r/SneerClub archives

IQ Anon? This is my shower thought.


Can you explain the adrenochrome reference please? I Googled it but don't understand how it relates in this context.
So basically Bioshock, but it's not Ayn Rand's fault?
Really more of a "thinly veiled repackaging of the blood libel"
"Adrenochrome causes schizophrenia. Jews have a higher incidence of schizophrenia. Therefore..."
Its a literal witch hunt, complete with the fact that witches as a group do not exist and never did.
But with more JFK Jr.
Yo wtf, I thought it was just about some deep state conspiracy shit with pedo rings mixed in. They actually wrote a Monster Inc fanfic?
try googling "qanon adrenochrome", that'll help
Yep that adrenochrome is an actual normal chemical doesn't help. (in before qanon fans go 'well, if it is harvested from babies it gains the 'real' chemical powers' (I have seen that magical thinking pop up several times already))
Also if you really scare the child, the adrenochrome is more potent. This is why there very definitely is an extremely real video of Hillary >!cutting off a child's face and wearing it as a mask!< to scare the child.
A long time ago we used to have a [new age grifter](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jomanda) (who could have been a true believer herself) who used to believe in this weird 'chemicals have a memory' stuff. I remember she used to tell people to put water in front of the tv and she would send her healing rays through the tv into the water. This is what I always think off when people bring this kinda weirdness up.
Sort of like Monsters Inc. 👹