r/SneerClub archives

This is the comment that inspired the creation of /r/theschism because of how bad it is.

The utter lack of mod action confuses me. And then i saw the 35 upvotes.
Mmm. And they somehow still believe that the sub is filled with centrists.
I'm sure the month long ban will give the user time to remember he must keep his mask better affixed
Worse, they think that kind of thinking is rational or logical, instead of just plain archaic awful barbarism.
There is a [response higher up the thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/TheMotte/comments/ifiyso/culture_war_roundup_for_the_week_of_august_24_2020/g3e63mh/) - this lovely fellow was banned for a week, later upped to a month in light of his other comments.
Ah, thanks for correcting me, phew at least it is something.
**PHRENOLOGY SOCIETY (no racists allowed)** \*dusts hands\* That ought to keep the Nazis out.
Also looked at the guy's comment history. Doesn't he have a job? How does he have so much time on his hands? That subreddit's all overgrown man-children on the spectrum living off their parents' - isn't it? And from what I see on posts from SSC/Motte/IDW holy shit it's a porridge of bad statistics, bad psychology, bad faith arguments dressed up in fancy words. Peel back the jargon, and even middle schoolers will be ashamed of those word vomits.
Don't failsonshame.

I do like how his response to someone calling his post evil-even-by-themotte-standards is to say “actually it is you calling me evil that is the real low point for themotte”

Some highlights.

Why are you afraid of escalation against rabid dogs? We are not talking about an equal and separate nation here, which might be our friend or foe, we are talking about scum (in this case, picturesquely, wife beaters and sex-criminals) running rampant for no other reason, and with no deeper determination, than because they can.

When do you escalate, if not now? They will go on doing it until the red carpet is withdrawn.

So I don’t know what you’re talking about, except that you seem to resent a youth for defending his fellow citizens from predators, and to want to hold him responsible for their rabid inclination to attack anyone who defies their little state-sponsored reign of terror.

we are talking about scum (in this case, picturesquely, wife beaters and sex-criminals) running rampant for no other reason, and with no deeper determination, than because they can.

Check out how this paragraph better describes excessive force by law enforcement than the people they’re trying to describe.

in what universe are the BLM protests "state sponsored"
It’s become a sort of “meme” (I hate using that term given that the academic consensus is that “memes” aren’t a thing but whatever) in right wing and hard right circles because a handful of local mayors, police etc. stood on the BLM side - such as in Portland - against police brutality Apparently that means the riots and so on are “state-sponsored”...these people have driven themselves fucking nuts
US politics has always been nuts tbh. Look at the authoritarian slant after 9/11, the bombings by Clinton to distract the public from him having sex, the crazies buying up guns and ammo during Obama (which is back now btw, so even the crazies are betting against Trump). And im leaving so much stuff out. And the scary part is, due to US cultural hegemony, it is spreading.
> I hate using that term given that the academic consensus is that “memes” aren’t a thing but whatever what does this mean?
“Meme” is a coinage by Richard Dawkins which hypothesised that ideas could reproduce themselves in a similar way to “genes”. It produced a flurry of academic interest and became a phrase in the popular conscience, both in the form of the more colloquial internet memes thing, and in the more intellectual sense as a way of describing how people pick up ideas. But after the storm subsided “memetics” as a study was discredited by researchers, the only journal of the field shut down, and now the only people who talk seriously about “memes” as a unit of human thought are cranks and bloggers.
The og definition of meme was so bad that paintings count as memes iirc. Like a lof of dawkings things tbh.
Christ I’m happy I’ve forgotten so much of the stupid shit people tried to do with memetics In the UK we had the “psychologist” (I use the term loosely) trying to use it to discredit Islam and then manufacturing a controversy over the fact that some Muslim kids (understandably) peacefully walked out of her lecture It became one of those awful “free speech” causes celebre in the media out of absolutely fucking nothing because was at the tail end of the height of the New Atheism thing
I hadn't noticed, but damn it's uncanny. Even including the prevalence of domestic abuse among police officers.
It actually took me a minute to realize that's not what they were talking about.

The difference between the noble defender of America vs the rioters is truly no deeper than skin.

Literally. Black vs white. We all know white = good, and thousands of years of social programming surely cannot be wrong, chestertons fence n all.

Yes I’m mocking and being extremely sardonic. The real difference out there is one side was excited to kill and the other was protesting murder.

It’s super funny in the bleakest possible sense that the right-wing/self-identified-liberal response to the “rioter” who used his *own legal gun* to attempt to remove the kid’s *illegal gun* after said kid *fucking killed people with it* was to say “how dare that rioter brandish a gun at the murderer” but it’s also all so desperately predictable
As the saying goes, mildly discomfort a liberal and a fascist whines.

I have spent enough time on the internet to know that a certain type of forum (free speech, anything goes) that fetishizes their IQ attract the worst of racist scum.

As always, Scott is smarter than he realizes: "a place that dissuades witch-hunts will consist of 3 principled libertarians and 300 witches"
“And by deed even if not in word I have sided with the witches”

What’s the meme that’s like:

Hitler: I have killed a Jewish family.
Liberal: I am crying and shaking rn. This is so unbelievable. Nevertheless, that’s YOUR opinion and you have a right to it.
Hitler: I will kill again.
Liberal: Unfortunately I have to block you now, even though as said you are entitled to your views,


Haven't seen that one but [I guess this is related](https://imgur.com/4QyLn9V).
As I said the other day this is an absolutely classic that deserves to get aired much more, especially atm