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Evolutionary Windows OS AI VR Minecraft Metaphysics of Procreation: This is an icon in my, in my *nod*..on my *nod*, on my user interface, on my multimodal *nod* user interface *point at screen* *nod* it's an icon (https://youtu.be/7iRqUcAEEPs?t=311)

Genuinely hard for me to understand how he could possibly express such a well-worn idea so poorly. Feels like watching a stroke.

EDIT: LOLing at this guy’s Twitter. It seems like his entire brand is to combine Bitcoin/startup technobabble/““““science”““” with his inner Deepak Chopra. Also apparently a COVID denialist, promoting “The Great Barrington Declaration”, a letter that suggests the bullshit “herd immunity” strategy. Never heard of it but apparently journalists did some digging and found out many of the signatures were under fake names or from homeopaths. Rationalism: not even once.

[Oh No!](https://twitter.com/AllenSaakyan/status/1320235884793548803) edit: Alright, that's enough aneurysms for me today.
For some reason I already had him blocked, lol.

And so..so the idea that this is an icon in my..in my..on my..on my user interface..on my multimodal user interface it’s an icon, but underlying this icon, at the very depths, which we’re..which we’ll get into here in a moment, there is some sort of a..there is some sort of a source code of that object; I don’t manipulate the mathematics, the voltages, the transistors, it’s a..I don’t manipulate those things just like when you play grand theft auto or world of warcraft or minecraft or you yourself don’t go in an..you don’t..when you drive a car you’re not manipulating the code that do the left, all you do is you turn left in the car. So that sort of..these theories around desktop interfaces, these theories around virtual reality headsets..um..it’s interesting because there what is kind of the cutting edge of technology that exists today but also they are in a sense the most relevant ways of..of conceptualizing this theory. And I think you did a really good job at..at putting them together in order to get this interface theory of perception, in order to get this conscious agent theory, but that’s this general idea that there is some sort of uh..of uh..of an abstract mathematical source code that are occurring..that are then creating some sort of a holographic spacetime..uh..for us to be conscious agents inside of that..then we interact with..uh..the user interface of objects for the fitness point of procreation, is that approximately correct?

This guy is super appropriate for sneer club, a cognitive scientist discovers…. idealism! Just with sweet sweet technological terminology so the nerds think its an empirical discovery.

> \**whiny voice*\* but maths!

I don’t see anything wrong with this, except awkward phrasing.

He’s just using a computer interface metaphor to approach the way your brain simplifies decision making. And another layer of we’re-all-in-a-simulation theory.

I know nothing about this guy. Maybe he sucks. But there’s nothing wrong with this. It’s a small youtube channel - this guy doesn’t have to be a perfect professional communicator.

I haven’t watched this video, but I’ve watched some others and read his book and many of his papers. His ideas are modernized idealism with an evolutionary game-theoretic twist, and it’s definitely on the edge of plausible science and speculation, but I don’t find him sneer worthy. I find it fascinating actually.

I don't really find Hoffman sneerworthy either. Saakyan on the other hand is some sort of Deepacksky Rogan hybrid who's unable to conceptualize anything without vidya and bitcoin metaphors. He's who I quoted above and was sneering at. I thought that was obvious. Hoffman makes an incredible effort to be charitable and not make Saakyan lose face once he realizes what he's got himself into and the level of pud brain in his interlocuter. The grace with which he handles and redirect the last question regarding the value of "source code" and "computer interface" metaphors is commendable. His research is relatively interesting, but evo-psych, regardless of the amount of math you throw at it, is still in my opinion as sneerworthy as any rationalist's pet Bayesian silliness—false introspection piled on top of just-so stories piled on top of some more just-so stories piled on top of "utility" or "fitness" function to make it sound very serious.
From a glance I can tell what you said about Saakyan looks about right. As for Hoffman, I don't think I'd place him in the same category as the others who abuse evo-psych by exploiting just-so stories for the sake of justifying their desired conclusions. He instead, in trying to figure out why perception has evolved the way it has, quirks and all, has had these conclusions come out as a consequence of sticking to the cognitive models that necessarily need to be correct to conform to empirical observations.
I honestly do. Sure, generalizing from understanding vision by inquiring about organisms' internal representation to modeling both the vision problem and the organism by adding a layer of evolutionary game theory is "novel", but the core argument of his paper, like most other white academic dudes' papers attempting to understand How The World Really Really Works™, relies on zero-sum games, competition only, middle-management optimality, survival-of-the-fittess triteness. Rarely anything about cooperation, 2nd order effects, altruism, mutualism, care, eusociality, and how they shape the core of human experiences, cognition, survival, and ultimately how human can or can't thrive individually and as a whole. It's the khakis, tweed and tenured version of every rationalist's tired clichés. Exhibit 1 > In a typical game, two organisms employing different strategies compete for available territories, each with a certain number of resources. The first player observes the available territories, chooses what it estimates to be its optimal one, and receives the fitness payoff for that territory. The second player then chooses its optimal territory from the remaining available ones. The two organisms thus take turns in picking territories, seeking to maximize their fitness payoffs. If this doesn't raise red flags, reach for your reading glasses. Exhibit 2 >The “Truth” strategy: For each of the n sensory states, the organism estimates the world state or territory - the Bayesian MAP estimate - that has the highest probability of being the “true” one, given that sensory state. It then compares the fitness values for these n “true” world states. Finally, it makes its choice of territory based on the sensory state xi that yields the highest fitness. Its choice is thus mediated through the MAP estimate of the world state: it cannot choose a territory that does not qualify as “true.” The "Truth" strategy ignores any fitness information about possible states of the world other than the one selected as being the "true" state. > The “Fitness-only” strategy: In this strategy, the organism makes no attempt to estimate the “true” world state corresponding to each sensory state. Rather it directly computes the expected fitness payoff that would result from each possible choice of xi. For a given sensory state xi, there is a posterior probability distribution (given, as with the Truth strategy, by Bayes’ formula) on the possible world states, as well as a fitness value corresponding to each world state. The organism weights these fitness values by the posterior probability distribution, in order to compute the expected fitness that would result from the choice xi. And it picks the one with the highest expected fitness. (1) Define some garbage caricaturing "truth" and label it as such. Define some garbage caricaturing "fitness" and label it as such. (2) Setup a two player game where "truth" plays against "fitness-only". (3) Bedazzle with some maths and find that one strategy dominates the other. Use valid maths for added pomp. (4) Forget the very restrictive and unreasonable assumptions within which your results holds. (5) Let out a loud moan and slit your wrist with OR and misconstrue cartoonish for general. (6) Jump the shark in the discussion section, remove all quotes, and title your article "Fitness beats Truth". Just say no to evo-psycho.
I was two sentences into reading your comment and the wheels in my head were already starting to spin towards formulating a sternly worded retort vocalizing my disagreement, but then I read the rest of it and agreed so hard those wheels shook themselves free from all the vigorous nodding I was doing. For real though, I agree that a major flaw in their models is their insistence on zero-sum games with supposedly rational agents based on the homo-economicus caricature. That being said, I still see a lot potential in Hoffman's framework, but what survives of it will need some huge revamping done to correct for the aforementioned problems.
>I was two sentences into reading your comment and the wheels in my head were already starting to spin towards formulating a sternly worded retort vocalizing my disagreement, but then I read the rest of it and agreed so hard those wheels shook themselves free from all the vigorous nodding I was doing. I always appreciate a well deserved sneer \**tip hat*\*

Don Hoffman is sneer worthy but honestly this video makes him look like way more of a hack. He’s got a lot of interesting ideas and goes through a lot more effort to investigate the theory and math than the psycho-philosophy babble he can be equated to. I recommend his interview on Third Eye Drop or his book

Why is he sneer worthy then?