r/SneerClub archives
..says the woman who made 400k selling herself as the maven of rationalism with lukewarm takes and nudes to beta-orbiter simps online? (https://i.redd.it/34k1x8mwlwy51.jpg)

Once again, let’s cool it on the Aella posts, (not that this isn’t a garbage opinion in itself)

I also hope this isn't a subreddit where posts start having titles with phrases such as "beta-orbiter simps"
I genuinely did not even notice but I agree
here to sneer on her and her fans, dunk
my bad I didnt realise how aella oriented this sub was getting! low hanging fruit lol
Why? Is our bandwidth limited?
Good posts exist in categories which are in competition with other posts for merit Or in other words: don’t clog up my sub with the same old shit to the point we just become an Aella subreddit
she boring as hell

I mean I was with her… until the very end. Pointlessly comparing against racism, I mean despite her dislike of the privilege Olympics, she’s a star and clearly believes in it.

Slight story time, I like Dan Harman - yes the Rick and morty guy. I listened to Harmon town his podcast until he cancelled it. He hated racism. His pointed thought is if you’re proud of the color of your skin, then you have nothing else worth talking about. He also put a lot of ego weight into being talented. And white privilege sucks because he wants to be the best because he is, not because someone lowered the bar because of his race. It’s of course more complex than that - feed back loops - and he realizes that. I still like that sentiment: white privilege diminishes his accomplishments.

What warped and stunted experience must a person have for attractiveness to be the biggest unspoken and unseen social motivator.

You’d have to have avoided any form of advertisement, literature, schooling, or human interaction.

Harry Potter, a children’s book series, has multiple main characters facing difficulties due to their appearance. These are among the most popular and widely-read novels ever. The story of the ugly duckling is probably told to every child in the English-speaking world, with cultural equivalents in every other.

Jesus H. Christ. This gormless pillock.

There also is piles of research on this subject btw. So I dont get why she would think this is unspoken at all.

Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

Well, okay, I mean, even then we’re dealing with a very basic, very obvious statement and treating it like it’s somehow “unspoken” or “fresh knowledge” (i.e. exactly how rationalists treat anything they didn’t already know).

But yeah, the comparison to racism is just… what

I started with just the highlighted part and was like “oh she must be talking about class disparity”, then I read backward

Seems pretty dumb to post about racial privilege and perceived attractiveness as though those are two totally independent categories that could never interact with each other

I don’t know what other dumb opinions this person may have, but I think this is a good take, tho using a lot to say a little. Study after study has shown that people rated as less attractive receive much longer prison sentences for the same crimes, just as one example of what I’ve heard called “pretty privilege.” You’re not wrong to observe “well, duh” but this is miles ahead of some of the drivel we sneer on here.

edit: ok now I’m sneering. How gross.

It’s that finish about how unimportant ‘racial disparity’ is that makes me wonder if it’s a good faith argument at all
She's pretty fucking racist. After reddit banned the terf subs and some racist ones, she went super mask off on facebook, which I documented here: (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/hvw75m/aella_goes_maskoff_on_facebook/). She's the blue person in those screenshots.
It isn’t, she’s documented as a racist and it’s been posted to that effect on here before
Some of her other dumb takes can be found here (https://www.reddit.com/r/SneerClub/comments/hvw75m/aella_goes_maskoff_on_facebook/). After reddit banned some of the awful subreddits a few months ago, she went pretty mask-off on facebook. I blotted her facebook name out with blue on those screenshots.

Talk about a self aware wolf.


I remember a woman posting about getting catcalled and Cowen replied something like "enjoy being young and attractive!". It was unsettling.
What i fibd interesting is that iirc the ”pretty adcantage” is greater for men than women

So let’s say, hypothetically, that hot privilege, hypothetically, was bigger than racial disparity, hypothetically. And then let’s say that you knew this, hypothetically, and made a living, hypothetically, by selling feet pics nudes online. That would mean, hypothetically, that you knew there was discrimination going on, hypothetically, but chose to profit from it instead of fighting it, hypothetically. So, in this hypothetical situtation, what makes you, hypothetically, any better than the runner of a private prison or, hypothetically, a member of the KKK?

Hmm, she’s pretty.