r/SneerClub archives
A deep insight no one has made before /s (https://i.redd.it/jvtxdqo3ray51.jpg)


sneering is a human right

edit; sneering at aella is so fucking easy bc all you have to do is go to her twitter feed bc it’s two dogshit takes for every inch of phone screen. living proof against the idea that acid expands your mind

In Britain, every columnist just huffs the mould from their walls to achieve the same effect. Christ, our media is awful.
No disagreement Check out @brokenbottleboy on twitter, AKA Mic Wright I’ve been following his substack for a while now
Except DMT. I'm pretty sure DMT actually does come with bad opinions built-in.
DMT is perfectly fine as long as you go in knowing that everything that's about to happen to you is entirely in your own head. It's when you start believing that what you saw has relevance outside of what it can tell you about yourself that things start going very, very wrong. DMT can be pretty interesting but it really is not a toy, and there definitely are plenty of people who should never come within 5 meters of the stuff (e.g Alex Jones).
5 meters is 5.47 yards
Good bot
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...good bot?
Never tried it. Heard good and bad things depending on who was the one I was hearing.
Its not about psychedelics, but I had an internet acquitance go full manic (he has had a bunch of substance abuse problems, but that may or may not be relevant) and its kind of scary how weird it can get. He went from "Annoying guy who gets a bit creepy when drunk" to "Literally thinking he had the most important insight ever, was bigger than Jesus and needed to get Trump on the phone so he could share his relevation and "cure him of his evil" (also proclaimed himself a "bisexual God" and tried to organize an orgy). Like, your brain is fucking weird. Sometimes it just breaks.
In my experience it’s usually a stress response when something like that happens. I’ve talked down good friends from that kind of thing often enough to empathise with the person who is almost always just breaking down under their own suffering. Other friends have become no longer friends for refusing to be talked down.
Yeah, full-on bipolar disorder manias are *no joke* and i'd guess your friend has substance abuse problems because they're self-medicating against the bipolar. So relevant in one sense but probably not making the mania worse, if you take my meaning?
Yeah, probably. The thing is he was abusing alcohol badly (and went ina ndout of treatment, etc) and then decided to switch to cannabis because its better (fair enough) only he ended up A) Just using both and B) doing so much pot he actually had to go to the hospital because he started vomiting his guts out. (which none of us other people knew even was a thing that could happen...) At some point after this he had the first really manic break (in hindsight it was obviously he had "ups" and "downs" earlier, but this was the first itme he became completely unhinged from reality)
Man I just looked DOC up and - what the fuck? 24 hours trip? How did you come out in one piece? I already get annoyed when acid doesn't completely wear off after 6 hours, can't imagine skipping a night's worth of sleep over it
(A) I rarely come out of anything in one piece (B) It was more like 16 hours and I was young enough and supplied with enough MDMA to get through the last part (C) I got to see Kanye when he wasn’t a *complete* asshole in the process


Did you not read the sticky? Fuck off, dude.

Like, your [family] supports a well intentioned policy

OK, so they’re not consequentialists this week?

theres worse takes on her feed to be sneering about than this, she’s referencing leftist twitter attacking katy perry for CoNsoLinG her trump supporting family lol

Honestly, I feel bad for her. Growing up in one cult only to end up in another subculture that resembles a cult.

Also, this will be sneerworthy/a hot take, but her early work in gnome predicament scenarios showed genuine potential and creativity. It’s a real pity that potential was squandered.

No, that “subculture” absolutely is a cult
I'm being charitable in that description because I'd rather have this correction from you than get into an argument with a Rationalist who will complain about how it hurts their feelings to see their positive lifestyle described as a cult.
OK that’s pretty funny
What's her story? And gnomes... dare I ask?
Thanks for bringing me up to speed despite your preference for sneering at others.
Well I also got in a few sneers there too
The other dude got most of it correct, but honestly her posts were that exact level of internet weirdness that appeals to le typical redditor. She could've been Belle Delphine before Belle Delphine was a thing, if circumstances had been different, but instead she threw her hat in with a mediocre blogger/fanfiction author.

This is just a variant of the ‘if you call everybody a nazi you devalue the word nazi’ thing all over again. Which tends to get used to defend the neo-nazis/racists/human rights violaters depending on the variant.

Which just reminds me of Scott Adamns bad takes.

Intentions are important but it’s so easy to hide behind them. Not like the Republicans are well intentioned anyway

is this about american war crimes again? 😒

Spelling the word “family” correctly is very difficult

“human rights” is a really powerful phrase

Always struck me as a crock of shit really. But whatever serves our purposes.


Please don’t do that shit
Oops sorry. Wouldn't you want to hear her defend herself?
This is SneerClub, not DebateClub.
Well said
Listen, I have no interest in hearing the specific self-defense mechanisms of a psychedelically confuscated camgirl with extremely dodgy politics on this subreddit. I already talk to people like that in person every day, and I usually keep my mouth shut because sometimes I am very very tired of people whose primary goal in life is to have chaotic opinions. Put me in a seminar or some shit and sure, I’ll give my considered response to a considered opinion, but unlike some of my previous incarnations on reddit in my free time I am at this point completely unwilling to get into a debate with somebody who doesn’t know anything just because they’re famous for taking their clothes off for money. That isn’t me shitting on sex-workers btw: some of my best friends are or have been sex workers (yeah yeah I know, the “some of my best friends” thing), it’s me shitting on people who are only taken seriously on things that they frankly know fuck all about because they have a significant social media profile and a barrage of thirsty idiots desperate for their opinion. I would say the same thing about client journalists like Robert Peston. As /u/BewareTheSphere correctly points out this isn’t DebateClub, and I would add that I hated debate clubs as far back as middle school.
> That isn’t me shitting on sex-workers btw uh >just because they’re famous for taking their clothes off for money Look, I get the frustration, I am _also_ completely fucking done debating self-important assholes like this, but if you don't want to shit on sex workers, maybe don't bring up that she's a sex worker in a sentence about why she's shit if it's not relevant to why she's shit? :/ Other than that, yeah, 100% the right attitude to have towards these folks.
This is straightforward: she is known for a job - which is a legitimate profession - which has nothing to do with her political opinions. Her politics are entirely unrelated to her reputation but her reputation gives her cache with primarily guys who buy in to her politics. As I pointed out, I would say *exactly* the same thing about a (Male) journalist like Robert Peston because I don’t see a significant difference between the professions themselves - only a difference between how individual people *within* any profession go about using their clout.
Maybe I'm just vastly underestimating how internet famous she is, I dunno. 😅
Trust me, she's plenty famous. It's hard *not* to run into her shitty takes if you spend just a little time on twitter, I've had to mute her.
Here's why I believe your post had some problematic elements: Sex workers are a group of people that are commonly discriminated against in our society. People that discriminate against sex workers often discredit their personhood outside of their sex work with phrases like "lol why would I care what somebody who takes their clothes off for money". As a result, I think it is reasonable to interpret your post as disregarding her opinions in part because she is a sex worker. Even if this is not what you meant. Even if you would speak similarly about other professions, because those other professions are not commonly discriminated against the same way. I think you could express what you mean without allowing for misinterpretation if you phrased it like "I don't want to debate people that are only relevant because of their Internet following from unrelated work" if you want to be super careful, or if you don't want to try too hard to avoid bringing up her profession just call it "sex work" instead of "dropping clothes for money". Am I making sense? P.s. Thanks for coming to debate club
I wanted to make a long understanding post but I actually got kind of frustrated with your argument while I was thinking it through Listen: I totally understand your point, and I get the point that somebody reading what I said might interpret my phrasing as discriminatory However, I have had long late night chats with one of my best friends who happens to be both a stripper and a union organiser for sex workers in general, and she is consistently contemptuous of this sort of language policing Not only that, but she and I share a number of friends and acquaintances who are *also* sex workers of various kinds, and they are all magnificently foul-mouthed and equally contemptuous of the idea that somebody as successful as a sex worker as this Aella person is could be deservedly hurt by the notion that she is being genuinely discriminated against when I am dismissive of the fact that she considers herself to be politically important because she is popular primarily because she is good at taking pictures of herself naked: it’s a job I understand that there are shitty people who make shitty comments that are dismissive of sex workers, but I am confident enough in myself and my own judgements and in *my friends* to say that Aella is a horrible shithead who has ridden high in rationalist twitter because her job gives her undeserved clout beyond its prospectus: just like Robert Peston
You’re new here, huh?