Normies can't overcome their evolutionary programming to instinctually cheer for the jocks and jeer for the nerds. That's the reason why there's so much hate for the likes of Zuckerburg while rich sports players get a pass.
posted on October 19, 2020 06:25 PM by
Can’t wait for Robin and Yud’s next discussion, “why doesn’t anyone ever talk about the low quality of airplane food”.
Great example of how the icons of rationalism are just as lazy as thinkers as everyone else, just super pretentious about it.
Zuckerberg and you average pro sports stars, aren’t even in the same league when it comes to wealth.
I mean Zuckerberg is worth 50 Michael Jordans and Jordan is ridiculously wealthy, even for a sports superstar. For example it would take about 20 Kawhi Leonards to hit Michael Jordan’s net worth.
LeBron James gets huge amounts of grief for deciding to play for a different city. Lenny Dykstra did time in a fed pen for crimes involving amounts that wouldn’t even rate as accounting errors in the fortunes of the founders of any social media company that you’ve actually heard of. Michael Vick is despised by the overwhelming majority of dog owners. Considering how relatively little military leaders and personnel get paid compared to civilians with corresponding jobs, it’s bizarre to compare them to sports stars, let alone dot-com billionares. But go ahead and tell us how bad Zucko has it, Yudsy.
Riiight, because NOBODY ever complains about the size of underperforming players’ contracts, or antisocial behavior off the field/court!
This, uh, kinda feels Freudian, doesn’t it? Actually why even use a multisyllable word, this is just a guy doing a more pretentious version of nice guy/chad discourse.
Meanwhile Bezos gets credit for looking jacked and Musk gets teased for his divorced dad bod and fashion sense. Maybe people just like making fun of public figures and Zuck really does come off as a weirdly social programmed robot.
This is so dumb, I can’t help but add further sneers.
There are plenty of sports players who are very punchable? The difference is none of them is fucking up mine and everyone else’s life by playing sports, unlike Zuckerberg.
Again, these people just can never abandon the persecution complex that people hate them because they’re very smart and get good grades, like their moms told them when they were bullied in middle school
This is the guy that people think is a great thinker. Amazing.
I certainly do love my big…strong…muscular baseball warriors. And the better they are at baseball, I find, the more they definitely look like
sitcom dadsmen who crush their enemies in mortal combat.P.S. John Kruk
big strong muscular warrior…. baseball players
These are the galaxy-brained takes I sub for
It is a bit remarkable how stupid these guys are.
The reason I don’t like the zucc is because of how intrusive and creepy Facebook is and because he literally doesn’t look human. I’ve seen a painted recreation of his face that looks more human than his actual face
Considering female athletes consistently get underpaid, this says something about society/Yud.
And there is a reason people dont tweet that Mike Tyson has a punchable face, and it aint about high status imho.
Let’s not repeat the self-mythology of Rationalists. They’re clearly jocks, not nerds.
imagine… eliezer yudkowsky, but totally fucking shredded
Honestly, go ahead, try to get Mark Zuckerberg punched in the face. I dare ya. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)