some new exodus i haven't followed? (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/jdv209/circlejerk_post_where_did_all_the_new_users_who/)

were you all lurking until the /r/theschism comedy drew you out or what?

I used logic and deductive reasoning to find it

You updated your priors

I’ve only commented like once, so maybe I’m not who you’re asking, but I joined the sub when SSC got taken down. I started by joining r/slatestarcodex and then reddit suggested I join this one. A bunch of people who are kind of like SSC’ers* but who are dissatisfied for reasons including the far-right fanbase of SSC? Perfect.

*please forgive me for saying this

>\*please forgive me for saying this Probably accurate actually. Cue the in-group, out-group, narcissism of small differences wankery, except that whether you make space for Nazis in your debate club isn’t really a small difference when you get right down to it, is it?
I guess that really is what it's become. I do still think of this place as a /r/badphilosophy offshoot but I suppose the community has changed quite a bit by now. It's still funny overall so can't complain.
If you want a much better argument for it (which I find convincing), the physicist Sean Carroll has a number of online resources and a book about the subject.
Pls ban for many worlds interpretation propaganda
No, it's the mirror universe from Star Trek. Obviously.
> then reddit suggested I join this one. Fucking bullies. (jokingly appropriating themottes opinions of us aside, I do think that this kind of 'so like to participate in trans issues? Here is the other side [links to gendercritical sub]' thing is super bad).
Every time I click on a body-positive post on Instagram it suggests weight loss accounts. I don't know if trigger is exactly the right term since I don't know if I have a specific clinical problem but it really is not good for my mental health.
Anger keeps you engaged. (Yes, I know, ironic, posting this here).
I assumed it was a mistake of the algorithm failing to classify sentiment towards an entity, like "oh, we see you're into health and fitness. Here ya go!" but that is another interesting perspective.
I once heard that various social media sites track 'engagement' as an important metric. Which, if you naively combine this with badly written AI (and we know facebook did experiments with AI) you get the horror optimization things that rationalists are afraid off. (only of course, you don't even need an AI, we humans are already pretty good in creating drama for dramas sake).
I think it hit /r/all or /r/bestof in the last few weeks. That’s how I found it.
Christ. We’re doomed then.
the tragedy of genius in the terminally lazy
Yeah the idiot right wingers at ssc made it known a out this sub when all the nothing burger drama with Scott happened. They actually blamed you guys for it in a perverse way.
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I posted some Mottean idiocy elsewhere and someone recommended this sub. I’ve always despised these types but I didn’t know there was a subreddit specifically for laughing at them.

I’m a fairly new subscriber and I found this sub entirely by accident when I was arguing with some far right nutjob and I saw themotte on his comment history. I googled what the fuck that was since it seemed to be choke-full of idiots and found threads about it on this sub, which instantly captivated my attention.

I read some of Scooter’s more popular blog posts and started reading the occasional motte post, but the cesspool of the culture wars threads and how frequently truly vile ideas would be unchallenged and upvoted led to me getting disillusioned with it all pretty quickly. I’d see people on the motte occasionally rip into Sneer Club as the antithesis of all that is holy and rational, so it seemed natural to check it out, and thus began my radicalization into a Sneering anti-rational Soros drone.

Read HPMOR, found it fun, didn’t take it seriously. A lot of time after, while I was reading hackernews I found the article of “Scott I don’t believe in pseudonyms” deleting all his shit, so I started browsing RationalWiki to get the gist of him and then I fell into the rabbit whole and discovered this place.

Thank god I didn’t take a HP fanfiction seriously while I was a teen.

I still remember reading that story a while back as something fun, then at some point saying "Holy shit, he's actually serious" and my occasional fun turned into morbid fascination.

I’ve been a lurker for many months and finally decided recently to get off my lazy butt, make a sneer-specific profile, and comment at least once.

Some astrophysicist commented on SSC and I thought he seemed smart so I looked into what other subs they participate in. Now I’m here.

A few months ago you guys were quoted by rational wiki on twitter so I found this place, and now it’s one of only 2 subreddits I bother checking. I’ve always been interested in ways people’s thinking can go wrong, and I think rationalism is a rabbit hole I could have fallen down when I was younger and dumber so I find it interesting. I think I originally encountered it via ray kurzweil’s nonsense which is why I made a tag lampooning his particular variety of futurism.

> you guys were quoted by rational wiki on twitter oh no



had a mild anthropological interest in the “rationalists” for a few years (a lot of which is admittedly a “narcissism of small differences” thing on my part), got particularly fed up with a couple of IRL acquaintances several months ago and was complaining to an IRL friend, IRL friend told me about SneerClub

I have no leg to stand on here given the degree to which my IRL friends have heard of sneerclub from me over the years but it still amuses me that you talked to a human being you did not meet on the internet and heard of /r/sneerclub from them. Just the idea that people might have in-person conversations about such an online phenomenon I guess.
oh I did meet this friend via a completely separate internet community, lol -- we just got on well enough to become pretty solid IRL friends also I think in this case I was partly using "IRL" to stand in for "non-Reddit" in addition to "in-person splitting-a-bottle-of-wine-and-gossiping"

I came here form elsewhere (cant remember how) I had no interaction with any of this shit (except some mentions of the Basilisk on rationalwiki) before this place.

I frequent /r/enoughIDWspam who make fun of the so called Intellectual Dark Web, and I was recommended this subreddit from there.

it's a shame someone is squatting r/intellectualdorkweb
ineffectualdorkweb is free


How come the new alt? (If answering wouldn’t defeat the point/in as vague terms as you’re comfortable with)
It is the only way to defeat the coming acausualrobotgod, from torturing your mindcopies forever, so smart.
But why would you say this out loud? This means you're someone who doesn't like haven't a permanent record of yourself on the internet, and someone who might be telling people that with every alt you make. You're that guy LiteralHeadCannon's paranoid about, aren't you?
to make things simpler let’s just all assume that every new poster is a paniczebra alt going forward?
I know I’m a paniczebra alt, so that’s one down
Me to!
Makes sense, the benefits are the same as the drawbacks (that you have a longer and more established identity to draw on in other interactions on the internet)

I’m fairly recent (last few months maybe) and haven’t commented more than a couple of times. I honestly can’t remember how I came across the sub, but I love a good sneer. I spend a large part of my reddit time in r/climateskeptics sneering at/debunking them, so I feel simpatico. Like if I was a philosopher instead of a geologist I’d be sneering at Rationalists, not climate “skeptics.” I wonder what that Venn diagram looks like…

I think it showed up in recommended subs because I was browsing SSC when it the blog got deleted in “don’t look at me”-gate. Because I have unhealthy internet tendencies, I decided to keep observing IDW, SSC, and this place.

Someone sneered at Yud recommending Worm or something and it got posted on a worm subreddit.


I subscribed here from an SRD mention a really long time ago but I only recently started looking at it more.

Is that subreddit drama?

When Scott took a break I decided to look for anti-rationalist stuff to counteract all the rationalist stuff. This place is 90% crap [edit: enraging] but I read it anyways because the good stuff seems like really important lessons for me.

I’ve commented twice when I saw stuff that seemed really stupid but not so controversial I’d get banned for pushing back on it.

It’s definitely a bit of an echo chamber by design, I think you’ll find that mods are less inclined to ban people for the stray errant thought if they’re engaging on the implicit terms of the subreddit (we’re here to have fun not debate endlessly but as long as it’s not like a “change my view” type comment it’s fine to disagree) Good on you for being aware of your biases and being pragmatic enough to get what you want out of a place you’re not well dispose towards tho

Kinda late. I’m an SSC-er who lurks here and there. The reason I’m here more is that, well, I’m a pretty dyed-in-the-wool SSC/LW person, but I realized that I should be extra extra careful in knowing whether I’m wrong, so what better than to look at sneerclub? Most sneering isn’t very interesting to me, but there’s some useful things that have made me be more careful with my thoughts. Also, the theMotte was too stupidly-right and climate-change ‘skeptic’ for me - I was lurking for the first few weeks hopeful, then I got disillusioned. Ah well.