r/SneerClub archives
The *true* rationalist knows that you can't criticize any idea until it's been implemented, obviously (https://twitter.com/ESYudkowsky/status/1320538814025138176)

Glad to see Elizier taking the brave position that any given proposal is by construction an improvement on the status quo, for any given status quo.

Except he doesn't even assert that but rather presents two trivial observations and leaves it up to reader to infer the clearly dumb take. A dumb take is fine, everyone makes them and that's pretty much what twitter is for, but just fucking say the thing rather than making me complicit in this confusion.
What has EY ever done to make you expect him to be anything less than maximally obscurantist about his points? This is the guy who wrote a million words of Harry Potter fanfic to explain why his ideology is correct.
The [~~politician's~~ rationalist's syllogism](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politician%27s_syllogism)
Wow, if only there were some sort of website dedicated to understanding logical fallacies and applying that knowledge to thinking more rationally. I bet people wouldn't be making stupid arguments like this if something like that existed.
So he’s finally come round on the basilisk being a good thing then, eh?

I like how he prefaces a non-point as “cruelly blunt.”

\*takes hit\* shit, this blunt is *cruel*

Matt, I don’t mean to be cruelly blunt about this, but you may have noticed that your current society does *not* run on a dictatorship of the proletariat, and that your current society isn’t doing too well

10/27/2020: Rationalists declare their support for a permanent worker’s revolution.

How does Yud know that nationalising all the US billionaires wealth won’t have positive results?

Seriously, this is a line of thought rather at odds with the stuff they constantly spout at MarxBro.

Nationalise the Basilisk!
From each according to their ability, to each according to how hard they worked to bring about the birth of the Basilisk.
"Eight rationalists wedgied for every dollar donated" -- Karl Marx

Oh good. It’s the “you can pay back the cost of a life” bullshit.

What kind of a poll is this even is?

Im just wondering who that one woman is who is getting both more than 30k per hour and getting 25% of all abortions.
That's what you call hustle.

‘Your society’ your?

E: vid of yud after he said this

Both are ridiculous; shrink the US population.