r/SneerClub archives
Why are "radical centrists" always just actual racists? Bonus: idiotic IQ race science shit combined with ecological fallacies. (https://twitter.com/a_centrism/status/1319077865821032448)

This guy’s idea of centrism is “halfway between very racist and extremely racist”

Someone joked "the dical and entr are silent"
Those two sound like words you could find buried in a 10k word post (each) defining what they mean and how one or the other tribe doesn’t have their quality.

This man literally thinks an SAT score makes you subhuman.

I think he thinks black people are subhuman (his entire "radical centrist" schtick is obsessively tweeting about race and iq) and his justification for why he thinks black people are subhuman is SAT scores.
How does that work when A). There are literally study guides and classes to boost your SAT score, and B). You can take it over and over again? Like I disagree that IQ tests are good for proving worth, but at least there aren’t proven ways to increase your score and you don’t take the test over and over again until you score high.
Has he actually said that?

It happens so often on the internet that someone trying to defend themselves as “just a centrist” has become the biggest red flag. This is my favorite recent example.

  • Has a “III” to his name to make it seem more “High English Nobility”
  • Is posting from “Dixieland”
  • Profile picture is posed like an old-school professor but in Colonel Sanders garb

Because this isn’t a radical centrist account and they are straight up fash. Any real radical centrists who join will just be long knifed.

Crypto-fascists claiming to be ““““centrist”““” in their incessant attempts to drag the Overton window ever rightward

Btw, a bunch of big VCs and tech people follow this account.

Can you list them?
You would think that tech bros are smarter than a few stupid blurry graphs made in excel.

They are just right wing, but they want to be cool.

I've found that, on the west coast/ in cities, people who say that they're moderates or centrists tend to be closet right-wingers. One of the main guys that advised Trump about eliminating critical race theory, Chris Rufo, originally tried to run for Seattle City Council from Ballard. *(ETA: He definitely leaned in hard on being a moderate when he was running for council.)* Needless to say, as soon as locals dug up his reading list, which included Charles Murray, and the fact that he worked for the Discovery Institute, he couldn't keep that charade up for long.

I’m convinced this idiot took the political compass test, ended up at the very top center, and decided that meant he was “radical”

Oh it’s that account…

Honestly I wouldn’t tar even centrists with the brush that person claims for their ideology

Absolute nutcase

rational racists sure have a funny idea of “fun”. Here’s another example that just popped up recently on LW:
Here’s a fun experiment: look up the correlation between children raised by single mothers and criminality in those children/adults. Then look up the rates of single motherhood in the black community.”

Admittedly not at all positively received (-7 karma with 8 votes) and it is just one member arguing this position, but the “debate” is still open.

That guy is a populist/ right libertarian, not a centrist.
Awful lot of populist/right libertarians claiming to be "centrist" or "apolitical" though...