r/SneerClub archives

Fucking hell.

“In my view, murdering a woman who committed paternity fraud is as morally justifiable as murdering a rapist or racist, violent KKK member”

Almost reflex downvoted.
Yeah, but imagine your Personal Breeding Unit giving birth and the kid has the wrong shaped skull. Not only have you been CUCKED, but your perfidious femoid has brought into the world a low IQ individual. Unfit to be a professional computer toucher and internet rationalist. A dullard. Needless to say such incidents spell certain death for The West and our inevitable subjugation by collectivist Asiatics.

Ladies, having his child is the highest honor you can give your man!

Sorry about littering this posts comments, I’m honestly surprised that TheMotte has managed to become more of a cesspool than it already was.

I mean what are they going to push for next? Rolling back the idea that thieves shouldn’t be mutilated as punishment? Reinstating public hangings? Making rape victims marry their rapists?

You have to appreciate the fact that TheMotte is debating honor killings and I’m not sure which side of the “debate” is receiving more support.

Paternity tests are banned in France though except when ordered by a judge.
I have placed my bets on 'ritual burning of widows'.

Dear Motters,

You claim that immigrants must assimilate and abandon their barbaric culture.

Yet you have come up with justifications for honor killings.


Ooh here’s another one that’s very rationalist.

“But, I have some empathy for the contrary position (murdering spouses)”

Good correction, I accidentally reduced the amount of sexism on display.

Raising kids that aren’t biologically your own is the child raising equivalent of being a junkie, in that the mechanisms that make someone do that are faulty to do so in an analogous manner to how opioid receptors exist for reasons other than shooting up.

I’m standing in the streets, shouting at passers-by “make offspring with your chromosomes, all else is futile.” Nobody listens to me, but I speak truth.

“i can’t figure out why women are repulsed by our movement! perhaps it’s some kind of genetic defect in their ladybrains. as the extremely high iq superscientist james damore once wrote….” - literally every the_motter reading that thread

And after someone says (very politely) that reinventing honour killing is nuts they reveal why these spouses deserve to be murdered.

“• ⁠She would rather have his dick.

• ⁠She couldn’t (or wouldn’t) get his support for the consequences.

• ⁠She sees the cuckolder as a useful workmule to do the duty someone else should have done.”

Quoting a neo-nazi pickupartist. GG themotte.

E: just to be clear heartiste aka roissy is a neonazi. (As in he hates ((them)) and black people and is worries about how they are destroying western civ. No idea why this guy went there from being a PUA person btw. And, forget rooshv, roissy is the one all these pua types refer back to).

but I don’t have an intuition for what facts would sway me to get over my bias and vote to acquit.

Why would anybody need such an intuition. You’re doing the both-sides thing on murder. Listen: my own uncle was literally convicted of murdering his own gay lover in a crime of passion - and I’m the first gay person in the next generation of the family, such as it matters - and what the fuck centrist and/or fascist bullshit has to go through your head to think it wasn’t blatantly a wrong?

that's mere subject matter thinking; the truly big brained high IQ super-rationalist has to BAYES OUT if eliminating the perfidious WOMZ because she wouldn't go out with him is wrong

You’d think that a group that takes such pride in spreading their influence through knowledge and culture would recognize that there’s more to leaving a legacy through parenting than literal genetic material?

Can’t wait for the alt-right amateur filmmakers club to adapt this thread into a remake of 12 Angry Men.

broke: violent fantasies

woke: violent fantasies in third person

bespoke: thought experiments where you do jury duty and they have you judge your violent fantasies and you let them off

Especially how infidelity can lead to crimes of passion.

I feel like this is missing a step or two. Like, what, a woman has another penis in them and then suddenly a crime of passion just happens? At the risk of attracting the ire of all the rationalists who are convinced that this is just a nonsense SJW buzzword, this sure sounds like rape culture.

They would argue that this isnt a culture thing but a genetic thing. Which is also why they get so mad at people with the cuckoldry fetish, which just counters their narrative. So to deal with this problem they are arguing that the cuckoldt fetish isnt 'natural' it is actually caused by a virus. (Toxioplasmosis keeps cropping up, so much so that i personally consider using that word a small red flag). All because they cant accept the idea that some things are cultural.

Parenthood(n): one of the highest honors a woman can bestow upon a man. It’s a testament to our pluralistic society that you can walk around with a head chock-full of weirdass ideas and still be something of a normal human.

Also, natural children are useful for organ donation.